View Full Version : Windows Vista Download Breaks Record

06-11-2006, 11:12 PM
Windows Vista Beta 2 CPP (Customer Preview Program) is the largest download in internet history. According to an inside chat with one Microsoft Executive, the entire web system may have slowed to a crash had Microsoft increased its bandwidth. I personally do not doubt Microsoft's claim. It took me three days to get a break in the demand, and it took me 11 hours to download the 3.13 GB file that is Windows Vista Beta 2. This is a sign that people are just simply hooked on Microsoft, and that Windows users are having new release withdrawals. This is also evidence that Linux may not be on the general user's radar, especially those that are not tech savvy. The PC consumer sees a computer as an appliance, not a workstation or multimedia gateway. No, to the customer, it is a brand name piece of hardware that comes with a warranty. Operating systems are of no consequence.

But curiosity is killing the Microsoft user. People who are Windows gurus want to see. Microsoft anticipated 2 million people want to take Vista for a test drive. They may have under-estimated that guess.

06-11-2006, 11:37 PM


06-12-2006, 07:47 AM
I do like those getamac commercials. :)

06-12-2006, 11:14 AM
I like a few of those Mac ads. But others I disagree with. Both Mac and PC computers do have networking issues. And perhaps they should make a commercial where the Mac guy says "Hi, I'm a Mac. I'm an expensive platform, but I can be affordable. You just can't upgrade me."

Apple's platform selection is so limited. The only platform that has any chance to be upgraded substantially is the Power Mac. I'm not talking about memory add-ons or a larger capacity hard drive. It's cheapest price is $1,999 without the display. Give me a break. Say I wanted to slap ATI's hottest graphics card in my Power Mac. I'll be paying a whopping $2,500.

I love Mac OS X. But Apple still has yet to win me over. I'm afraid their latest pitch doesn't impress me. Sorry.

06-12-2006, 11:19 AM
Gotta admit though, the pitch makes you chuckle at least a little bit right :)

11-14-2006, 11:09 PM
Hey the fact that the customer service is an english speaking local at the Penn Square Mall is worth twice what I paid for all 3 Mac's
It is a true pleasure to have a problem and have it taken care of fast with no hassles. My only Mac problem has come when I run Windows on the new OS 10.4
and started with the Windows crap, the commercials are funny but as anyone running Windows knows it gets old after a while.

11-16-2006, 07:48 AM
What problems occur? I don't know enough about OS 10.4 to realize that you could run windows on it? Is it like a virtual windows?

11-16-2006, 07:57 AM
oh yeah... it all started when mac went to intel architecture... given that, windows doesn't have to be emulated on mac hardware any longer. within a few months, mac released boot camp, which allows you to boot into a mac or a windows partition. now, there's software from a company called parallels that makes a virtualized windows environment on your mac desktop... you can switch back and forth between mac and windows without rebooting... i'm not much of a mac enthusiast, but that's pretty cool. i've seen it run both ways and it runs rather smoothly, albeit faster under boot camp... either way a far cry from the days of emulation. -M