View Full Version : Can I drive the speed limit in the "fast lane?"

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05-08-2006, 02:29 PM
I think we all agree that speeding is illegal, but there are times that it is almost more dangerous to be a stickler to a 60mph speed limit when everyone is zipping by goin 85. I am by no means condoning speeding, but there are people out there who drive under the speed limit and they are also very dangerous.

I'm interesting in seeing that thing on KOCO about people taking the driving test to see if they pass. I think 5 are taking it.

We can sit here and complain on a message board about this problem, or we can go out and be good examples.

05-08-2006, 03:44 PM
Quail Creek Gal,

YOU GO GIRL!!!!! It seems as if you and I and only a couple of others on the board are in agreement. Unfourtunately, I don't think that anything we say will change the minds of the others. The only thing that will change their minds is when one of them gets into an accident and kills or permanetly cripples themselves or someone else. So sad.
What's sad is the fact that you're the one that asked what we thought about your little story and then can't handle it when you get opinions that happen to disagree with you. Obviously, when you typed "I'd like to see what others think." you meant "I'd like to hear only from people who agree with me."

QCG, Nobody is arguing that it is illegal to speed. Please read my example where the speed limit was not a factor and make a case that shows that its wrong.

"Slower traffic keep right." - learn it, know it, practice it and you will be a better, safer driver.

05-08-2006, 03:59 PM
Quail Creek Gal,

YOU GO GIRL!!!!! It seems as if you and I and only a couple of others on the board are in agreement. Unfourtunately, I don't think that anything we say will change the minds of the others. The only thing that will change their minds is when one of them gets into an accident and kills or permanetly cripples themselves or someone else. So sad.

It's far more likely that a slow driver will kill or maim us than a speeder.

05-08-2006, 04:36 PM
It's far more likely that a slow driver will kill or maim us than a speeder.

100% correct!

05-08-2006, 05:15 PM
100% WRONG! Be sure to post the TV coverage and newspaper articles about the drivers killing themselves and their passengers by driving slowly into a tree, sign post or center median barriers or when a slow driver loses control of his or her car and plunges head-on into another lane of traffic. I can't wait to see those exciting low speed police chases with the helipcopters and patrol cars!

05-08-2006, 05:50 PM
100% WRONG! Be sure to post the TV coverage and newspaper articles about the drivers killing themselves and their passengers by driving slowly into a tree, sign post or center median barriers or when a slow driver loses control of his or her car and plunges head-on into another lane of traffic. I can't wait to see those exciting low speed police chases with the helipcopters and patrol cars!

"Slow" of course is a word that in this context refers to your vehicle being comparably slower to those around you. Slow drivers create barriers to those who going with the flow of traffic. When one of these impediments get in the way, that's when accidents happen. You force people to swerve around you, try to miss you, etc. That's what causes accidents.

As for trees, whether you're going 75 or 35, they're still going to do some damage. And as for "losing control," as I said, there is little difference in the amount of control has over one's vehicle whether one is driving 55 or 75 or 85. Losing control is easy at any of those speeds. Of course, if you do lose control, it's all too likely that you'll be doing so not to miss a fast driver, but to miss a slow driver.

05-08-2006, 05:58 PM
My dad said it best. "if your vehicle does not do what you command it to do, regardless of what it does, you are out of control."

Yes. (this is rare, call Katie Couric and have her use it on her CBS debut) I agree with Midtowner. Slow people cause accidents for the very reason he said. Either drive with the flow or get off the road!

05-08-2006, 06:30 PM
I once, not entirely in jest, proposed a two-tier licensing system, in which people with demonstrated superior skills (they'd have to pass a tougher test) and verifiably competent equipment (no beaters with pieces falling off) would be granted a higher grade of license and a speed limit 20 mph faster on rural and/or limited-access roads. (Residential areas? They don't need anyone going any faster.) This went over about as well as you think it did.

05-08-2006, 07:23 PM
Yes. (this is rare, call Katie Couric and have her use it on her CBS debut) I agree with Midtowner. Slow people cause accidents for the very reason he said. Either drive with the flow or get off the road!
It's a miracle!!! They agreed with each other.

I think that accidents are caused by both slow and fast drivers. Fast drivers usually weave in and out of traffic, trying to get ahead of everyone. The problem is, when they are doing 80 or 85 (unacceptable speed, BTW), then chances are they will run up on a vehicle doing the speed limit (:omg: , NO!)

Someone doing the speed limit in Oklahoma City???? Rarely happens. Anyway, the vehicle going way too fast, swerves to miss the car going the speed limit, loses control, and runs straight in to the barriers in the middle of the Hefner Speedway. After he hits the barriers, he flips his truck 3 or 4 times, ejecting him (didn't have his seat belt on) 30 ft in to the air, and he lands right in the middle of the Parkway. There is so much traffic that nobody has time to react. He gets ran over four times before traffic can stop.

He was 22 years old and had a wife and two children, ages 1 and 2. His right arm is in the middle lane, part of his leg is hanging on one of the middle barriers, and at this point, nobody knows where his head is (he was decapitated). His wife is now a widow......why? Because he felt that he had the right to go as fast as he wanted to go, without regarding the safety of others or himself.

No, this is not a true story, but it could be. SPEED kills.

Here is a true story......

Today, I was getting on I-40 from Pennsylvania, going west..........I was driving behind an elderly lady that was in the drivers seat and the old man was in the passengers seat. Of course, she was driving a huge car, and could not hardly see over the top of her steering wheel. Anyway, we get to the point where we can get on the highway, and she finally speeds up to a whopping 30 MPH, signals, and then "worms" her way in to the right lane as several motorists slammed on their breaks.

Of course, I was behind her so it made it more difficult for me to get on. When I finally got on, I sped up to 60 MPH (the speed limit). I was in the middle lane, and she was still in the right lane (thank goodness), and she was only doing around 45 MPH. That, my friends, is an accident waiting to happen. The elderly lady should not be driving...period.

IMHO, although I believe that slower vehicles do cause accidents, I still feel that the major cause of most accidents are motorists driving way too fast.

05-08-2006, 08:11 PM
After he hits the barriers, he flips his truck 3 or 4 times, ejecting him (didn't have his seat belt on) 30 ft in to the air

That's quite the story.. mr. imagination!

Btw.. that's a huge pet peeve of mine as well.. if you are going to drive like a maniac for God's sake, buckle up so you don't get ejected in front of me and I have to run you over..

It's just not cool to make me suffer incredible guilt the rest of my life just because you were stupid enough not to buckle up. But, just as if it were an animal, I'm not going to swerve, get into an accident and possibly kill myself and kids, because you come flying out of your car.. you are now considered a human projectile. Too bad so sad if you get ran over. Buckle up.

Bobby H
05-08-2006, 11:03 PM
This is my opinion on the issue:

Yes, it is technically legal to drive in the passing lane at the posted speed limit. It's even legal to drive in the passing lane at the minimum posted speed limit.

However, it is very common knowledge (we're talking driver's ed class stuff here) that drivers should always be observant of the flow of traffic. You must do that and also drive defensively.

If you act like "the keeper of the speed" in the passing lane, and others are driving faster than you then you are definitely NOT observing the flow of traffic and definitely NOT driving defensively.

If everyone is driving 10mph above the speed limit, then that is the real flow of traffic regardless if it is lawful or not. That's just the reality. You must either go with the flow or get out of the way. Blocking traffic in the left lane in such a situation is very dangerous.

I don't have very many problems with driving in Oklahoma City. Drivers in OKC seem pretty reasonable compared to many other cities where I have driven. By comparison one would need to be certifiably INSANE to want to hold a 55mph speed in the passing lane on a Dallas area freeway. Same goes for New Orleans. Some of those drivers are crazy!

I completely disagree... The worst part of driving in OK is the stupid Yield signs... how they expect a Stopped vehicle to get up to speed and safely merge from 0-65 in two seconds is beyond me. It is completely moronic.

This is Oklahoma's cheap-@%$ freeway interchanges for you. The I-44 / I-235 interchange has to be the worst in the city. The interchange between I-35 and I-240 is also unforgiveably awful.

There are very few freeway interchanges with direct connector flyover ramps in this state. But there's lots of outmoded, dangerous cloverleaf designs. Even the new I-44 OK-4 interchange at the H.E. Bailey Turnpike extension toward Norman is a stinking, cheap cloverleaf interchange. Travel down to Texas or Louisiana and you'll find lots of four level and five level stack interchanges with far safer and more efficient direct connector ramps. Even Wichita Falls is getting a nice new direct connector interchange built at the terminus of I-44 and Kell Freeway.

Why don't people drive in the middle lane instead of endangering people trying to get onto the freeway.. when you merge onto the freeway, isn't it nice to have an open lane or someone who gets over to let you in?

Yes. And moving over to allow traffic to merge on the expressway is an act of defensive driving and good traffic management. However, you can only change lanes if the lane is open. Not everyone is going to move over either. There's no law demanding they do so.

Another thing that really bothers me are the drivers that have plenty of room on the entrance ramp to speed up to 50-60 MPH, yet they try to merge doing only 30-35 MPH.....then you see all the cars on the highway slamming on their breaks.

Hehe. Down here in the Lawton area you can count on the stomach churning experience of slamming on your brakes when some idiot has decided to completely STOP on the freeway onramp or offramp. I don't know how many accidents are caused by this behavior (or how many fatalities may result), but at the very least it sure scares the living hell out of me when I encounter it!

Finally, I agree it's crazy to drive without wearing a seat belt. I've been in a couple car accidents (I was a passenger in both) and the seat belt was a factor in preventing me from getting seriously injured. I won't drive without wearing a safety belt. If someone thinks I'm a wuss for doing that, they can jump off a cliff for all I care.

Sorry for the long post. I find the topic interesting.

05-09-2006, 09:15 AM
[QUOTE=MadMonk]What's sad is the fact that you're the one that asked what we thought about your little story and then can't handle it when you get opinions that happen to disagree with you. Obviously, when you typed "I'd like to see what others think." you meant "I'd like to hear only from people who agree with me."[QUOTE=MadMonk]

So I can't have an opinion about the responses? You certainly have no problem giving your opinion, however wrong it is.

05-09-2006, 11:40 AM
PRICELESS! - seeing that careless, smug speeder pulled over by an unmarked police car on the Lake Hefner Speedway or Broadway Extension.

05-09-2006, 12:50 PM
What's sad is the fact that you're the one that asked what we thought about your little story and then can't handle it when you get opinions that happen to disagree with you. Obviously, when you typed "I'd like to see what others think." you meant "I'd like to hear only from people who agree with me."
So I can't have an opinion about the responses? You certainly have no problem giving your opinion, however wrong it is.

I never said you couldn't have an opinion but, if you can't handle differing opinions with a little class it not our problem, its your's. Instead of a reasoned response you chose to start throwing out the snide "so sad" remarks.

I couldn't help but notice that you and quailcreekgal have failed to provide any counter-argument to my example besides essentially screaming "Your wrong so nyah, nyah, nyah!". If you want to be respected here you might consider, at the very least, an attempt at making your point with something other than kindergarden-level witticisms.

05-09-2006, 01:40 PM
PRICELESS! - seeing that careless, smug speeder pulled over by an unmarked police car on the Lake Hefner Speedway or Broadway Extension.

What are you referring to? How do you know they were careless or smug?

You're really not impressing anyone with these remarks.

05-09-2006, 02:33 PM
If you want to be respected here you might consider, at the very least, an attempt at making your point with something other than kindergarden-level witticisms.

This might come as a surprise to you MadMonk, but I'm not interested in whether you or anyone else on this board respects me or not. I have a right to my opinion just like you. I can express that in any way I choose, just like you.

A difference of opinions is what often happens on threads with topics like this. That's just the nature of the game. I have very much enjoyed seeing the differences of opinions that have been posted, although I have been quite surprised at many of them. As I stated in my blog "I'm a rules kind of girl." I was taught to respect authority and that is how I still feel and that is how I am raising my children.

I do not mean to offend you or anyone with my responses, but as I said before I am entitled to them just as you and everyone else.

MadMond and Midtowner, are either of you parents? How do you plan to teach your children to obey your rules and respect your authority if the example you set for them is that you are not obeying and respecting the rules and laws of your city or country?

I want to say one more thing before I retire this thread. I don't care what the flow of traffic is, I will drive the speed limit and it will not be me who is impeding traffic. It will be those around me who feel that they are above the law and can drive faster than the posted speed limit. The flow of traffic should never be greater than the posted speed limit. Laws are laws and rules are rules. Plain and simple.

Also, don't think for one minute that I am the only driver who feels this way. There are those who feel that it is important to obey the traffic laws and do so not only because it is safer but because it is the right thing to do.

Well, I'm done with this thread. This has been fun, but it is enough. Please feel free to reply in any way you like. I'm sure there are those who will have some colorful responses, and I will be anxious to read them, but I feel that any response I give will just fall on deaf ears. Thanks for a fun and interesting ride in the "fast lane."

05-09-2006, 02:43 PM
"MadMond and Midtowner, are either of you parents? How do you plan to teach your children to obey your rules and respect your authority if the example you set for them is that you are not obeying and respecting the rules and laws of your city or country?"

I'm sorry, does being a parent automatically make you more responsible? I didn't think it did, seeing as I have seen plenty of soccer moms zipping in and out of traffic with their kids crawling all over the SUV.

Let others worry about how to raise their hypothetical children.

05-09-2006, 02:43 PM

05-09-2006, 03:37 PM
Just the facts for Midtowner and MadMonk:
32% (78,277) of the 241,818 traffic citations issued in 2004 were for excessive speed.
19.2% of all crashes are caused by vehicles exceeding the speed limit.
These are the 2004 facts from the OK Department of Public Safety. There are no statistics for the number of vehicles cited for driving too slow.
Check the facts for yourselves:
FYI: I've checked the web site and the censure and approval of MadMonk or Midtowner is not required to post.

05-09-2006, 03:50 PM
19.2% caused by veihicles exceeding the speed limit?

So 80.8% are caused by vehicles going under the speed limit... hmm..

So I guess the statistics bear out what I've been saying all along.

As for the percentage and number of violations for speeding, why is that even relevant?

05-09-2006, 04:04 PM
bandnerd, you are the queen of the double-post. :LolLolLol

32% (78,277) of the 241,818 traffic citations issued in 2004 were for excessive speed.
19.2% of all crashes are caused by vehicles exceeding the speed limit.
Wow, now THERE'S some underwhelming statistics. You could also look at it this way:

68% of all traffic citations were for things other than excessive speed.

80.8% of all crashes are caused by things other than exceeding the speed limit.

A much more telling set of facts, IMHO.

FYI: I've checked the web site and the censure and approval of MadMonk or Midtowner is not required to post.
How very astute of you.

This might come as a surprise to you MadMonk, but I'm not interested in whether you or anyone else on this board respects me or not.
Fair enough. Just don't be surprised if you aren't taken seriously.

Well, I'm done with this thread. This has been fun, but it is enough. Please feel free to reply in any way you like. I'm sure there are those who will have some colorful responses, and I will be anxious to read them, but I feel that any response I give will just fall on deaf ears. Thanks for a fun and interesting ride in the "fast lane."
First of all, if you are looking to change anyone's mind on a forum you are in for a long, hard, uphill road.

I've never said you (or quailcreekgal) didn't have the right to post, but when someone disagrees with you, be prepared to either agree to disagree and let it drop or to defend your position (preferably with something other than just stating "Your wrong!")

In any case thank you for an interesting thread. You've really livened up things around here. :tiphat:

05-09-2006, 04:05 PM's 'vehicles' not 'veihicles' hmmmmmmm

05-09-2006, 04:05 PM
DANGIT it's my school computers! It doesn't eve register me as entering a post and it does it TWICE for no reason!


05-09-2006, 04:08 PM
quailcreek--so now we're down to nitpicking spelling? Are you going to follow people around correcting their spelling as well as their driving?

05-09-2006, 04:11 PM
Mad Monk -
WOW! TALK ABOUT BEING ASTUTE! You can perform simple math. I'm in awe. Have a nice day!

05-09-2006, 04:13 PM

05-09-2006, 04:15 PM
Bitterness is not pretty.

That's awesome, MadMonk lol.

05-09-2006, 04:16 PM
bandnerd, yes I am. what's your tag number? wave at me, I'll be the one driving 5 mph up the Broadway Extension today at 5:15 pm.

05-09-2006, 04:18 PM
Mad Monk -
WOW! TALK ABOUT BEING ASTUTE! You can perform simple math. I'm in awe. Have a nice day!
Yes, I can. I'm available to tutor you if you like. :wink:

05-09-2006, 04:22 PM
Mad Monk -
WOW! TALK ABOUT BEING ASTUTE! You can perform simple math. I'm in awe. Have a nice day!

Astute is being able to see the inherent flaws in the data that you present. Were you "astute", and if you really wanted to bolster your argument, you would have not posted something which was so inherently weak.

An "astute" person typically acknoweldges the inherent weaknesses of their statistics. Usually, this is done to mitigate the potential negative inferences which will be made otherwise.

The fact is that you posted this "stat" to prove your case. Then, a lot of people pointed out to you (something which you apparently missed) that this stat actually proves their case. You then made fun of someone for a typo.

You're coming accross as either extremely insecure, or just plain belligerent. My advice to you if you want to stay around here is to back off, stop posting on this thread, and start fresh on something else.

In anticipation of your reply stating something to the effect that I can't tell you what to do, etc., etc.. That's absolutely correct, that's why it's called advice.

05-09-2006, 04:23 PM
You'll be driving 5mph because that's about as fast as you'll be able to go with all the congestion.

I just thought it was unfair to take a shot at someone for a misspelling. On a forum like this, there are going to be misspellings and typos. It happens. But pointing it out to someone is completely pointless. What if that person is dyslexic or has some other kind of learning difference that doesn't allow them to have the perfect spelling of others? Sorry, it's the teacher in me.

05-09-2006, 04:29 PM
Wow, Mad Monk - you really put me in my place. Nazis are always awesome, dude. You really rock!

05-09-2006, 04:46 PM
quailcreekgal does your mommy know you are posting?

05-09-2006, 04:47 PM
does yours?

05-09-2006, 04:55 PM
I don't see how I can possibly counter the brilliance of your last post. Touché, mon ami.

05-09-2006, 04:58 PM
MadMonk, you idiot.. in French, you have to make the adjective agree with the subject.

M'amie, not mon ami -- unless you think that SHE is a BOY!



05-09-2006, 04:59 PM

05-09-2006, 05:00 PM
Great. Now we have French Nazis. :LolLolLol

05-09-2006, 05:01 PM

Sarcasm, my dear.

05-09-2006, 05:03 PM
OMG she didn't capitalize (or punctuate)! */faints*/

05-09-2006, 05:05 PM
No reason for this post. I just wanted it to be the 100th post of the thread. Why not? This thread has already gone to hell. :D

The Old Downtown Guy
05-09-2006, 05:25 PM
Just the facts for Midtowner and MadMonk:
32% (78,277) of the 241,818 traffic citations issued in 2004 were for excessive speed. 19.2% of all crashes are caused by vehicles exceeding the speed limit. These are the 2004 facts from the OK Department of Public Safety. There are no statistics for the number of vehicles cited for driving too slow.

Thanks for the link to the facts Gal. I got the idea that we were talking about driving safety in general not just driving too fast. But anyhow, I looked up the info from your link on causes for total crashes. Lots of data to be sure. Of course I hoped that there would be a disproportionate number of women vs men involved in crashes, but it would be very difficult to make that case since there are no stats on trip miles or total drivers on the roads by each gender; just licensed drivers of 48.7% male and 51.3% female. Crash totals were 53.4% male and 42.0% female. I don't know where the other 4.6% goes. 73.6% of fatalities were guys. And they didn't break it down by Red Drivers vs Blue Drivers, which really pissed me off; or blue haired old ladies in Lincoln Town Cars and rednecks in gigantic pickups either.

Just The Facts Mam

#1 17.3% Failure to yield.
#2 12.8% Unsafe speed
#3 12.0% Inattention

Unsafe speed was reported for over 25% of rural crashes but not listed in the top three causes for urban crashes, so it must be below 11%, which was the portion for Improper Act/Movement. I guess that Improper Act/Movement could include one driver giving the finger to another driver, as a cause, but there was no further detail shown.

I took a few minutes and checked a lot of the data and it is obvious that in general, NOT PAYING ATTENTION is the major cause of car crashes. Whether it's listed as failure to yield, driving too fast for the road conditions, or what ever, it comes down to NOT PAYING ATTENTION. Biggest number of wrecks (5150) in 2004 were caused by Unsafe Speed-Rain or Wet Roadway (big shocker here) compared to 2441 for just Exceeding Legal Limit. There are two categories that may include crashes caused by slow driving, Unsafe Speed-Impeding Traffic (56) and Unsafe Speed-Other (616).

Lots of interesting comments on this thread and lots of harsh words and hurt feelings too. Good/Bad

05-09-2006, 05:30 PM
Yes, a great reminder to attack the argument, not the person.. and be thankful that a few of us are not barreling down the freeway 'taking it to the streets' me with my tire iron, and more than a few fingers flying about LOL

Let's all play nice now..

The Old Downtown Guy
05-09-2006, 06:03 PM

I drove to Tulsa an back today and here is what I witnessed and experienced. FYI, I drive on cruise control most of the time at about 2 MPH over the posted limit. Don't care? OK, I just thought I would provide that information. No particular reason.

About one in five drivers were just driving in the left hand lane and not in the act of passing, letting someone onto the roadway or any other reason than just hanging out in the passing lane. Those that I was forced to pass on the right who happened to look my way would have noticed a slight shaking of my head and a bulge inside my jacket which was, in fact, me flipping them off. But, having learned on this thread that openly giving someone the finger is the act of an unintelligent person, I concealed my rude gesture.

Most people drive the speed limit +/- 5 MPH.

I was passed by two trucks going about 90 MPH. I gave them both the finger, but I put a handkerchief over my hand so no one would perceive me as being unintelligent.

I was only passed by a dozen or so other vehicles and all of them were going about 5 MPH or so faster than I was. I didn't make any sort of gesture to any of them. I might have sighed as they passed though.

On three occasions, semis clogged both lanes. They all received the bird from me cloaked under a baseball cap (not wanting to appear unintelligent to my fellow travelers; pretty clever move I thought to myself), and a few choice, silently mouthed four letter words combined with the mention of some particular body orifices along with other well practiced commentary, but I covered my mouth with my other hand so as not to further disclose my lack of intelligence. Unfortunately having both hands occupied by this time honored communication process left nothing but my right knee for driving, but I managed.

Topping a hill, driving in the passing lane while passing, I encountered several really big chunks of shredded truck tire tread. I mentally cursed every trucker that knowingly leaves that junk in the road. I was disappointed that there was no offending eighteen wheeler jockey nearby to flip off.

Safely home again.

05-09-2006, 07:21 PM
That middle finger of yours is going to get you in big trouble one of these days. All it does is make other drivers want to kick your butt or run you off the road. Some drivers enjoy doing it because they think it's's not. As I said in an earlier post, flipping someone off shows lack of intelligence, no matter how you disguise it.

05-09-2006, 07:23 PM
LOL Old DowntownGuy- I'm impressed with your restraint.. you have now graduated to driving and surviving on LA freeways!

05-09-2006, 07:35 PM
Alrighty....enough on correcting other posters' spelling errors. We don't grade on punctuation or spelling on this forum, and I know that many people (including myself) misspell words occasionally in a post. I try to be careful by reading my post before I hit submit. I am the type of person that hates to misspell words or not use punctuation correctly. I am the newsletter editor for a volunteer organization, so spelling and punctuation are important to me.

Some advice to fellow members: If you want others to understand your posts, then it is wise to try to use commas, periods, capital letters, etc...,.when explaining yourself. Have you ever read a post that had no punctuation (or very little), and tried to understand what was written? Many times, that type of post will not be read, because it is hard to decipher.

I know we have a wide variety of people on this forum. None of the moderators or the administrator will ever correct the spelling or punctuation on a post....we aren't the spelling/punctuation police. Your posts will have much more significance, though, if other members can read and understand it.

Now, with that being said.....:backtotop

As Karried said in an earlier post....let's all play nice.:Smiley199

05-09-2006, 07:55 PM

I drove to Tulsa an back today and here is what I witnessed and experienced. FYI, I drive on cruise control most of the time at about 2 MPH over the posted limit. Don't care? OK, I just thought I would provide that information. No particular reason.

About one in five drivers were just driving in the left hand lane and not in the act of passing, letting someone onto the roadway or any other reason than just hanging out in the passing lane. Those that I was forced to pass on the right who happened to look my way would have noticed a slight shaking of my head and a bulge inside my jacket which was, in fact, me flipping them off. But, having learned on this thread that openly giving someone the finger is the act of an unintelligent person, I concealed my rude gesture.

Most people drive the speed limit +/- 5 MPH.

I was passed by two trucks going about 90 MPH. I gave them both the finger, but I put a handkerchief over my hand so no one would perceive me as being unintelligent.

I was only passed by a dozen or so other vehicles and all of them were going about 5 MPH or so faster than I was. I didn't make any sort of gesture to any of them. I might have sighed as they passed though.

On three occasions, semis clogged both lanes. They all received the bird from me cloaked under a baseball cap (not wanting to appear unintelligent to my fellow travelers; pretty clever move I thought to myself), and a few choice, silently mouthed four letter words combined with the mention of some particular body orifices along with other well practiced commentary, but I covered my mouth with my other hand so as not to further disclose my lack of intelligence. Unfortunately having both hands occupied by this time honored communication process left nothing but my right knee for driving, but I managed.

Topping a hill, driving in the passing lane while passing, I encountered several really big chunks of shredded truck tire tread. I mentally cursed every trucker that knowingly leaves that junk in the road. I was disappointed that there was no offending eighteen wheeler jockey nearby to flip off.

Safely home again.

Old Downtown Guy, this is priceless! It made me laugh so hard I snorted! (oops)

There have been some very good arguments on this thread, many of which I can appreciate with. Someone commented a couple days ago something to the effect of "for safety's sake, just speed up a bit long enough to get past the car you were passing" and I think that's probably the best advice here. Ideally, I say stay your course until you are able to pass, but this is not an ideal world and you must take into consideration impatience, frustration, people having bad days, etc. For your OWN safety (and that of the children in the vehicle), yeah, it might be a good idea to crank it up 5 mph long enough to get back into the right lane. Oh, and try to refrain from flipping anyone off. :D

On a separate note, since others were airing their driving peeves, I feel the need to whine and moan for a minute. I don't do road fact, I almost never get cranky when I'm me, it's a waste of energy to get mad. But today...OMG. For the love of all that is good, is it completely impossible for people to move over for people merging? I'm not talking about "rush hour" traffic...I'm talking 2pm on Hefner Speedway (that's 3 lanes to choose from!!!) Why on God's green earth is everyone living in the freakin' right hand lane? I can usually get up to about 60mph when merging from Hefner Road, but today, I had some dillhole to deal with who decided to try and speed up in his Geo Metro to "beat me" or something. Both of the other lanes were completely clear. I just don't get it. Grrr...

All better now. Thanks everyone! :)

05-09-2006, 08:49 PM
What an interesting thread, and a very long one. It may take me three days to go through all of these posts.LOL

I do want to touch on a few things that I have read. First of all, in my years of experience, I have investigated more accidents where high speeds were a factor, and the results were not pretty. You can show me all the numbers you want to show me on traffic accidents, but, in my opinion, high speeds kill more people than low speeds.

I have also noticed that a few posters have admitted that they love to give other drivers "the bird." I noticed one poster even thinks it is rather humurous to do so, but it is one of the most dangerous, stupid, things you could ever do. More road rage happens when hand gestures are made to other motorists.

Then, the one that makes the hand gestures, which started the whole problem, wants me to cite the other driver. I don't cite drivers because of other drivers' stupidity.

On most highways in OKC, the speed limit through the city is 60 MPH., not 65, or 70, or 85 (a death wish). Anything over 60 MPH. is breaking the law. I don't care if it is 5 MPH over the speed limit, it is still breaking the law.

If you are in the middle lane, and you come upon a slower driver that is doing less than 60, then you need to turn on your signal indicator (most cars have them), and look very closely behind you before you change lanes. If a vehicle is in the left lane, and is coming up quickly, let them pass you up before you change lanes. Once you change lanes, pass the other driver, and then turn on your signal, indicating that you are going back in to the middle lane.

If someone tailgates you while you are passing another vehicle, then they are the ones that are breaking the law.

When merging on to the highway, always pay attention to the yield sign. Don't stop on the ramp unless there is no way for you to get on to the highway safely. As you are getting on the highway, it is safe to accellerate up to 50-55 MPH, in order to merge in to traffic. Those that merge in to traffic going 40 MPH or less, are a danger to other drivers around them.

In closing, I would like to share something funny. I really enjoy getting on the highway when I am going from one part of the city to another. It's like I have the road all to myself, because once I get on the highway, all of the other drivers hit their brakes and slow way down, and stay behind me. I don't care if I am only doing 55 MPH in the right lane, they will stay behind me. What they don't realize is that I am not running radar, and I am not trying to catch speeders. The only ones I will catch are the stupid ones. If you pass me up because I am only doing 55, I am not going to pull you over. If I am doing 60 MPH, and you pass me up, then you aren't very smart.

Have a safe evening. I hope to come back to this forum more often.

The Old Downtown Guy
05-09-2006, 10:53 PM
Old Downtown Guy, this is priceless! It made me laugh so hard I snorted! (oops) . . . . Oh, and try to refrain from flipping anyone off. . . . All better now. Thanks everyone! :)

Glad you got a laugh our of my story Daisy, that was half of the point of writing it. I enjoy airing my views and from time to time including some humor along side when I can. BTW, the last time I actually shot anyone the finger was in about 1987.

Have another nice day.

05-10-2006, 12:45 PM
1Adam12 is correct. High speeds are linked to more deadly accidents. The reason we enforce the law isn't to make money, but to help improve your safety. I applaud those here that obey the speed limits and other traffic laws. Those of you who don't are only lessening the safety on our roadways.

I'd personally like to see the law changed, and camera enforcement allowed in the state.

05-10-2006, 01:11 PM
I don't think anyone really refutes the fact that high speeds can cause accidents.. we also need to acknowledge that people who are not considerate and refuse to let people onto the freeways or travel below the flow of traffic cause many problems as well.

The point I am making is we don't need self appointed vigilantes trying to maintain the normal flow of traffic by driving slowly in the fast lane. That causes another huge set of problems like road rage etc.

I've seen more Highway Patrols and OKCPD in the fast lane speeding than I care to count ( no lights, no sirens - just cruising about 80 mph) I have a feeling if they got behind someone traveling below the speed limit, they would expect that person to get over in the middle lane immediately. Can you imagine if the person refused to get over and forced the officer to travel at or below the speed limit? Imagine how frustrating that would be.. I think any officer can relate because people automatically slow down to avoid a ticket..... if that person doesn't get over and let the officer pass, they get very annoyed. I've seen it happen repeatedly.

Anyway, I'm all for safe driving. ( I'll have a teenage driver in a few years!) But I just don't like the merging problems we have here in OK and the discrepancy in speed ..

I think that steady flow of traffic is one way to prevent accidents.

05-10-2006, 01:21 PM
"I've seen more Highway Patrols and OKCPD in the fast lane speeding than I care to count ( no lights, no sirens - just cruising about 80 mph) I have a feeling if they got behind someone traveling below the speed limit, they would expect that person to get over in the middle lane immediately. Can you imagine if the person refused to get over and forced the officer to travel at or below the speed limit? Imagine how frustrating that would be.. I think any officer can relate because people automatically slow down to avoid a ticket..... if that person doesn't get over and let the officer pass, they get very annoyed. I've seen it happen repeatedly. "

The police department has a policy against code three on most calls. However, they are allowed to travel at high speed to answer priority calls. That is what is happening when you see them fly down the freeway or street. They are not racing to beat the crowd to the donut shop.

05-10-2006, 01:37 PM
1Adam12 is correct. High speeds are linked to more deadly accidents. The reason we enforce the law isn't to make money, but to help improve your safety. I applaud those here that obey the speed limits and other traffic laws. Those of you who don't are only lessening the safety on our roadways.

I'd personally like to see the law changed, and camera enforcement allowed in the state.

That's for the information, okcpd! I have a few questions:
How can we get cameras in OKC especially at intersections?
How common is it for you to encounter vehicles driving below the posted minimum speed limit?
How often do you ticket slow drivers impeding the flow of traffic vs. how often you ticket speeding drivers endangering the safety of others?
Under what circumstances is a driver allowed to exceed the maximum speed?

05-10-2006, 02:22 PM
That's for the information, okcpd! I have a few questions:
How can we get cameras in OKC especially at intersections?
How common is it for you to encounter vehicles driving below the posted minimum speed limit?
How often do you ticket slow drivers impeding the flow of traffic vs. how often you ticket speeding drivers endangering the safety of others?
Under what circumstances is a driver allowed to exceed the maximum speed?

Cameras at intersections are currently only for research purposes. Under state law, a ticket cannot be issued based on camera info. alone.

Very seldom do I encounter someone driving under the minimum speed. More often, the problem is drivers going over the speed limit. And I don't mean 5mph over. I mean 20-30 mph over the limit. We usually don't ticket for speeding under 10mph over the limit on highways, and under 5mph over the limit on city streets. We call that a speed cushion. School zones are an exception.

Typically, we ticket speeders going 80+ mph on the highway, which obviously is putting the lives of others at risk. Losing control of a motor vehicle is 10 times more likely at such speeds. Tire blow outs can also result from excessive speeds.

Under what circumstances is a driver allowed to exceed the maximum speed? My answer to that question is under very few circumstances. Certain emergencies might be exempted. For example, a pregnant mother giving birth, someone being rushed to the ER with a serious emergency, a physician being called to a serious situation at a hospital, etc. might be possible exemptions to the above. Often times, we'll escort the person in those instances for safety reasons, if they're caught speeding.

In my 10 years on the force, I've never written a ticket for driving below posted minimum speed limits.

05-10-2006, 02:40 PM
Thank you for the information is what I meant in my previous email and here it is again, thank you for the info and for helping me stay safe on the roadways!

05-10-2006, 03:24 PM
The police department has a policy against code three on most calls. However, they are allowed to travel at high speed to answer priority calls. That is what is happening when you see them fly down the freeway or street. They are not racing to beat the crowd to the donut shop.

Oh for goodness sake! You truly cannot believe that you know what is happening with every police officer traveling at a high rate of speed - that is ridiculous - Even the police officers on this board would admit to seeing others speed or even doing it themselves.

05-10-2006, 04:48 PM
One of the things we have discussed in the citizens police academy is how they handle priority calls. plus the cop I did the ride along with confirmed it.

05-10-2006, 06:25 PM
I'm sure there are many priority calls but I'm also sure that some ( not all) police officers travel above the speed limit ... But, I don't think they are heading for doughnuts!

05-10-2006, 09:54 PM
Oh for goodness sake! You truly cannot believe that you know what is happening with every police officer traveling at a high rate of speed - that is ridiculous - Even the police officers on this board would admit to seeing others speed or even doing it themselves.
Unfortunately, there are officers out there that do speed for no reason, other than they know they can do it and get by with it. Most of the ones that do this are rookies, or officers who have been on the force less than 5 years. These rookies give us veterans a bad name because they are trying to be hot shots.

Mranderson is right about one thing. Many times when I am on a priority call, ie.., burglary in progress, bad domestic fight, or something else where a weapon may be involved, I may be the closest officer responding to the call. If I am a long ways off, I will hop on the highway, hit the left lane, and let the hammer down. Remember, the left lane is considered the passing lane, so, unless someone is passing someone else, nobody should be in that lane for a long length of time.

I will cruise 80-85 MPH, in order to get to my call in a timely manner. If traffic is moderate to heavy, I will turn on my front and back strobes, but I will not turn on my overheads or use my siren. What you may not realize is that when we run with lights and siren, the normal everyday driver will panic and slam on their brakes, or they will move over two lanes to get out of my way, possibly causing an accident. Motorists freak out when they see lights and hear a siren. Just ask any OHP Trooper that has had to run C-3 to an accident.

That's why I try not to use any lights unless I have to. Let me suggest that if you see an officer driving at an excessive speed, get his vehicle number, and call one of the briefing stations, and ask to speak with the commanding officer. Like you, I don't condone these rookies speeding just because they feel they can.