06-05-2006, 06:34 PM
Minn. Man Burned in Blast After Putting Gas in Washing Machine
Monday, June 05, 2006
ST. PAUL — A man was injured by an explosion after he put gasoline (javascript:siteSearch('gasoline');) instead of detergent (javascript:siteSearch('detergent');) into a washing machine (javascript:siteSearch('washing machine');), police said.
The explosion Saturday blew off the door to a laundry room in the man's apartment in the Summit-University neighborhood, Deputy Chief Mike Hogan (javascript:siteSearch('Mike Hogan');) said. There was no damage to the six apartment units in the building or other injuries.
The 49-year-old man had what appeared to be second-degree burns on up to 5 percent of his lower legs, Hogan said. Paramedics took him to Regions Hospital.
Described by neighbors as a "backyard mechanic," the man was using gasoline to wash his grease-soaked clothes for some reason and "didn't think anything of it," Hogan said. The hot water heater or another source ignited a fire that led to the explosion, he said.
Monday, June 05, 2006
ST. PAUL — A man was injured by an explosion after he put gasoline (javascript:siteSearch('gasoline');) instead of detergent (javascript:siteSearch('detergent');) into a washing machine (javascript:siteSearch('washing machine');), police said.
The explosion Saturday blew off the door to a laundry room in the man's apartment in the Summit-University neighborhood, Deputy Chief Mike Hogan (javascript:siteSearch('Mike Hogan');) said. There was no damage to the six apartment units in the building or other injuries.
The 49-year-old man had what appeared to be second-degree burns on up to 5 percent of his lower legs, Hogan said. Paramedics took him to Regions Hospital.
Described by neighbors as a "backyard mechanic," the man was using gasoline to wash his grease-soaked clothes for some reason and "didn't think anything of it," Hogan said. The hot water heater or another source ignited a fire that led to the explosion, he said.