View Full Version : DVD Playback in Linux

06-09-2006, 06:12 PM
DVD Playback in Linux

If you are linux savvy, and you want DVD playback, I have a few places on the net for you to visit to satisfy all your RPM needs for Linux. As of currently, Linux is facing legal issues over multimedia playback because Linux is based on GNU licensing, which is not compatible with proprietary licenses that cover MP3s and DVD movies. Ahh, the world of red tape. The MP3 issue was remedied recently with SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10, where Banshee has been reworked with the help of Real Networks to play MP3s 'out of the box'. And while MPlayer comes with codecs, it is only available for Linspire, an operating system which in my opinion lost headway from the get-go, even though the boxed retail operating system is available anywhere for purchase. However if you are a Linux fan like me (yes I still run Windows- okcpulse hates emulation) and you like SUSE Linux, the most professional, sleek and solid version of Linux, then check out this site.

Here is a link to the site: . Xine is already preinstalled on SUSE Linux. However, if you cannot find it, just reinstall the application by clicking on the lizard icon>Yast2 Control Center>admin password>Software Management. Then, click on search at the top left of the screen to search all packages. SUSE Linux 10 comes with two CD-ROMs full of additional Linux software. Once installation is confirmed, go to the above mentioned website and download '' for full DVD support, for full Windows Media Video and Quicktime support download and install 'w32codec-0.52-1.i386.rpm' and then 'xine-ui-0.99.4cvs-051003.i586.rpm' for the user interface. Save your RPMs to the desktop and run each of them using Software Installer. All dependencies are good, so you will not run into any bumps. This will also allow Kaffiene, the default DVD player for SUSE Linux to run. So, boot up Linux, grab some popcorn, and enjoy your favorite flick!

07-02-2006, 01:35 AM
And for those Debian based distros like Ubuntu or Mepis, there are two great addons. Automatix ( & easyUbuntu ( both provide simple easy ways to get DVDs, mp3s and other items like Windows fonts. I've only installed automatix on my ubuntu laptop and it was so easy. Automatix also installs and configures mplayer and other plugins for firefox so that surfing the web is just easy now.