View Full Version : what to wear to church?

05-01-2006, 10:53 AM
do you guys think it matters what people wear to church?

i think it shouldnt matter what you wear, wether you dress nicely, in a t-shirt and shorts, blue jeans, or anything along those lines it shouldnt matter. God probably doesnt care.

it should matter when people wear nothing at all, shirts with inappropriate logos, and such. That is just strange to dress as such.

05-01-2006, 02:01 PM
Dressing up for church is an outward way of showing your respect to your fellow church-goers as well as to God. While I can't bring myself to put on a suit and tie, I'll usually at least have on slacks, some polished leather shoes, and an oxford style shirt.

This Winter, I'm planning on adding some sports coats to my wardrobe (wallet permitting), so if I had a few good sportscoats, I'd wear one of those as well.

05-01-2006, 02:02 PM
I think it's strange you think people who dress nicely for church should change their ways so you can feel good about wearing jeans or shorts and tee shirts. Why don't you find a church where more people wear jeans?

05-01-2006, 03:42 PM
I think it's strange you think people who dress nicely for church should change their ways so you can feel good about wearing jeans or shorts and tee shirts. Why don't you find a church where more people wear jeans?

thats not what i said. i meant that people shouldnt care about it. they can continue to dress however they wish.

05-01-2006, 03:55 PM
Shadow: There are certain things in life where you dress up, you show decorum. it's a matter of showing respect. I'm actually more motivated at this point to start wearing suits to church -- and I do have some pretty sweet suits...

When people feel like they should just wear 'whatever' to church, it is an indication to me that they go to church so that they can let the church serve them -- not so that they may be a servant of their church.

Dressing up is not only a sign of respect, but of humility and piety. True, it is a symbollic act, but it is an act nonetheless. It requires effort, time, and some bit of sacrifice to pull it off.

What's wrong with dressing up?

05-01-2006, 06:10 PM
Shadow: There are certain things in life where you dress up, you show decorum. it's a matter of showing respect. I'm actually more motivated at this point to start wearing suits to church -- and I do have some pretty sweet suits...

When people feel like they should just wear 'whatever' to church, it is an indication to me that they go to church so that they can let the church serve them -- not so that they may be a servant of their church.

Dressing up is not only a sign of respect, but of humility and piety. True, it is a symbollic act, but it is an act nonetheless. It requires effort, time, and some bit of sacrifice to pull it off.

What's wrong with dressing up?

absolutely nothing. i am just saying for those who want to go to church wearing whatever they wish, then they shouldnt feel guilty or anything for doing it. as long as you go to church and do everything you would being dressed up while wearing what you want then it shouldnt be a problem.

yes dressing up is respectful, but respectful to whom? God? Jesus? quite frankly i think God shouldnt really care about it. after all, Adam and Eve were created naked were they not?

also wearing whatever you want may seem like you are having the church serve you, but it really doesnt. So what if you dont dress-up? if you do the same thing you would always do such as serving the church in much more comfortable clothing then whats the difference? only the clothing. you dont have to dress up to serve the church and it certainly doesnt mean they serve you.

not dressing up isnt a sin, it doesnt say you have to do so in the Bible (at least to the most of my knowledge it doesnt), therefore it shouldnt really matter.

05-01-2006, 06:47 PM
As Midtowner said, it's a sign of respect. Would you show up at a wedding or a funeral "whatever you want"? No. Unless you're an uncouth hillbilly. You dress in a certain manner to show respect for the parties with whom you are encountering (be it the wedding party or the family of the deceased.)

It's a show of respect to're in His house...why wouldn't you want to give him your very best at least once a week? Think of all that God gives you. Why is it so hard for people to just take a few extra minutes and put on something nice for HIM. And what difference does it make if you think he cares or not? You're there to serve Him, thank Him, etc for all that He does. Be presentable!!

Would you wear a t-shirt and shorts on a first date? On an interview?

My question to you Shadow, why is it such a problem for you or anyone else to dress nicely for God?

05-01-2006, 07:05 PM
after all, Adam and Eve were created naked were they not?

How is this point relevant? Adam & Eve did not have a choice as to what they wore...we all do. Some folks just choose to look like slobs.

05-01-2006, 08:18 PM
Ok, after reading all of these replies, I can already tell you that some of you will disagree with what I am about to say.

I grew up going to church, and was taught to dress nice and wear my best for God when I attended services. When I was very young, I would wear a tie quite often, and I always wore a nice shirt, slacks, and dress shoes. As a teenager, the dress code was a little more lax. Nice shirts and blue jeans were acceptable, along with nice shoes.

Things sure have changed since my teenage years. I am now 44 years old, have a 13 year old, and a senior that is about to graduate. I have been a youth leader at my church for the last 6 years, and my dress code has drastically changed.

You see, the church I have been a member of now for over 25 years, ministers to many inner city teens. Teens that are rough and tough and do not own nice things. On Sunday mornings, some of our teenagers come to church wearing t-shirts, long jeans, and flip flops. Why?? Because it is the best that they have. They are giving their best to God.

On Sunday evenings (yes, we have church on Sunday evenings), the dress code is much more relaxed. Many of us wear t-shirts, nice shorts, and tennis shoes. The atmospere in our church is very relaxed, and our goal is to minister to those in our community....the ones that do not have suits and ties...or nice dresses to wear. The ones that wear shorts, tank tops, and flip flops are always welcome in our church.

Most Sunday mornings, I wear a polo shirt, jeans, and either tennis shoes or loafers. On Sunday evenings I am in shorts, t-shirts, and tennis shoes. Now, before you get too judgemental, let me tell you something. In order for us to reach the teenagers in our neighborhood, you have to be at their level. If they see me wearing a suit and tie to church, then they are more likely not to come back because they will think that I am too good for them, or that they aren't good enough for the church.

Our goal is to make them comfortable while they are worshipping God. We don't want them to feel inferior or less of a person because of what they wear. When I wear slacks, a nice shirt, and a nice jacket, then they all know that the only reason I am dressed like that is because I have to get in front of the church and make announcements or something.

Yes, we should wear our best for God, however, we don't want to run people off that need to hear the gospel, just because of the clothes they wear. I have reached more teenagers wearing shorts and t-shirts, than I could have ever reached wearing a suit and tie. These teenagers come from broken homes, and are looking for acceptance. We would be out of God's Will if we did not allow them in just because of their clothes.

05-01-2006, 08:30 PM
Nobody said anything about not letting people into church because of their clothes.

I understand your points Keith, however we're also talking about making choices of what to wear. If jeans and t-shirts are the best they have (sorry, but I seriously doubt flip-flops are the best shoes a person can get canvas shoes for just as cheap), then they are wearing their best for God. But dressing "comfortably" just for the sake of laziness is inappropriate,'s not giving God your best. That's the differentiation.

05-01-2006, 08:39 PM
people my age wear comfortable clothing all the time to my church. no one cares. People a lot older than me wear regular cothing to chuech and no one cares. I always wear what i wish to church, and no one questions me. do you see where i am getting at? it doesnt matter what you wear. sure you can dress up, but i choose to dress as i wish. i am in no way a slob for doing this. if i had to wear a fancy tie, jacket, shirt, and slacks every sunday then i think i wouldnt end up going to church because quite frankly i look stupid in dress clothing, and i cannot stand them. I can paise God and do everything else in my own regular everyday clothing, and no one cares.

Now church really doesnt have an actual "tradition" when it comes to dressing as weddings and funerals do being black(or something similar) for funerals and white (or anything else wedding like) for weddings. sure i would dress up for those. i think it would be creepy to show up to a funeral wearing regular clothes because i would seem a bit too cheerful, and it i would have to wear something nice or else i think the family membr/friend getting married would probably do not very nice things to me.

do you understand now? i would hate to have to keep repeating myself because it alreay happened once and it wasnt very fun. i hope most of you can see my point (you dont have to agree with it!) by now.

05-01-2006, 09:14 PM
do you understand now? i would hate to have to keep repeating myself because it alreay happened once and it wasnt very fun. i hope most of you can see my point (you dont have to agree with it!) by now.

No, I don't understand. It's sheer laziness.

And if you don't like people commenting on it, don't start a thread about it. It's a pretty simple solution.

05-01-2006, 09:44 PM
I agree completely with Midtowner and sweetdaisy. I dress up out of respect for God, and those around me. I personally feel that in many churches today we've lost reverence and respect for God. Like Midtowner, I seldom wear a tie or sport coat, but I do wear a nice oxford shirt, slacks, and dress shoes.

By the same token, I have no problem with those that don't dress up when they come to church. I don't think dressing up should be a requirement to come to church. Some people simply can't afford dress clothes. Some people are from the ghettos and simply don't fit in with the whle dress thing.

Still, that doesn't mean I should change for them, but I'm willing to accept them at the same time.

05-01-2006, 09:59 PM

"Can't afford dress clothes" is pure B.S. Goodwill sells decent suits and sports coats for under $20.

05-01-2006, 10:29 PM
you guys who think it is laziness are really guite funny. you think getting dressed up takes time and effort. Wrong. it is quite easy and doesnt bother me.

you assume i am a lazy slob. i am not, i simply wear what i want when i can. there is no official dress code for church, therefore i wear what i want. there is a dress code for school though so i wear what they tell me. maybe if they make a dress code then i would dress up, and even if it happens (and it probably wont) i would have no problem doing it.

i am not asking anyone else to not dress up, i am just saying that it is not necessary for me in most occasions.

05-02-2006, 01:02 AM
Okay then, why do you think people ever dress up?

Why not wear jeans and a t-shirt to prom? How would your date feel?

05-02-2006, 01:18 AM

"Can't afford dress clothes" is pure B.S. Goodwill sells decent suits and sports coats for under $20.

Shoot, last garage sale our church had we were selling nice suits for $1.

05-02-2006, 07:04 AM
Okay, I'll chime in here. I've only been to church twice in the last seven years. I'm not ashamed. I regularly attended when I was in high school. I lived in a very small community, about 2000 people on a good day. And everyone dressed up for church, regardless of age. Even the little ones always had on their "Sunday best" every Sunday. The two times I have been as an adult were both dressed up. One was Pentacostal (sp?) and the other Catholic. Everyone had on nice clothes--dresses, skirt/sweater, slacks and a button-down or nice polo shirt, some even in ties.

Maybe I was brought up to be too formal? But those of you who know me in real life know that I am not a formal person, but if I'm going to have to go to church, I WILL dress nice, every time, regardless of how "casual" the services might seem. I would feel like I was disrespecting the pastor/priest who worked so hard on their sermons, the other people in the church who came, etc.

I understand that there are special circumstances (like Keith spoke about) when some people just can't afford nice clothes. But those people really need to be educated on where you can find decent nice clothes at Goodwill and other places like it.

I guess I'm not saying anything new, but as a non-church person even I dress up when I do go. I don't go into a church and start swearing, either, because I feel it is disrespectful. You cross that threshold and you're not in the everyday world anymore, you're in God's house and it should be treated accordingly.

05-02-2006, 10:47 AM
Okay then, why do you think people ever dress up?

Why not wear jeans and a t-shirt to prom? How would your date feel?

no one ever wears regular clothing to the prom, unless they are stupid. of course you should wear dress clothes to prom.

as for the date thing, it quite honestly depends on the person. some people dont care about what you wear to a date even the first one. i know several people who did this and they turned out just fine.

once again i am not saying people should never dress up for anything, i am just saying for some things under some circumstances it doesnt matter what you wear and on some they do.

05-02-2006, 10:50 AM
no one ever wears regular clothing to the prom, unless they are stupid. of course you should wear dress clothes to prom.

So prom demands that you put some effort into your appearance, but worship does not? Why do you think people get dressed up for prom besides the fact that everyone else does?

05-02-2006, 02:29 PM
Here's an idea, shadow713: Go to church and focus on listening and learning not who's wearing what and why.

05-02-2006, 02:49 PM
Listening is only one way to receive meaning. That's only a small part of communication. Everything we do in life is basically related to communication. What we wear, and what we see people wearing communicates just as much as what we say and hear.

Prayer and church aren't only about verbal communication -- they're also about non-verbal communication. If your voice says you care, and your appearance says you don't, what kind of message do you think you're transmitting?

05-02-2006, 02:59 PM
I would think the fact that you put in an appearance (any at all!) should speak volumes.... :)

05-02-2006, 03:07 PM
Yeah, like in little league where every game is a tie?

In some cases, some actions are better than others. This is one of them. There simply is no argument for dressing like a slob to church besides laziness.

If you think God is okay with laziness, then fine :)

05-05-2006, 05:20 PM
personally i agree that you should dress up to go to church. I do not believe that it is wrong not to, but it is much the same thing as tithe, you do not have to, but it is the correct thing to do. In dressing up, you are showing respect to God. God does care. To show up to a president, or the current monarch of england, you would wear a suit, why would that be any different than going to see the king of kings? Not that i am saying that you must be dressed up to worship, simply that God appreciates your respect, just like your date to the prom would, just like the bereaved would at a funeral, and just like the bride and groom would at a wedding.