View Full Version : New Radio Station Coming Soon...

06-21-2006, 02:13 PM

06-21-2006, 02:26 PM
That's a stunning website they have. ;)

06-21-2006, 05:51 PM
There's a lot to be said for simplicity.

Are they actually applying for an LPFM license? I didn't find anything about them at the FCC's query box.

06-21-2006, 07:40 PM
Windowphobe, you're mistaking simplicity with lack of content. But, I'm not bashing, just making a light-hearted jab.

So Moondog, what format will this station be?

06-21-2006, 08:45 PM
What is Air America or something like it finally rearing its ugly head in okc?

06-21-2006, 10:00 PM
From the links on the website, it's some leftwing nutball yahoo that wishes to build a radio station.

You know what they say.. you can wish in one hand...

06-21-2006, 10:45 PM
Just out of curiosity, I listened to Air America on XM for an afternoon. I wanted to see if they offered the same type of content that conservative listeners get from conservative radio hosts.

I expected to hear talk shows that offered good content and analysis of politics and current events from the liberal point of view. Instead, I heard nothing but dry corny jokes and a slam fest of different politicians. It was as if it was a bad Saturday Night Live sketch. The callers were whiners and complainers only a select few offered a debatable point of view.

Air America should have thoroughly dissected the conservative talk shows, built on what they were doing right, and perfected what they were doing wrong.

The only thing I learned from Air America was that I should hate conservatives and everything they stand for. I should humiliate them every chance I get and I should treat them second-class citizens.

06-23-2006, 10:49 AM
Oddly enough, I found out about this station on the TulsaNow site.

A few years back, the FCC decided to allow community organizations the opportunity to obtain licenses for low-power fm stations. There is apparently some sort of anti-war organization here in town that is applying for such a license. I was just bringing the news here to this board because I thought it was strange that TulsaNow's forum would have this information; something you'd think we'd have heard of here first.

Just out of curiosity, I listened to Air America on XM for an afternoon. I wanted to see if they offered the same type of content that conservative listeners get from conservative radio hosts.

I expected to hear talk shows that offered good content and analysis of politics and current events from the liberal point of view. Instead, I heard nothing but dry corny jokes and a slam fest of different politicians. It was as if it was a bad Saturday Night Live sketch. The callers were whiners and complainers only a select few offered a debatable point of view.

Air America should have thoroughly dissected the conservative talk shows, built on what they were doing right, and perfected what they were doing wrong.

The only thing I learned from Air America was that I should hate conservatives and everything they stand for. I should humiliate them every chance I get and I should treat them second-class citizens.

That's funny. The few times I've listened to conservative talk radio, they were doing the same things you described above! But instead, it was "You should hate liberals, and everything they stand for. Hillary Clinton! Ted Kennedy! Bill Clinton! Clinton! Clinton! Clinton! I mean, I just couldn't help but laugh because they were still ragging on Clinton FIVE years after he'd left the white house! (I think it was Rush I was listening to...) I mean, could he not think of a new person to pick on? I thought it was funny, and a little sad, too.

My (ahem) favorite was this conservative host named Michael Savage, who told an apparently gay caller "to go to a bath house, get aids and die." Real nice. I thought conservatives were supposed to be the "Godly" folks. And conservatives eat this guy up and others like him as if what they say is scripture or something.

I'm not saying your description of Air America is wrong -- in fact, I think you hit the nail on the head. But I doubt you'll ever hear anyone on Air America, calling for a person to go get AIDS. That's just sick.

Personally, I think pundits of any kind are really hurting the country. We're in a time when we should all be trying to work together, instead of trying to destroy each other.

06-23-2006, 06:05 PM
I am not big on Savage because he is egotistical idiot that thinks he is right about everything and he is not.

Rush I can handle in small doses but I cannot listen to him from start to finish. I hate his tendency to dwell on certain issues. His sometimes-snobbish attitude gets on my nerves a little.

Glenn Beck is one of my favorites because he does not only talk about politics. He is not afraid to admit he is not perfect. He does everything he can to inform and entertain at same time.

The only other two I really listened to non-stop was Mark Shannon and Ron Black. They were the only two hosts not afraid to step off the party line and call something BS when it was BS.

Now that they are not on the air OKC voters are getting cheated on political coverage. The only thing local viewers and listeners are getting is window dressing when it comes to political news.

Local TV and Radio seem to be afraid to ruffle any feathers right now because they need the political ad revenue.