View Full Version : Tell Me Lies Tell Me Sweet Little Lies

06-07-2006, 02:10 AM
Lies….we have all told a few in our lifetime. We lie to conceal something, to protect someone’s feelings or sometimes we think we may be able to gain something if we do it.

What is the most interesting, humorous or disturbing lie someone has told you?

What interesting, amusing or disturbing, lie have you told someone?

06-07-2006, 05:50 PM to the left of me...Jokers to the right, I've just about everything! Me..well...I simply "avoid the truth" to the point of taking it to my grave...bad? Okay, but like youe said, everyone lies at one time or another for may different reasons, this is just my way. (Sometimes that doesn't even work, you tell one person and..poof!...everyone knows. I have friends that have completely alternate lives, I know this because I went to school with them and know that their parents never owned a know who you are!)Sorry, no good stories, but have had people lie about things that made them look worse than they are, like someone with no record, telling everyone that he spent 5 years in prison. HUH!!! Why on earth would someone long so much to be a Felon that they would just make up this life?

06-07-2006, 11:32 PM
OK....a lie story....Long, long, long ago at a Haloween party I had a little too much to drink....OK, a lot too much to drink. The next day a good friend of mine told me that I was hitting hard on another friends wife and he was pissed about it. I figured I was too drunk to remember and felt really bad about it for a day and a half. I worried how I was goona face this guy or his wife. Finally the first guy came clean and said he'd made it all up. He still needs an ass-kicking for that one.