View Full Version : Should women be leaders?

05-22-2006, 06:37 PM
Should women be leaders in our community? Many conservatives feel women should stay home and take care of the kids.

05-23-2006, 07:01 AM
That viewpoint is old and outdated. Women are just as capable and qualified to be leaders in any community, not just our own. I don't understand why, in 2006, some people actually still believe that women should be forced to stay at home.

05-23-2006, 07:49 AM
Women can stay at home if they want to. If they don't want to, they can try to be leaders in the community.

05-23-2006, 10:22 AM
I don't think women should be discriminated against. If they want to stay home, that's there option. If not, I think they should be able to climb the corporate ladder if they so choose.

05-27-2006, 05:04 AM
The better question is: why shouldn't a group that forms a slight majority of the planet's population be leaders?

05-30-2006, 11:55 AM
The better question is: why shouldn't a group that forms a slight majority of the planet's population be leaders?

Because they leave a void in the home, without anyone to teach our younger generation morals.

05-30-2006, 04:14 PM
We've been over this a million times, Survey. Check out the "should women stay at home" thread a month back.

Maybe if women decide to be leaders, some men need to step up and be fathers at home. I had a stay at home dad, I am a moral and decent person even though my mom was a working mom. And I'm sure had they both worked, I still would be.

05-31-2006, 01:40 PM
Something just seems weird about having a stay at home dad.

05-31-2006, 01:46 PM
Maybe to you, but not to me, Survey. Just because it's a new idea to you doesn't make it "weird."

05-31-2006, 03:50 PM
Me Rambo.....You woman! Me go hunt for food. You stay home and take care of kids.

05-31-2006, 05:30 PM
WOW. I am so glad I am marrying someone who is comfortable enough in his manhood that he doesn't feel the need to tell me to stay home and take care of the kids.

05-31-2006, 06:24 PM
Here is my theory... I have no problem with a woman doing anyhing a man can do. I just do not like it when some women ask for special considerations and adjustments. If you say you can do a man's work step up and do it just as good if not better than a man. Do not ask for shortcuts or other help. While we are talking about a woman's roll I do not think a woman should have to fight in the military. If she wants to fight fine. If she does not put somewhere behind the lines or outside the war zone. There are just too many mean horrible things an enemy can do to a woman that they cannot do to a man.

05-31-2006, 09:36 PM
Hell...I'd love to be married to a woman who had a great job and I could stay at home with the kids...but then again I know raising kids is a full time job in itself...what I dont like is guys that work all day and go home expecting dinner on the table and their underwear washed with the clicker in their hand...maybe it's because I have to do it all on my own so I am used to it...but I can promise you if I ever find a woman who is willing to love me and be with me I'll bend over backwards to make her life at home good.

05-31-2006, 09:57 PM
Hell...I'd love to be married to a woman who had a great job and I could stay at home with the kids...but then again I know raising kids is a full time job in itself...what I dont like is guys that work all day and go home expecting dinner on the table and their underwear washed with the clicker in their hand...maybe it's because I have to do it all on my own so I am used to it...but I can promise you if I ever find a woman who is willing to love me and be with me I'll bend over backwards to make her life at home good.
Good man, mariner....Here's my theory. Some of you guys are going to hate this. I work full time and my wife works part time, but we both share the chores. I do dishes, laundry, and vacuum. She does the same. You will never see me in a recliner, holding the remote, expecting my wife to wait on me. First of all, I respect my wife too much to do that...secondly, if I did try that, I would find myself laying out in the pain.

05-31-2006, 09:59 PM
Thanks I said if a woman is willing to put up with my ugly ass I can at least give her a good home and try to make her happy.

06-22-2006, 02:38 PM
Here is my theory... I have no problem with a woman doing anyhing a man can do. I just do not like it when some women ask for special considerations and adjustments. If you say you can do a man's work step up and do it just as good if not better than a man. Do not ask for shortcuts or other help. While we are talking about a woman's roll I do not think a woman should have to fight in the military. If she wants to fight fine. If she does not put somewhere behind the lines or outside the war zone. There are just too many mean horrible things an enemy can do to a woman that they cannot do to a man.What?

07-11-2006, 01:00 PM
Here is my theory... I have no problem with a woman doing anyhing a man can do. I just do not like it when some women ask for special considerations and adjustments. If you say you can do a man's work step up and do it just as good if not better than a man. Do not ask for shortcuts or other help. While we are talking about a woman's roll I do not think a woman should have to fight in the military. If she wants to fight fine. If she does not put somewhere behind the lines or outside the war zone. There are just too many mean horrible things an enemy can do to a woman that they cannot do to a man.
First, doing a man's work is not that difficult.:kicking:
Second, we all know men never asked for special considerations or help or directions.:tweeted:
Third, women are choosing to be in the military and fight along side men. You think all the troops in Iraq are men?
Fourth, what horrible means things can an enemy do to women that they can't do to men? Rape? Mutilation? Torture?

07-11-2006, 03:52 PM
Santa once said to me "she cooks, she cleans, she keeps those pesky Elves out of my house."

07-11-2006, 04:27 PM
wife makes more and works more hours than me so I do most of the chores around the house to help offset the I'm older and fatter so I have to step it up in as many areas as I can : )