View Full Version : Oklahoma River Gathering National Attention

07-12-2004, 06:24 PM
River project wins national notice

By Steve Lackmeyer
The Oklahoman

The $54 million restoration of the Oklahoma River south of downtown Oklahoma City is being hailed as "Environment Project of the Year" by the American Public Works Association.
The award for the waterway, formerly known as the North Canadian River, is accompanied by a profile of the project in the latest issue of the association's magazine, APWA Reporter.

Over the past few years, the city and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers have built dams, trails, parks, boat ramps and parking lots along a seven- mile stretch between Eastern and Meridian Avenues.

The river was one of the city's nine Metropolitan Area Projects.

Though much of the work is complete and the waterway is being used by rowers, the river isn't scheduled for an official opening until fall or later.

Joe Schmoe
07-13-2004, 08:08 AM
MAPS 1 gave us something that was lacking in the old OKC, things to boast about. Before, I think the City Fathers just wanted the public to work hard, then shutup & go home.

But major metro areas must have civic pride. This is a new thing for OKC. Now, we don't have to just be fodder for the big fishes in our little pond.

We can be proud & happy to live here. Lots still sucks & the power elite still have their hands on the purse, but things are getting better for the average citizens.

07-14-2004, 01:24 AM
I definitely notice the difference. I remember just a few years back, people asking, "why in the world would you want to live in OKC." I still hear that some, but it seems like now I hear more people bragging about Bricktown and the great quality attractions we have in our city. Go to any Redhawks game and you'll hear the chatter! It's great to see how much MAPS has impacted our city this way. All I can do is think people like Ron Norick andother city leaders backin 1992, when United turned us down, and they didn't throw in the towel!

You're right...we still have our issues......our highways are trashy and unattractive, our fair grounds could use work, and SE 29th is an eyesore, but overall, the image of the city is way better.

I can't imagine what our city will be like 20 years from now when the Oklahoma River project has mature somewhat. I'm looking forward to seeing what all development will occur down there.

There are great days ahead for OKC. I'm looking forward to seeing them!

It's obvious the pride is here to stay, with talk about a MAPS III already being discussed by city leaders. That's awesome.

BTW, welcome back Joe Schmoe!