View Full Version : Mexico set to legalize personal amounts of pot, cocaine, heroin

04-29-2006, 04:52 PM
Mexico set to legalize personal amounts of pot, cocaine, heroin


MEXICO CITY, Mexico (AP) -- Mexico's Congress on Friday approved a bill decriminalizing possession of small quantities of marijuana, ecstasy, cocaine and even heroin for personal use, prompting U.S. criticism that the measure could harm anti-drug efforts.

(rest of article)

-- So now, if you vacation to Mexico, apparently, it will be okay to shoot up, do a few lines, or smoke a joint.

Expect Cancun to mushroom in terms of its tourist population.

04-29-2006, 07:12 PM
Mexico set to legalize personal amounts of pot, cocaine, heroin


MEXICO CITY, Mexico (AP) -- Mexico's Congress on Friday approved a bill decriminalizing possession of small quantities of marijuana, ecstasy, cocaine and even heroin for personal use, prompting U.S. criticism that the measure could harm anti-drug efforts.

(rest of article)

-- So now, if you vacation to Mexico, apparently, it will be okay to shoot up, do a few lines, or smoke a joint.

Expect Cancun to mushroom in terms of its tourist population.
Yeah, and watch their death rate go up due to overdoses. I guess they decided that if they could not enforce the law against drugs....they'll just make 'em legal.

05-04-2006, 06:35 PM
I heard this morning that "El Presidente" vetoed it. It will not be law after all. Thank goodness for that.

I don't have a problem with them legalizing Marijuana. I pretty much equate that with drinking alcohol. (doesn't mean I partake, though!) But, HEROIN and COCAINE??? Sheesh. What is their Congress thinking?