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02-28-2007, 12:28 PM
That 120k figure doesn't wash for what even morning drive personalities are paid in this market. Especially a Citadel station. She had to be doing lots of other things on the side to make 120k a year.


Yeah, that number hit me really hard too. TV anchor Tammy Payne was making 98k when she left. I was thinking if radio paid like that, OMG, I wasted my life killing myself in computer programming, when I could have just run my mouth for a living.

02-28-2007, 08:20 PM
As like Peewee I was planning to watch it but was called out for an ambulance call so I did not see the interview. However I just went to the channel 4 website and they had a script of the interview. The script was interesting to read and they did say Linda had a way to contact her.

Peewee your post was a good one and feel the same way.

03-01-2007, 07:17 AM
OKLAHOMA CITY -- Lisa Mirick, one of the top DJ's in Oklahoma City made her career by attracting a large audience to her "Lisa and Ron" morning show. She almost destroyed it with an on-air tirade two years ago but, she survived that episode. So why, seven months ago, did she suddenly disappear from the radio and what has she been doing since then? NewsChannel 4's Linda Cavanaugh goes one on one with Lisa Mirick with more on the phone call that changed her life.
A single radio is Lisa Mirick's only connection to her former career.
"You can't listen if you're sad. I think that shows that I'm coming around because I can listen now. And I wasn't able to," Mirick says.
She was the queen of Oklahoma City radio. Now her throne is a chair in the home she's being forced to vacate.
"I'm going to miss this place," Lisa says.
She had a successful career at the KATT and KRXO.
Her fall from grace began when she was at the BOB FM. Alcohol and drug abuse fueled an on-air breakdown. Police responded to, what was described as, a profanity laced tirade.
Lisa left for rehab. Two years ago she was determined to make things work.
"This was bottom, etc.," Mirick says.
Things did not go as planned. Seven months ago, Lisa disappeared from the air and for the first time, she talks about what happened.
She says her problems started when she left KRXO radio for BOB FM. She says she was never happy.
"And you know what? This story is absolute proof that money isn't everything," Lisa explains. "I was making more money than I had ever made in my life and became completely, completely to my core miserable. I couldn't stand myself."
"How much were you making?" Linda Cavanaugh asks.

"$120,000 a year, working 25 hours a week," Lisa responds
Alcohol once again became her sedative.
Linda asks, "When did you turn to your addiction again?"
"I started drinking myself to sleep. Then I had to start taking things to sleep. Once that started, it started the whole process of medicating my self into oblivion," Mirick explains.
She took Loritab.
Then seven months ago she made the phone call that changed her life.
"I ended up going on a bender. I stayed drunk all weekend. God, this is so hard to say, you know. I basically called in the next Monday and I said, "I quit. I can't take it." And I can tell you this, I am happier not being in that situation," Lisa says.
She's been off the air since. Now she is unemployed. It's been hard.
"When a man loves a woman; there's a line that Meg Ryan says. This sums it up, "I just want to feel good for five minutes," Lisa recalls.
"And you don't," Linda says.
Lisa is 45-years-old. Her hair is falling out and she's still in counseling.
"You've lost a lot. What's at the top of the list?" Linda asks.
"Oh, God, The first is my reputation. I've damaged it badly. Credibility; they're not material things. I can tell you that," Lisa says. "Sorry about the mess. I'm obviously moving."
She has few material things left. She's sold most of her belongings and her cell phone has been cut off. Addiction was expensive and so was rehab.
"These are the things I'm taking," Lisa points out.
"You've been in rehab twice. What would you say to someone who is thinking about hiring you to make them think you could do this again?" Linda asks Lisa.
"I could see where I could be an "iffy" proposition and they'd have to take a chance. But, I would just say, ‘Give me that chance,'" Lisa says.
It's the chance she's now hoping for. She has her family, her dogs, Gus and Teddy, and determination to make it work this time.
"Are you clean now?" Linda asks.
Lisa replies, "Yes."
"Can you stay that way?" asks Linda.
"Yes," Lisa says.
Cavanaugh asks Lisa, "When you look in a mirror, do you like who you see?"

"I'm starting to," Lisa replies.
"Anything you want to say to people?" Linda says.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I let a lot of people down," Lisa says.

She's sits watching her world and her career go by, wondering if she'll get either back.

"I'm moving in with my sister. I'm just going to start at the bottom somewhere," Lisa explains.
"How do you start at the bottom and work your way up from that?" Linda asks.
"I'm going to start working again. I don't care where it is. Anybody out there wants to give me a job, like I say, ‘I've got a degree in public relations. I like to work with animals," Lisa says.

Linda asks, "You don't have any money?"
"No," replies Lisa.
"No house?" Linda asks.
"You've lost everything?" Linda asks.
I still have Gus and Teddy and I still have me. Linda, the thing about drugs and alcohol is they kill. Thankfully, I'm still here," Lisa explains.

Lisa's pride in surviving stems, in part, from the fact that her roommate in rehab, a school teacher, has since died of an overdose.

If you'd like to contact Lisa, you can send an e-mail to and she will pass it along to her.

03-01-2007, 08:39 AM
I did e-mail a message to Lisa and I got a reply that Linda would hand deliver her messages to her. I hope she gets swamped with encouragements and job offers. I support anyone that knows their demons and try to face the head on,even if it takes a lifetime to control them. At least maybe her public confessions will help somebody else to seek help before they hit rock bottom.

03-01-2007, 09:00 AM
In the interview,she never mentioned her husband so I assume he is an ex now, because she said she was going to move in with her younger sister. Now she use to say that they didn't get along all that well because her father favored her alot because she was the baby. Now that she is sober again, maybe they came become good friends besides just sisters. I don't know the circumstances on her marriage but it seems to me(my personal opinion only) that he didn't take the vows "for better or worse" very seriously. Like I said, I lived with an alcholic for 19 yrs before I had to throw in the towel so I do have experience with the subject.

03-01-2007, 10:26 PM
I have a close friend who has known Lisa for many years. She has some serious issues she needs to address and work through and part of her problem stems from family issues. Since she said she was going to live with her sister, I hope her sister helps her out because Lisa has always helped her family out when it was needed. She was the most successful person in her family and she needs them more than anything right now. If you listened to her closely over the years, you could tell she was on a roller coaster ride. She has had addiction problems for years starting all the way back to her first husband, who was apparently not faithful to her and had some very expensive tastes. Her close friends have tried to help but as most of us know, you can't help someone who isn't willing to help themselves. If you want to see what type of financial trouble she has been in go to OSCN: The Oklahoma Supreme Court Network ( and look up MIRICK in the Oklahoma County court dockets. (On a side note, one of her former co-workers (a friend) has said that Lisa was caught with forged prescriptions for pain killers). Painkiller addiction is a very common problem in this society that is hidden...Lisa's was just exposed...she is really no different than the rest of us except her life was an open on the radio every morning. I hope she gets some good help and gets back on track. She has a lot to give.

03-02-2007, 03:59 AM
I don't think she has learned yet how to make herself happy and until that happens,she will alway be in some kind of head spin. My thoughts are,she always depended on a man or family to make her happy instead of looking inside to see what she really needed to make her self happy and proud. Maybe she is headed in the right direction. Your right about her life being an open book, I feel as if she has been a friend of mine ever sense I first started listening to BOB. She was never shy about telling people about what was going on with her ex pilot husband or her family and at that time, her current husband. I feel like I have lived thru all of this with her and now that she did the interview with Linda, I'm ready and able to go thru the rest with her. By the way, I have never met Lisa but I still feel as if she is a friend just because she is so open about everything.

03-02-2007, 05:35 PM
I agree with your point about the newsworthy issue. Not sure what we were supposed to gain from the Linda Cavanaugh interview with Lisa Mirick other than HEY EVERYBODY - LOOK AT OUR OWN LOCAL TRAINWRECK! Interesting it shows up on tv while the rest of world is seeing/talking about the drug habits of Anna Nicole Smith and Brittany Spears. Suppose KFOR was trying to show some local connection??

03-02-2007, 05:50 PM
I agree with your point about the newsworthy issue. Not sure what we were supposed to gain from the Linda Cavanaugh interview with Lisa Mirick other than HEY EVERYBODY - LOOK AT OUR OWN LOCAL TRAINWRECK! Interesting it shows up on tv while the rest of world is seeing/talking about the drug habits of Anna Nicole Smith and Brittany Spears. Suppose KFOR was trying to show some local connection??

Several things. Among them, the fact that February is sweeps month, and the typical predominatly liberal news media attempting to use sensationalism for us to feel sorry for her.

She made her own bed. Now she should lie in it. In other words, she went machugana on the air. Therefore, she deserves to lose everything she had including her career.

03-02-2007, 05:56 PM
She made her own bed. Now she should lie in it. In other words, she went machugana on the air. Therefore, she deserves to lose everything she had including her career.

What a cruel and insensitive thing to say.

03-03-2007, 04:27 AM
I with you Karried, I'm sure glad I'm not related to this guy because it sounds like he has a perfect life and never has made any mistakes. Must be nice to be perfect and can judge others. Or maybe it hits to close to home for him so lets lash out at Lisa because she was open and up front and just maybe she might help someone else see where they are headed with their addiction.

03-03-2007, 08:05 AM
I with you Karried, I'm sure glad I'm not related to this guy because it sounds like he has a perfect life and never has made any mistakes. Must be nice to be perfect and can judge others. Or maybe it hits to close to home for him so lets lash out at Lisa because she was open and up front and just maybe she might help someone else see where they are headed with their addiction.

Yes. I make mistakes. However, I do not go maschugana in a radio studio while on the air. Nor am I now or ever been an illegal drug addict. The only drug I have ever come close to abusing is alcohol.

She knew better than to do what she did. So, as far as I am concerned, she is washed up in the broadcasting industry.

03-03-2007, 08:52 AM
For one thing, she did the radio maschugana(as you call it)the first time, even the radion station and her fans forgave her for that because she sought help and moved on. The second time, she quit on her own,she did not do anything on the air. Alot of drunks and drug addicts have become very famous people and do alot of good in the world,not that Lisa will but who is to say. I guess I'm just a different kind of person, I can forgive more than once and I try not to judge people to harshly, for who knows, maybe someday I might need to be forgiven for something in my lifetime....not only once but maybe twice

03-03-2007, 09:07 AM
For one thing, she did the radio maschugana(as you call it)the first time, even the radion station and her fans forgave her for that because she sought help and moved on. The second time, she quit on her own,she did not do anything on the air. Alot of drunks and drug addicts have become very famous people and do alot of good in the world,not that Lisa will but who is to say. I guess I'm just a different kind of person, I can forgive more than once and I try not to judge people to harshly, for who knows, maybe someday I might need to be forgiven for something in my lifetime....not only once but maybe twice

The main demographics for that station are liberals, and liberals believe in hug theorapy, which is one way of saying they blow things off. So she got help. Big deal. That does not give her the right to go machugana on the air. It is rare when a drug addict or dealer (not accusing) goes straight. Not everyone is a Tim Allen or one of my close relatives.

If I was in a hiring position in the broadcast industry, she would be barred from employment at any of my stations. Who knows? She may just be one of these people who will say anything to play the sympathy angle, then do it again. Personally, I do not take those chances with people.

NE Oasis
03-03-2007, 09:58 AM
The main demographics for that station are liberals, and liberals believe in hug theorapy, which is one way of saying they blow things off. So she got help. Big deal. That does not give her the right to go machugana on the air. It is rare when a drug addict or dealer (not accusing) goes straight. Not everyone is a Tim Allen or one of my close relatives.

If I was in a hiring position in the broadcast industry, she would be barred from employment at any of my stations. Who knows? She may just be one of these people who will say anything to play the sympathy angle, then do it again. Personally, I do not take those chances with people.

To paraphrase a Linda Rondstat tune: "poor poor pitiful you"

03-03-2007, 08:42 PM
Several things. Among them, the fact that February is sweeps month, and the typical predominatly liberal news media attempting to use sensationalism for us to feel sorry for her.

She made her own bed. Now she should lie in it. In other words, she went machugana on the air. Therefore, she deserves to lose everything she had including her career.
Ouch...that was rather harsh.

03-03-2007, 08:55 PM
Wow, some rather harsh things said in this thread. The whole Lisa saga is not newsworthy to me, but the caustic comments are pretty sad. Who was it that said, "Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone?" Oh, yeah. Come on, mranderson, I still think you are a better man than what you show us all here at times.


03-03-2007, 09:06 PM
Wow, some rather harsh things said in this thread. The whole Lisa saga is not newsworthy to me, but the caustic comments are pretty sad. Who was it that said, "Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone?" Oh, yeah. Come on, mranderson, I still think you are a better man than what you show us all here at times.


Most people who meet me in person have a totally different opinion of me, although what I tell you about my experiences and thoughts are quite accurate.

I truly feel the woman brought all this on herself. She is now crying in self pitty. Well... Boo-hoo. She should have thought about the consequnices of her actions first.

03-03-2007, 09:23 PM
Most people who meet me in person have a totally different opinion of me

ahhh, the anonymity of the internet..

Yeah, it's really safe behind a computer monitor where you can hide behind a screen with no worry of ramifications.

I truly feel the woman brought all this on herself. She is now crying in self pitty. Well... Boo-hoo. She should have thought about the consequnices of her actions first.

Something we should all think about..

Even on this board it's hard to feel compassion for posters who constantly complain about other posters insulting them when they 'bring it on themselves'.