View Full Version : Site Maintenance / Errors

06-03-2006, 09:26 AM
Hi all, Todd will be working on the site so the site will better function - see the scrolling bar across the top of the site.. just a heads up that some quotes and other things like pics might not work this weekend.

It should be improved upon all weekend as Todd is working night and day, struggling, sweat pouring off his brow,with total and complete concentration to upgrade this site..

okay, you get the point! LOL Todd's our hero.

06-03-2006, 04:14 PM
Hi all, Todd will be working on the site so the site will better function - see the scrolling bar across the top of the site.. just a heads up that some quotes and other things like pics might not work this weekend.

It should be improved upon all weekend as Todd is working night and day, struggling, sweat pouring off his brow,with total and complete concentration to upgrade this site..

okay, you get the point! LOL Todd's our hero.
I noticed things were kind of funky on the site lately. Todd is always finding ways to improve this site and to add features, and for that, we are certainly appreciative of him and his hard work.