View Full Version : Do we really care, Kelly Ogle?
Rambo 05-17-2006, 11:07 AM Does anyone else ever get tired of hearing Kelly Ogle's 2 cents? Sure, I could change the channel. But, as a man in the news media, why does anyone care about his opinions? News organizations are biased in many ways, but I think for the most part they should report the news and leave it at that. Kelly Ogle is entitled to his opinions, but I don't know why Channel 9 finds it necessary to share them with the rest of the world.
mranderson 05-17-2006, 04:50 PM Does anyone else ever get tired of hearing Kelly Ogle's 2 cents? Sure, I could change the channel. But, as a man in the news media, why does anyone care about his opinions? News organizations are biased in many ways, but I think for the most part they should report the news and leave it at that. Kelly Ogle is entitled to his opinions, but I don't know why Channel 9 finds it necessary to share them with the rest of the world.
Why do some people care about his opinions? Easy question. Because 99% of the time, he is correct.
Midtowner 05-17-2006, 05:58 PM They air it because focus groups tell them that people want to see it. It's 100% marketing, and 100% developing the "Kelly Ogle" brand. If not for the eccentricities of the various anchors, what is to keep you watching News 9 versus News 4?
pepsi88 05-17-2006, 09:33 PM The Ogle on 9 gets his "two cents" and the night Ogle on 4 gets his "Rant". It is sooooo childish. You will notice that none of their opinions ever hover near the minority opinion. The side they support will always be something like 85% positive in the opinion polls. Why? Job suicide to do otherwise. It is a sham.
For example, the Ogle brother on 9 tonight during his "two cents" apparently supports not fist fighting at baseball games. Wow!!!! Courage.
drumsncode 05-18-2006, 10:42 AM I agree that some of the commentaries really lack the stinging bite that makes a great commentary. I wish they'd get Mark Shannon to do that spot. He's not afraid to get rowdy.
Try Channel 5. As they say in one of their ads, "Just the facts".
It's slick, fast-paced, and often more interesting in the stories they pick. However, be warned, that during sweeps all stations lose their minds and cover ridiculous topics.
Rambo 05-18-2006, 11:47 AM I watch Eyewitness News 5 because I get sick of the commentary on News 9. I also think the News 9 morning show is a joke. Get to the news folks. We don't care what your son or doggy is doing.
magicchord 05-18-2006, 11:51 AM Oh, the Ogle Boys do commentaries because their father did them 25 years ago. It's a tradition, don'tcha know?
Now, Alan Merrell, THERE was a pundit!
Rambo 05-18-2006, 12:22 PM Some traditions simply need to be broken.
drumsncode 05-19-2006, 08:24 AM Another blockbuster commentary last night on the merits of recess in school. As Paula Abdul would say, "It wasn't the best choice of commentaries, but you really made it your own".
MadMonk 05-19-2006, 10:05 AM Well, obviously the marketing is doing its job. You keep watching. :D
metro 06-01-2006, 11:20 AM I agree stick to the news! I stick with Channel 5
GaryEngland 06-24-2006, 06:28 PM Kelly is a good man and close personal friend, and I feel the criticism here is unjustified.
GaryEngland 06-24-2006, 06:28 PM I agree stick to the news! I stick with Channel 5
They have the worst weather staff on the face of planet eart.
drumsncode 06-24-2006, 08:18 PM Kelly's mom watches Channel 4 :-)
metro 06-26-2006, 01:27 PM No more OGLE commentaries!!!!