View Full Version : Bad experiences in the Dr's office

06-02-2006, 04:22 PM
If you've had a bad experience in a doctor's office, please share it here.

06-02-2006, 05:03 PM
I had 6-8 cavities in my molars when I was a child, and my pedodontist never numbed my mouth when he'd drill & fill my cavities.

06-02-2006, 09:38 PM
Geez sweetdaisy! Was it this guy?

06-07-2006, 06:52 PM
doctor told me i was headed for impotence as a joke on my first visit

06-15-2006, 03:05 PM
Had a nurse tell me I was pregnant as a joke.

Dave Cook
06-24-2006, 07:51 AM
I had an odd experience while living in Japan. True story.

I somehow suffered a 'twisted cord' in the ol testicle package which caused some severe pain. Had me worried.

So the girlfriend and I went to the doctor. He couldn't speak English...I couldn't speak Japanese. Fortunately, the girlfriend was there.

So she stands behind a curtain a few feet away while the doc examines the ol ballsack.

So I'm standing there with my pants around my ankles, his hands all over my privates....when he asks...

"Blah blah blah doko (where) desu ka?"

I understood the 'where' part so I pointed to my right nut and said..."Here. Right here. This one."

He and the girlfriend both started to laugh and he tells me to pull up my pants.

So on the way home, I asked my girlfriend why they laughed when I told him where it hurt.

"He didn't ask you where it hurt. He asked where you were from!"

06-28-2006, 03:45 PM
I had a bad experience with my father's doctor. He diagnosed my dad with ESLD (End Stage Liver Disease). He didn't refer my Dad to a specialist or anything. He basically told him how worse he was going to get and that he could live another 1 to 5 years and possibly longer. This was my dad's primary care physician. From the forum I started in this thread regarding liver disease, Patrick, gave me some suggestions on what I could do to help my dad get the care he needed. THANK YOU SO MUCH PATRICK FOR THE PROFESSIONAL ADVICE FOR GETTING MY FATHER REFERRED TO DR. HARLAN WRIGHT...

I called the primary doctor and got a referal for my father to the liver transplant center. This was not easy to do. The primary care doctor didn't understand why I was trying to refer my father to a specialist! The doctor called me at work and asked me why I was so persistent on this referral. I told him b/c he needed additional tests done to make sure he didn't have any other liver diseases on top of the cirrosis and that he needed to consult for a possible transplant in the future. THANK GOD I GOT THE REFERRAL in January. My dad's condition worsened quickly. Dr. Wright banded up his varices and saved his life. My dad is very sick right now but he was UNOFFICIALLY listed last week! We are now waiting and praying for the official listing once insurance approves.

So my bad experience is a doctor not referring my father to a transplant center. My dad wouldn't be alive today if we would have set back and did nothing like this particular doctor wanted to do.

08-11-2006, 01:49 PM
An update from my previous post - Daddy lost his battle with liver disease on August 1st, 2006. He was so close to getting his liver transplant. He actually was called in to the transplant institute on July 29th as a back-up transplant recipient. He would have received his transplant this month. He was a man who taught hundreds of people about God's love and unselfishness.

Please if you or a loved one suffers from a end stage liver disease, educate yourselves and get your doctors to refer you to a liver specialist and even better to the Nazi Zudhi Transplant Institute at Integris Baptist hopsital. I can also help you with any questions or concerns that you might have with getting placed on the waiting list. My Aunt and I did everything for my Dad to get him listed for a liver.

08-12-2006, 09:54 PM
I'm saddened to hear that your father lost his battle. I guess now, we just have to wonder what if. What if his Primary Doctor would've referred him to a liver specialist sooner.

I'm glad Dr. Wright was able to save his life as long as he was able to. Dr. Harlan Wright is not the most personable doctor in the world, but he knows the liver forwards and backwards and works closely with Dr. Sebastian, the actual surgeon at Nazi Zudhi .

My father-in-law has severe cirrhosis of the liver and is under Dr. Wright's care at Nazi Zudhi . But, he's been seeing him for a few years now. Unfortunately, it can take up to 5 years to get a liver transplant. Fortunately, for my father-in-law, he started early in the game. I'm thinking he should be nearing the top of the list now.

Anyways, Faith, I'm incredibly sorry to hear about your father, and my sympathy goes out to you. I know your dad would be awfully appreciative and happy for what you did for him.

08-15-2006, 03:18 PM
Dr. Wright is a great doctor and Sebastian is wonderful surgeon as well. I have a friend who had a liver transplant 10 months ago and Dr. Sebastian was her surgeon.

My Dad was got so sick that he was top on the list. He would have received the next liver that was his match. Probably this month. I know he is much better off now and he is no longer suffering. It has always been in God's hands and always will be. Its his plan not ours. It just is so hard b/c we got so close to getting him his transplant.

12-22-2006, 01:09 AM
Sonographer pointed to the screen and told us about the measurement indicating a dysfunctional baby making us think there was a problem when there wasn't. It was totally unnecessary and it caused a panic.

12-22-2006, 06:44 AM
This didn't happen to me but I watched it on TV and was horrified. The surgeons proceeded to operate on a patient who wasn't anestisized property. Although she could still feel the pain of the surgery ( scalpel) she was paralyzed enough to not be able to scream or to move even to open her eyes. Can you even imagine?

I've also seen where sponges, tools and gauze are left inside the body and it causes unimaginable infection, pain and agony.

Stay healthy everyone!

12-22-2006, 07:22 PM
I woke up during my last colonoscopy - but I couldn't get any sounds out to tell the doctor! The RN saw my eyes open and adjusted something to put me back out. The pain and experience was traumatic.

OMG - it'll be hard to ever go back again for that procedure - and I'm on a every two year schedule. :ohno: