View Full Version : Yet Another "On The Border" coming to OKC - I-240 and Walker

05-22-2006, 02:42 PM
I haven't seen this posted in other threads, but if it has been and I simply did not find it, please accept my apologies in advance...however...

The new construction ongoing west of the new Shorty Smalls and "Hair Rage" salon at I-240 and S. Walker is an "On the Border" Mexican Restaruant.

I was able to confirm this while snooping the construction site and observing what appeared to be still-crated kitchen equipment with a large shipping label clearly stating "On The Border" as its destination.

So much for my hopes for something new and refreshing; yet another Mexican resatuarant....sheesh...kinda hoping for maybe an upscale steak house, alas, not to be. Any chance we could get a Mexican restaurant moratorium imposed for, say, six months?? You can't swing a dead cat without hitting one. Nothing against Mexican food per se, but geez, folks, this is getting ridiculous. On I-240 alone, and allowing for about a two-mile-wide corrdior either side, you've got at least *five* sit-down Mexican places, not counting the Bueno-Bell-Mayo Unholy Alliances...somebody please STOP THE MADNESS.....I mean, how many ways are there to torture a tortilla??
