04-28-2006, 12:40 PM
Well folks, I thought I would do something a little different and put my review of the food I've eaten at the Arts Festival so far. With all the hype on Tom & Jerry's being at the Arts Festival this year, as well as my past personal delight with their food, I thought I would give it a shot. I had the Beef Empanada and the Espresso Chocolate Mousse with berries. The beef empanada ($4.50) was fair at best. Something I'd expect to order from Taco Bueno for $1.29. The salsa accompaning it was your average .99 cent jar of salsa at Wal-Mart. I liked the idea of the chocolatte mousse ($4.00), but again it failed my expectations. The mousse was lumpy, a common occurance in creating this delicate treat. The flavor was okay however I could not taste any espresso in it. I don't recommend trying these overpriced items, however I highly recommend eating at the restaurant. It is a little on the high end but the food and service is impeccable to say the least. And they are also one of the metro's few tapas bars. Booth at the festival I give a 5 out of 10, the restaurant an 11 out of 10.
Please feel free to post your food experiences at the festival, and if your not doing anything tonight, come to the Festi-Friday party. Admission is $5 and includes heavy hors d' voures from the metro's top restaurants.
04-28-2006, 03:00 PM
Yesterday my mom & I went to the Arts Festival for dinner...oh, and to look at some art. :D
She told me she'd been hearing on the radio about the wonderful Pot Roast in the Bread Bowl ($6.00). I'm pretty sure I had this item last year and really liked it, so I agreed to have it again. We split one and I wasn't very impressed. The bread was very hard (it may have been from last year!) and there didn't seem to be much meat in it. The offering was pretty disappointing given the price tag. We were going to try their cheesecake too, but after the toughness of the bread bowl, I wasn't in the mood.
A favorite standby for me is an Indian Taco. That's always been a special treat when going to the Arts Festival (or State Fair) and I'll probably have to get one next time I go.
04-29-2006, 10:54 AM
Yesterday my mom & I went to the Arts Festival for dinner...oh, and to look at some art. :D
She told me she'd been hearing on the radio about the wonderful Pot Roast in the Bread Bowl ($6.00). I'm pretty sure I had this item last year and really liked it, so I agreed to have it again. We split one and I wasn't very impressed. The bread was very hard (it may have been from last year!) and there didn't seem to be much meat in it. The offering was pretty disappointing given the price tag. We were going to try their cheesecake too, but after the toughness of the bread bowl, I wasn't in the mood.
They must have given me your share, mine was loaded. :kicking: The bread was the same as last year, I assumed it was normal, like San Franscisco sourdough.
I always have to try out the deserts, the mudslide is great. :tweeted: It's large enough to give you reasonable value for the money. As soon as this batch of showers has moved on, I'm off to sample somemore, I seem to remember something with strawberries. YUM!
I had the Coyote Chicken Sandwich... Spicy, but excellent. I then got the Tequila Bread Pudding with ice cream. Yikes! They didn't burn enough of the tequila out, however, it was dee-lish!
04-29-2006, 02:28 PM
Last night I got the Italian Grinder Sandwich from Rococo $4.00. It was excellent. A true New York style treat. I think perused over to the Harry Bear's tent and got some famous Fried Peaches with their special sauce and whipped cream $5.00 or $6.00 a la mode with ice cream. I haven't had these in years. They definitely are a MUST get at the festival. I ordered mine w/o ice cream so I could enjoy the flavor of the special sauce but they accidentally gave me ice cream. Still a must get either way although I prefer them without ice cream
05-01-2006, 03:56 PM
Had the excellent Cuban from Lottinville's and the Gopuram platter....Indian food is always a favorite with me.
International Food Row is one of my favorite 'restaurants'. ;)
Too bad it is only open 6 days out of the year. :(