View Full Version : Day without Mexicans

04-28-2006, 07:18 PM
Has anyone seen this movie?

Apparently, Monday May 1st, there will be huge protests and marches trying to emulate a 'day without Mexicans" - planned walk outs from schools, jobs etc.

What are your thoughts?

04-28-2006, 07:27 PM
A snippet from the media:

(CNN) -- Meatpacking plants will shut down. Markets won't open. Trucks won't roll. Students will walk out of school. Millions of people will take to America's streets in possibly unprecedented numbers.

If all goes as organizers plan, major American cities will be disrupted Monday by what's being called "The Great May 1st Boycott," or "A Day Without an Immigrant."
"Millions of workers, men and women without documents and their supporters who are, in fact, legal United States citizens will heed the call to not go to work," said Juan Jose Gutierrez, national coordinator of Latino Movement USA and one of the lead organizers of Monday's planned boycott.
"Many hundreds of thousands of students, perhaps millions, will stay away from school and people will not shop and will not sell anything," Gutierrez said. (Immigration by the numbers (
Boycott organizers are demanding amnesty and the chance for the estimated 11 million to 12 million illegal immigrants in the United States to earn citizenship. Gutierrez compares their struggle with that of American colonists against British rule more than 200 years ago.
"The great slogan of the American Revolution was 'No Taxation Without Representation,'" he said. "Millions of human beings today and for many years are being taxed, and they have absolutely no representation. In fact, they are being bashed every day and humiliated."

04-28-2006, 07:29 PM
Same article - Another view:

Some in the immigrant community worry walkouts could give the wrong impression. If students miss school, it "just adds fuel to the argument that we don't care about our children's education," Jose Lagos of Honduran Unity in Miami, Florida, told AP.
The Minuteman Project -- which has organized citizens' patrols along the Mexican border to monitor illegal immigration -- says illegal immigrants cost Americans jobs, and that blacks in the inner cities are hurt most. It plans rallies across the country, beginning Wednesday in Los Angeles, to highlight its view.

Where do you stand on this issue?

04-28-2006, 07:53 PM
Same article - Another view:

Some in the immigrant community worry walkouts could give the wrong impression. If students miss school, it "just adds fuel to the argument that we don't care about our children's education," Jose Lagos of Honduran Unity in Miami, Florida, told AP.
The Minuteman Project -- which has organized citizens' patrols along the Mexican border to monitor illegal immigration -- says illegal immigrants cost Americans jobs, and that blacks in the inner cities are hurt most. It plans rallies across the country, beginning Wednesday in Los Angeles, to highlight its view.

Where do you stand on this issue?

You'll have that. ( If I have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all.)

04-28-2006, 08:08 PM
Wondering if this topic wouldn't be better off in the "Nose Bleed" section?

04-28-2006, 08:16 PM
Sure wish I could just skip work and not get fired.

I'm with upisgr8...don't have anything nice to say, so I won't say anything at all.

The boycott is BS. oops...that slipped out.

04-28-2006, 08:20 PM
Mexicans sure have been taking a lot of days off lately.

04-28-2006, 08:31 PM
Mexicans sure have been taking a lot of days off lately.:LolLolLol

Perhaps they have "spring fever" and are out playing golf. ;)

04-28-2006, 08:36 PM
The next thing you know they'll want us to switch our work schedule to include the afternoon siesta! Hey, don't take that the wrong way....I'm not prejudiced...afterall, my wife is Mexican! :)

04-28-2006, 08:42 PM
I'd be all for the afternoon siesta! When I lived in Dallas, I tried to get my employer to implement that rule! :)

04-28-2006, 08:47 PM
I'd be all for the afternoon siesta!

Oh, me too!

04-28-2006, 10:07 PM
Sure wish I could just skip work and not get fired.

I'm with upisgr8...don't have anything nice to say, so I won't say anything at all.

The boycott is BS. oops...that slipped out.
I'm with you.

I guess May 1st, there won't be many roofers or landscapers working, because many of them are hispanic.

04-28-2006, 10:47 PM
I do not think this will be a big deal really. Sure the media will hype it up like its the end of the world.

In the end it will be like that stupid "do not buy gas on (__Insert date here__)" email that keeps getting bounced around.

My post about Sundays proved how many people have issues with not doing anything on one day of the week.

The majority of people in this country are procrastinators by nature. We cannot go one day without dining out or going shopping for something. It does not matter if its groceries, a DVD player, or new shoes you will make the trip to get it.

I just wish the administrators in our schools would grow a spine. In my opinion if you are not sick or have some kind of legal or medical appointment, you need to be in class.

If you are skipping school to protest that is the same as skipping school to go to the movies or hang out with your friends. After school hours,protest all you want. During school hours, you need to be in classroom. Every school age kid should spend the scheduled school hours learning so they can move on to college and instead over to the welfare rolls. That applies to you regardles of your age, race, gender or social status.

04-29-2006, 08:24 AM
They may call it A Day Without A Mexican I Call It A Dream:congrats:

04-29-2006, 09:04 AM
I'm wondering how this will impact our economy financially.

What is the cost if a student misses school?

I did see the movie.. it was based in California and all of the Hispanics just disappeared... all the landscapers, gardeners, nannies... etc.

What was interesting is they didn't lose the gang members.. they just showed the impact in a positive way.. I think they should have shown both how much money the state would have saved by not paying out welfare or medical costs.

I'm not trying to be mean, but if you are going to show a movie like that, show both sides of how the state would be impacted.. show the freeways less congested, show English being spoken in classes etc. Not just how people would suffer if they lost farm workers and didn't get their vegetables delivered.

It's been a long time since I saw the movie, but I remember thinking it didn't portray both sides.

I think if a Hispanic immigrant has been here five years they should be able to pay restitution and stay but that the money should be used to reinforce the borders so that another mass invasion doesn't occur once everyone learns of the citizenship amnesty.

Why don't they allow Americans to buy property in Mexico and improve the country? They would have no reason to come here once the economy was better. Of course, if we go there we are accused of trying to take over the country.. well, look at the census figures here.

But, everyone deserves a chance at a good life. It just needs to work for everyone involved.

In_Tulsa,your post is just racist.

04-29-2006, 09:12 AM
It was a joke a funny one.

04-29-2006, 01:23 PM
Karried -- the purpose of propaganda is not fairness.

Bobby H
04-29-2006, 02:07 PM
I bristle against the protestors' "taxation without representation" complaints.

Basically, the argument (at least how it seems to be playing to my ears) is illegal aliens deserve the right to vote, public education and all that other stuff just because they pay sales tax when they buy something.

I wish all I had to pay in taxes was sales tax.

What about property taxes that are largely the source to fund public education? What about taxes that help fund the health care and social service sectors that are straining under the growing weight of undocumented people getting services? Those are items typically paid only by United States citizens and foreign workers who are working in the country legally.

The American taxpayers get to pick up the tab for all of this. Not millionaire bleeding heart politicians demanding amnesty, like Ted Kennedy. He has enough tax shelters to avoid paying more money for the influx of illegal aliens. It's disgusting how rich folks will assume average Americans can just pay for one unfunded mandate after another.

Many unethical business people prefer to hire illegal aliens so they can avoid all the extra costs that come with hiring American workers, such as matching social security payments and workers comp insurance premiums. Many home building companies, meat packers, landscapers, hotels and more have various methods to hide evidence of illegal aliens on their payrolls. They, in effect, pay the undocumented migrant workers under the table and save a whole lot of money -even from the difference of having an American citizen hired at minimum wage.

My anger on this issue is mainly directed toward those businesses who prefer to hire illegal aliens. Their dodge of the tax and insurance system makes the cost even more extreme for businesses who hire legitimately. We have seen our workers comp insurance premiums rise at nightmarish rates over the last few years.

Now, there is lots of home-grown workplace fraud happening all the time. Lots of American businesses with American citizen employees are conducting business under the table as well. However, that doesn't make the widespread practice of exploiting illegal alien workers okay either.

Frankly, all the race-baiting and nationalism being displayed on either side of the issue is irrelevant and will only doom this issue to become worse.

The politicians need to pull their sorry heads out of their backsides and look at the financial math of the situation.

If someone wants to give amnesty to 10-20 million people in the country illegally, exactly HOW do they intend to PAY FOR IT?

04-29-2006, 07:00 PM
By the same token, illegals should be barred from taking advantage of the free medical attention that they are so used to finding everywhere they go in America, and the police protetection, and oh yes, Hispanics can not enter a welfare office on Mondy either...gee, who comes out the winnner?

04-29-2006, 07:16 PM
They may call it A Day Without A Mexican I Call It A Dream:congrats:

I'm offended.

04-29-2006, 07:18 PM
It was a joke a funny one.

For the Mexicans that are on this board, they probably don't think it's so funny.

04-29-2006, 07:18 PM
The first issue we need to focus on is securing the borders.

I am not really all that concerned with the average latino migrant who is just looking for a better life.

I am more concerned with the people that could be getting through to do harm to us.

For all we know teams of suicide bombers could be targeting cities nation wide.

Everyone saw just how bad the economy slipped when Sept. 11th happened. People were afraid to go places. Just imagine a series of suicide bombers walking in to schools, churches and shopping centers. A majority of the population would be packing heat and staying at home.

We will be living like they do in Israel if we do not secure our borders. We can deal with the immigrants later. Secure the borders first.

04-29-2006, 07:22 PM
Maybe we should send all the Gringos back to Europe.

04-29-2006, 07:29 PM
By the same token, illegals should be barred from taking advantage of the free medical attention that they are so used to finding everywhere they go in America, and the police protetection, and oh yes, Hispanics can not enter a welfare office on Mondy either...gee, who comes out the winnner?
Nobody will come out a winner. We all lose if they do a walk out on Monday.

Bobby H
04-29-2006, 11:41 PM
Maybe we should send all the Gringos back to Europe.

Most of the folks south of the Rio Grande are Gringos from Europe too.

I suppose it would be nice if the only folks left on this continent had bloodlines totally native to it. But societies like the Aztecs and Incas were wiped out by legions of English, French and Spanish explorers.

04-30-2006, 12:06 AM
Nobody will come out a winner. We all lose if they do a walk out on Monday.

I really do not see anything serious happening in Oklahoma. We are different breed of people here. I think we have rubbed off a little on immigrants who are here.

I think a few will not go to work tomorrow, a little more than that have probably already asked for the day off or were given the day off. (IE:Seaboard and Cargill pork plants already gave thier workers the day off.)

The rest will wait until 5:30 and go to the rally in Capitol Hill. We are just luck enough to have a more responsible breed of people here.

Overall as far as Oklahoma and OKC are concerned they will have the rally, a few kids will skip school just because they can. 4,5,9 and the Oklahoman will make it look like mass hysteria and that will be it.

04-30-2006, 12:11 AM
Most of the folks south of the Rio Grande are Gringos from Europe too.

I suppose it would be nice if the only folks left on this continent had bloodlines totally native to it. But societies like the Aztecs and Incas were wiped out by legions of English, French and Spanish explorers.

So, I guess the Native Americans can tell everyone to go back home...Mexicans, whites, blacks..etc.

04-30-2006, 12:32 AM
OklaCity_75: I am not really all that concerned with the average latino migrant who is just looking for a better life.

I am - and you should be too. We are a sovereign nation with legal immigration procedures. Period. The myth of the "latino migrant just looking for a better life" ended long ago as the prisons filled up with illegal immigrants, hospitals began crumbling under the weight of illegal immigrants "just looking for a better life," schools began to falter with huge new enrollments of the children of illegal immigrants.

The bottom line is we either have borders - or we don't. Are we one big borderless MexiMerica, or we are the United (50) States of America? We cannot afford (figuratively and literally) to not be concerned with "the average latino migrant who is just looking for a better life." The invasion of our nation of up to 30 million illegal aliens has worsened the quality of life for millions of American citizens - including those Hispanic Americans who did things the right way to become citizens of this great country. To "not be concerned," about this invasion, one-by-one, "looking for a better life," is to allow the slow death of our nation. Nothing less.

04-30-2006, 08:50 AM
Maybe we should send all the Gringos back to Europe.

If the Gringos are illegal, yes, they should go back and gain entrance legally.