View Full Version : Paul McCartney, Divorce, Pre-nup, Foolish??

05-18-2006, 07:17 PM
You all may know that Paul McCartney is getting a divorce. I believe he's been married for about three years. His previous wife died.

Now this lady is looking for a $300,000,000+ settlement. Paul was so in love he didn't get a pre-nuptial agreement. A large portion of the money he earned as a Beatle may now be hers.

Do you think this is fair, even without a pre-nup? Was Paul a fool? Does she deserve money that she play absolutely no role in earning? Would you get a pre-nup? Would you agree to a pre-nup? How would you bring the subject up? Could you accept a pre-nup as "divorce insurance"?.....Similar to life and auto insurance, you honestly hope to never need it, but it's foolish not to have it.

05-21-2006, 02:54 AM
These days I think prenups are necessary. I think you should set things up to where you each leave with everything you had before the relationship. Everything you gained during the relationship should be split in half.

I liked Catherine Zeta Jones prenup with Michael Douglass. If he cheats he is out a large sum of money to be paid to her. I want to say it was something like 2 million times each year the marrige lasts if Mike cheats.