View Full Version : Co-Workers dress like hookers.

06-15-2006, 10:24 PM
I am really glad that none of my co-workers know about this site, because I am just about to reveal something that has really bothered me for some time.

I work in an office with 8 women. Most of them are very attractive, however, there are a few that are obese. The ones that are attractive know it, and try to flaunt it all the time. I work in a City office, so dress code is normally very closely watched.

First of all, I am not attracted to any of these ladies...some single, some married. They may have outward beauty, but they have proven time and time again, that their inward beauty is lacking.

Most of these ladies are top heavy (big breasts), so they all enjoy wearing blouses that show their cleavage...except for the obese one (thank goodness). Many times I have noticed (you can't keep from it) that parts of their boobs are almost hanging out. All they need is some heavy make up and they would look like prostitutes.

One of the ladies has very small breats, and she is the worst one. Heck, she might as well not wear a shirt some days, because her blouse is cut so low, there is nothing left to imagination. None of this stuff turns me on, and I have complained to my boss about it. He says that they are just "immature," and that one of these days it will catch up with them.

Today, one of the ladies wore a dress so tight, that I don't know how she even got it on. Then, when she came to my desk to ask me something, she bent over and I got an eye full. Her blouse was very low cut, and she almost plopped out of her bra. Her only problem....she is grossly over weight, and she thinks she looks sexy, but it is so gross to see a heavy woman wear something that is too small.

We have a 21 year old, short, blonde, female that started working in our office about 9 months ago. When she first went to work in our office, she was very slim and attractive. In the last nine months, you can tell that she has really gained weight (from sitting behind a desk), and she still squeezes (and I mean squeezes) in to her jeans that she wore when she first started working in our office.

Get this......two months ago, she decided that her boobs were too small, so she chose to have cosmetic surgery and have some implants put in. She was off for several days to recuperate. Unfortunately, for her, insurancxe does not cover boob jobs, or other types of cosmetic surgery. So, she paid $1500.00 and her parents paid $1500.00 so that she could have bigger boobs.

When she came back to work, she was wanting to get my opinion on her "new look." I comment. One of the other guys that works the night shift told me that she asked him the same question. He also did not comment. She was sore for a couple of weeks, and she was quick to remind me WHY she was sore.

Most men and women know what happens when a woman's breast gets cold...something shows through their bra....kind of like a wet t-shirt contest, without the water. This is an everyday occurrence in my office.

So, I work in an office with a bunch of ladies that are proud of their "features," and are willing to be very "revealing" about it.

06-15-2006, 10:52 PM
Keith, can you be sure they do not know about this site? You might get :fighting3 LOL

06-15-2006, 11:08 PM
I am probably going to catch flack for this but here goes....

I have noticed that almost every job I have held that the women tend to get away with more than the men do especially when you have a male supervisor in place. It is almost as if they are afraid to discipline the women out of fear a harassment charge or they do not want their flirting privileges revoked.

The workplace in my opinion should be one of a few places you act like a mature adult. You treat everyone with respect, dress professionally and keep the drama off the job. (IE: Your personal issues stay out of the office, if you date a coworker the relationship stays professional until after hours.)

I for one do not care for the hooker look. My personal taste in women is the type that knows how to look sexy without being to revealing. Leave a little to the imagination. There are some of us out here that like the conservative look.

One thing I wish men and women would both learn is the concept of “What looks good on you at 18 does not look as good as you get older". In my opinion, your style of dress should evolve as you get older. (The older you are the more conservative your dress becomes.)

06-16-2006, 05:42 AM
Just imaginge. A 500 pound woman in hot pants and a tank top... And I just ate breakfast... Well. Just lost it.

Some of the women I work with do the same thing. Do I enjoy staring? Yes. To a degree. However, I am affraid to stare. Why? Sexual harrasment. They can look like they are in a porno flick, however, if I stare, it is harassment. Maybe I should get out my speedos.

Hey. That is a thought, Keith. Go to work in nothing but speedos, and when they complain, just say "turn about is fiar play... Get the message ladies?"

06-16-2006, 06:25 AM
Just imaginge. A 500 pound woman in hot pants and a tank top... And I just ate breakfast... Well. Just lost it.

Some of the women I work with do the same thing. Do I enjoy staring? Yes. To a degree. However, I am affraid to stare. Why? Sexual harrasment. They can look like they are in a porno flick, however, if I stare, it is harassment. Maybe I should get out my speedos.

Hey. That is a thought, Keith. Go to work in nothing but speedos, and when they complain, just say "turn about is fiar play... Get the message ladies?"
I have one co-worker that watches me all the time. When I walk by her desk, she will give me a mischevious (sp?) smile. When I ask her what she is looking at, her reply is, "your butt."

I agree with OklaCity_75. I also believe that women in the work place get by with lots more than the men do.

06-16-2006, 06:58 AM
Wow, that's only slightly sexual harassment there, Keith. I'd call her on it.

I'm so glad I work in a school...cleavage-baring shirts and short skirts are so not allowed in any way. Plus, kids are way more critical than co-workers. It's one thing to be the joke of the office, but when the kids make fun of you, it's impossible to do your job.

However, some of us who are a little more well-endowed on top have a hard time covering the girls up. Even if you duct tape them down, teenage boys and men will still stare.

I don't understand why women feel the need to dress like this in the office. No one will take them seriously, and they will never get a promotion.