View Full Version : Ideas for east Bricktown

04-12-2006, 11:52 AM
Hey guys, there's still open land in East Bricktown, plus the Steel Yard Buildings still haven't been developed. I wonder if the Steel Yard ever will be developed.

Anyhow, what ideas do you have for East Bricktown?

04-12-2006, 12:45 PM
Not sure about East Bricktown, but I think a miniature golf course would look lovely on the south side of Bricktown. AKA the Park side.

04-12-2006, 01:33 PM
The Steel Yard has said numerous times officially on the record that they won't develop until the Hill at "Bricktown" that is actually in Deep Deuce is finished. It's plans tie in with the Hill at Bricktown. They made their tentative official plans open at an OCURA meeting last July I believe. I'll consider you lucky if you can find the minutes or plans from that meeting.

04-12-2006, 01:52 PM
I made the observation in a different thread that you could build a very attractive "horseshoe" apartment/retail structure on that east end, marking a clear visual perimeter to the area.

I'm thinking about a multi-story, bricked structure that loops the sides together, overpasses Sheridan, with wrought-iron footbridge trim and old style street lights. The depth of the area (east from the end of the Sheridan) might afford the opportunity for a plaza interior.

I know I'm not describing this very well, but the picture is in my head, and its really beautiful :)


04-12-2006, 02:47 PM
Here's Hogan's plan:

Granted, he is planning on building a canal right next to it. :)

04-12-2006, 04:58 PM
If anyone has the Hill renderings saved, one of them has a proposed development in their drawing. I'm not sure of the timetable the Meinders are working with on the Stewart Complex, but I hope it can become what Hogan and his Lower Reno missed out on.

04-12-2006, 05:27 PM
My suggestion:

Not call it East Bricktown. East End or East Village or East something, but we need to move on from Bricktown. We can start a new theme, still incorporating existing historical structures but also moving to modern themes. It will open up architectural opportunities.

04-12-2006, 06:18 PM
Here's Hogan's plan:

Granted, he is planning on building a canal right next to it. :)

That is completely hilarious.

04-12-2006, 08:47 PM
More living space would be nice. Maybe a Bricktown supermarket.

04-12-2006, 09:06 PM
Not sure about East Bricktown, but I think a miniature golf course would look lovely on the south side of Bricktown. AKA the Park side.

Keith and I have been pushing for something similar for years now.

04-13-2006, 03:09 PM
Maybe a Bricktown supermarket.

Exactly what I was thinking. Perhaps more of a market type area that not only includes a neighborhood grocery store but also focuses on Oklahoma products. Throw in some cooking demonstrations/classes, wine tastings and events like that and it could be a pretty cool thing.

04-13-2006, 05:19 PM
I actually thought that O'Neill's warehouse next to the buff corral on Main would make a nice market location -- close to the CBD and Deep Deuce, with ample parking. But it would need a lot of sprucing up.

For East Bricktown, I thought it would be cool to have more live music clubs, of different genres. A multi-venue, multi-genre complex like the Knitting Factory would be cool, and would compete with the CityWalk complex. With recording studios and indie record label to boot, it'd be the center of OKC's music industry. Heck, the area already is industrial, might as well adapt to it.

04-14-2006, 02:04 PM
With recording studios and indie record label to boot, it'd be the center of OKC's music industry.

That would be cool, but i imagine that the property values will be too inflated to support that. It seems bricktown doesn't even work for strictly live music venues very well, and they get to sell alcohol. That's why you see a lot of club and local live music districts located in "seedy" parts of cities. Bricktown properties may have outgrown the local music support.

I was thinking the film exchange could be both film and music and be the city's independant media hub. I'd love to see more live music on 23rd, as well. The Tower could help anchor such a movement.

04-14-2006, 02:21 PM
Yeah, Bricktown is overpriced for such a scene. It's too bad, because in many ways a grungy but active music scene is so much more interesting than a polished, Disneyfied club district like City Walk (the other one). But I agree, 23rd would make a nice district, even the Tower Theater could be its heart.

04-14-2006, 05:08 PM
That's a good point about the music scene and Bricktown. In some regard I do believe you are right. I know that this is very unlikely and it really wouldn't do anything for the Oklahoma music scene but what about a House Of Blues? I'd be excited about something like that although it would compete directly with the Bricktown Events center and other live music venues.

04-16-2006, 12:43 AM
Competition would help keep things fresh. No need to let any one person have all the fun.

04-16-2006, 07:55 PM
I know that this is very unlikely and it really wouldn't do anything for the Oklahoma music scene but what about a House Of Blues? I'd be excited about something like that although it would compete directly with the Bricktown Events center and other live music venues.

It would be very cool to have a House of Blues. I ate in and saw a concert at their Cleveland location. Not only do you get their venue, but the scheduling of top artists as well. But I don't like the way they did business with the City of Cleveland, ala Bass Pro -- they came only with some concessions ($$$). Some local clubs objected to the assistance to a nonlocal competitor as well, but I haven't heard whether or not there have been any negative impacts.

But I agree, it's not likely. Let's develop our appreciation of jazz and blues first.

04-16-2006, 09:52 PM
I'd personally like to see something like this developed in the empty spaces in Deep Deuce. The jazz and music theme seems to fit in better there.

We need to focus more on getting small retail shops in the Bricktown area, specifically in the old warehouse buildings along the north side of the canal. Maybe we could brainstorm on stores that we'd like to see come to the Bricktown area.

04-21-2006, 04:43 PM
Two words...Dave and Buster's!

It would be great downtown. BTW - I'm new to town. Great city and online community here.