05-18-2006, 02:10 PM
Okay all you downtowners and everyone else. Tomorrow is the Central Oklahoma's Bike to work day. You can get more info at I know the downtown group will meet at the fairgrounds Space Needle at 8am and bike from there. There are also groups meeting in Edmond and Norman. Let's all do our part for the environment and save some gas money as well.
The Old Downtown Guy
05-19-2006, 08:57 PM
I'm waiting for the report on who all rode their bikes to work. I ran across the same guy I always see in the morning when I'm out for my morning jog. He rides a recumbent cycle; very cool. I also usually see two or three others on regular bicycles hauling butt down Robinson. I can't do the bike to work thing because I need to get to other spots much further away during the day, but I tried to figure out a way to make it work for me today; couldn't do it.
Bobby H
05-19-2006, 09:19 PM
I didn't ride my bicycle to work today (it was just too hot, and I had to participate in Lawton's Armed Forces Day Parade after work).
However, I did bike to work Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of this week and typically use my bicycle to commute 3-4 times per week. My commute is only a little over 3 miles each way. However the miles do add up and you save a decent bit on fuel/wear and tear on your vehicle. And you have the exercise benefit.
Many cities and towns in Oklahoma seriously need much more in the way of dedicated bike paths and bike lanes. As much as some folks would like to use a bicycle for commuting purposes they would be risking their lives actually doing so given the current extreme lack on biking infrastructure.
05-19-2006, 10:55 PM
I bike everday to work :) by motorbike. Does That count?
05-21-2006, 11:40 PM
Many cities and towns in Oklahoma seriously need much more in the way of dedicated bike paths and bike lanes. As much as some folks would like to use a bicycle for commuting purposes they would be risking their lives actually doing so given the current extreme lack on biking infrastructure.
Then again you have those morons who bike on the road anyway, even though the bike path is 20ft to their right or left, i.e. parts of Lake Hefner. :cuss2:
05-22-2006, 10:36 AM
I would have, I just don't have a bike. But I'm looking so if you know of anyone wanting to sell or get rid of a decent bike let me know