View Full Version : Easter -Chocolate Bunny?

04-12-2006, 09:24 AM
Why is it that every holiday is so commercialized? I'm getting so sick on having to spend, spend, spend for every possible thing...

My 8 year old announces this morning " I can't wait for Easter and the presents!" I'm thinking oh my God, I haven't even bought plastic eggs yet!! I said why do you think you get presents, he said well, we got this, this and this last year -

This is the same kid that can't remember to make his bed! He now has a photographic memory from a year ago!

What are your Easter plans? It is supposed to be beautiful this weekend !!

04-12-2006, 10:33 AM
My mother is having an easter egg hunt. I hope it is a beautiful day!

I know what you mean Karrie. I wish my 6 year old could understand that not all children get what he does. He has always gotten everything and he doesn't really understand it when I try to explain to him that some children aren't as fortunate. When I was younger we had the outside as our play area and that was it. I know technology has advanced but, I never had PS2, gameboys, 4-wheelers, dvd's, computer games, etc... I'm thankful that he does but I also wish he could see how thankful he really is....

His Christian school has focused this month on the true meaning of Easter. He can tell you exactly what it really means but I still don't think he quite understands. Maybe he is just too young and I should not worry so much about it right now!

04-12-2006, 10:44 AM
My son goes to a Catholic school and they have done a wonderful job of explaining the true meaning of Easter Sunday (in their beliefs; we aren't Catholic), and I appreciate that because, for the first time in his life, I think he really understands why it's a holiday.

Now, to figure out where the bunny and eggs comes in. . .

He's 12 so he said if we do an easter egg hunt, he won't need a basket, he'll just carry around a carton. I told him if he couldn't carry a basket, he's too old! lol
We do have a 10 month old this year, so I have put together a little basket with some plush toys. We are also going on an egg hunt, both kids, myself, and my mother-in-law. I can't wait! If anything to get the kids dressed up (for a change) and take some great pictures!

04-15-2006, 12:59 AM
FYI, don't know if you were asking this rhetorically, but...

The origin of colored, decorated eggs at Easter ties back to the origins of the festival of the ancient fertility goddess Eostre of Northern Europe. (Other similar figures with similar names appear throughout the Mediterranean). Pagans would attribute the renewed earth in the spring season to the blessings of Eostre, and use symbols of regenerated life, such as eggs, as part of their offerings to Eostre. Hares (rabbits) were seen as sacred to Eostre "followers," and is very likely the source of the contemporary Easter Bunny. Obviously, the current "Easter" holiday is drawn from this name, which in and of itself has nothing to do with the resurrection of Christ.

The Eostre festivals merged with the Christian celebration of Christ's resurrection when Christians were unable to stage such celebrations in public (particularly so in Greece, I believe, where they celebrated a version of the spring goddess named Astarte). As Christian leaders discovered that Eostre seasonal celebrations were often times riotous, orgiastic festivals of excess, it was thought that Christians of the time could celebrate Christ's resurrection unnoticed if they shifted the observance to coincide with the Eostre season (and closer to the Jewish observance of Passover) rather than closer to what is believed to be the actual timeframe of Jesus' resurrection. Over time, the pagan and Christian celebrations became less distinct, and colored eggs and bunnies became associated with the Christian observance of Jesus' arising.

Just a little extra information to brighten your day :)


04-15-2006, 09:26 AM
No Easter egg hunts for kids are 13 and 18, and definitely have no interest in hunting anymore. Our church choir is presenting an Easter musical in the morning, and then we will spend the rest of our day celebrating the ressurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

04-15-2006, 12:18 PM
Thanks for the information SoonerDave!