View Full Version : Good way to stay in the know!

10-11-2004, 01:41 AM
I just want to again remind everyone of downtownguy's blog site. He always has great information on his site every day. In fact, I find myself reading it more often than I do the Oklahoman. He's just so up on the info. Feel free to post comments (if you're not registered on the blog it's probably easiest to do anonymously and just leave your name at the end of the post). I'm sure downtownguy would love your comments.

I really appreciate his efforts in providing cutting edge information for us on OKC and downtowns across the state.

His blog site is at:

10-11-2004, 07:03 AM
Yeah, I don't know what I'd do without my downtownguy blog fix. Keep up the good work downtownguy.


Joe Schmoe
10-11-2004, 07:33 AM
Yes, but...
Who is this secret spy? Does he lurk un-noticed in the halls of power, quietly gathering his tid bits? Or is he a noted City big wheel using his secret identity to say wat he can't in public?

The mystery deepens...

10-11-2004, 08:28 PM
No mystery. Just someone who wants to see downtown continue to thrive. Thanks for the compliments on the blog, and yes, I appreciate the feedback on the comments section.
- The Downtown Guy

10-12-2004, 10:49 PM
Joe I've tended to wonder as well, but I really don't think it matters to much. downtownguy, we really appreciate you and all you do to get the cutting edge information. We know just how much you love downtowns across the state, and we share that love with you. Thanks as always for your daily blog. We all enjoy reading it every day.

As I said before, if you get a chance, when you read his blog, try to make comments. I'm sure he loves to read them! At least it lets him know people are looking!