View Full Version : Baby in family dies

04-11-2006, 08:17 PM
I hope I have this in right area, but just wanted to post this and for those that do know me and have met me once.

I have found out over the weekend on thur night early morn my cousions 6 month daughter died. The father was home alone with the child when he called 911 saying the baby fell out of the crib and was not breatheing. The mother was not there but now information is saying she was there. At the hospital they tried to revive her but did not succeed, she was prounce dead at around 3:30 am fri morn. The report I have been told by my parents is there was bruises on the baby and the baby's head. Father claims she fell out of the crib and thats how she got them. How is it even possiable at 6 mnths for the baby to stand and reach the top of her crib and pull herself out? The hospistal said they looked to be previous old bruises. An autospy was ordered, and after being performed and the investigating officers said there is no doubt in his mind its child abuse. After the autospy was done its being claimed it was in fact child abuse and charges are pending being filed against the father and mother which the mother is my cousion. I can't ever see her doing something like this, she took care of her younger brother growing up. And also the great grandmother, my grandmother said she had seen bruises before on the baby but I guess did not do anything to find out the truth. Services are pending in norman with primrose, there was a article in the norman paper, and has been on news9, they have released the 911 tapes I have not got to listen, wish I could have, but from what I was told the father when called was calm and colllected and was not shocked that his own daughter was dead. So to me that itself points to abuse. This needs to be taught that if anybody suspects abuse anywhere even in your own family speak up say soemthing report, you never know it can be somebody this close that you know. I never got to see the baby, haven't seen my cousion in almost 5 years, she also had a older son, after the investigation was finished they took it because of suspicsion of abuse. My heart goes out for my cousion and I hope her the best. Would others here at okctalk put her and the rest of my family in your hopes and prayers that everything turns out ok. There more I know I will post an update.

04-11-2006, 09:33 PM
Oh Dirtrider, I'm so sorry to hear this.... my heart goes out to the family and to you - mostly for that little innocent life taken too soon.

When I think of all the parents who would love to have a little girl to love.. what a horrible shame.

I hope justice is served and if it is true that there was abuse, I hope he rots in hell.

Thinking of you at this time... best wishes to you.

04-11-2006, 11:19 PM
I'd like to urge everyone to allow the justice system to do its job before jumping to conclusions.

04-12-2006, 06:23 AM
Midtowner its not jumping to conclusons its going by what the evidence shows but I have heard the 911 tape aired on channel 9 news Monday night and it was so creepy I mean if you find your child not breathing less than a minute before you are not going to be 100% calm like nothing has happened, the tone in his voice was just kinda like oh hey this just happened I am sorry any person I know would have been very upset at this.

04-12-2006, 09:23 AM
Because this guy didn't react like you would doesn't mean that he's guilty.

That he doesn't show emotion doesn't mean anything in fact. The evidence that you are privy to is only a very small fragment of what the parties to this case have. I'd hate to think how bad it would be to lose a child in a tragic accident and then have everyone believe that you murdered your own kid.

Of course.. you've heard the 911 tape... I mean, why even have a justice system when we have 911 tapes? The guy was calm, lock him up. Right?

04-12-2006, 01:28 PM
Midtowner I have access to the same evidence that dirtrider does also have a friend that works for Norman PD so its not only a small fragment we are going by. And all of the evidence all with the 911 call doesn't look good.

04-12-2006, 02:20 PM
Actually, I think the discussion of this person's guilt might be better addressed in a separate topic - it 's apparent that Dirtrider's family is in distress and maybe we should focus on that, offering our well wishes here and open a new thread debating the perceived guilt of the accused and 911 tapes.. just a thought...I want to be sensitive to Dirtrider.. it 's his call.

(Even though I probably started it by adding that any person who harms a child should rot in hell).

04-12-2006, 03:36 PM
Actually, I think the discussion of this person's guilt might be better addressed in a separate topic - it 's apparent that Dirtrider's family is in distress and maybe we should focus on that, offering our well wishes here and open a new thread debating the perceived guilt of the accused and 911 tapes.. just a thought...I want to be sensitive to Dirtrider.. it 's his call.

(Even though I probably started it by adding that any person who harms a child should rot in hell).

Thank you karried at least somebody is standing by my side. Yes the guy should be locked up how can anybody not show emotion when there own child dies, unless they are the one that did it. Any NORMAL human being is going to histerical when they lose there own child let alone somebody close to them.

Midtower-I posted this topic as a help thing for people that can pray or hope that things turn out ok for my family and my couison who I know would not do this, for all we know she could have been threatend if she did anything and she was too scared to come forward. Uless you can offer some sympthay don't post, start another thread if you debate if the guy should be locked up or casue he was calm after his own child died. If you are wondering yes I am on a short leash, I am not happy with this out come so I am going to be, guess you would call it ill tempered if its something other than sympthany is said. This is very touchy to me cause I never got to see either child let alone my cousion in the past 5 years.

04-12-2006, 03:37 PM
Dirtrider, my heart goes out to you and your family. I'm so sorry to hear about this, and I know that nothing I say can make anything better.
Unfortunately, when it comes to the loss of a child, people become speechless. When the parents/relatives need to talk.

I lost a 4 month old child to SIDS 2 years ago in February. My situation was all over the news (they camped at my house for 2 weeks), and my boyfriend at the time (husband now) was watching Alic, I wasn't even home. I will not go into detail of our experience, but let me tell you, even for the innocent, it was horrific.

The justice system will prevail, their interest is focused purely on the child.

The best thing that could have helped me through my grief was an e-mail I received from a friend I hadn't seen in 8 years, it was a list of her 10 favorite things about me. I drew more strength from that list than you could ever imagine. Even though you haven't talked to your cousin in 5 years, something like that may help her.

04-12-2006, 03:41 PM
Dirtrider, my heart goes out to you and your family. I'm so sorry to hear about this, and I know that nothing I say can make anything better.
Unfortunately, when it comes to the loss of a child, people become speechless. When the parents/relatives need to talk.

I lost a 4 month old child to SIDS 2 years ago in February. My situation was all over the news (they camped at my house for 2 weeks), and my boyfriend at the time (husband now) was watching Alic, I wasn't even home. I will not go into detail of our experience, but let me tell you, even for the innocent, it was horrific.

The justice system will prevail, their interest is focused purely on the child.

The best thing that could have helped me through my grief was an e-mail I received from a friend I hadn't seen in 8 years, it was a list of her 10 favorite things about me. I drew more strength from that list than you could ever imagine. Even though you haven't talked to your cousin in 5 years, something like that may help her.

But for him to be calm, and when asked if he knew cpr he said yes in a blunt straight forward voice. I haven't heard teh 911 tapes, its just info that has been passed to me. If did abuse the child adn killed her then he needs to get what he deserves. My cousion I feel was just got in the middle and couldn't or was too afraid of saying anything. I just hope this all works out ok.

04-12-2006, 06:30 PM
dirt, my heart goes out to you.

04-12-2006, 06:32 PM
Thank you patrick.

04-12-2006, 08:17 PM
I don't think Midtowner was trying to make you feel bad, dirt. It's just his way of bringing the law into everything. And he's right--we can't jump to any conclusions. Innocent people do go to jail. Guilty ones run free. But we have to give everything a chance to work out.

I do feel for you, and I'm very sorry you're in the middle of all of this.

04-12-2006, 08:24 PM
I do understand that, but I said the info was just being passed onto me so I don't know for sure. I do know if my kid or kids were died or killed I would not be calm I would very upset and in shock. This guy was very calm like nothing happened. The great grandmother also had metioned before there was bruises and the investigating officer said there looked to be old bruises as well. It was confermed in the autospy that they were old revious bruises and new brusies and was ruleing it abuse. I would never thought anybody in my lifetime in our family would commit to abuse on a child or anybody, and now liveing with the true life senerio its had to fathom this happened. I do hate its this close in the family. I did visit with my aunt, the mother of my couison on sunday to see how she was doing condsidering she is just literally lives around the corner from me. She said it ment alot to her that I came by and checked on her, so that in itsself made me feel good that it made her day I came by to see her.

04-12-2006, 08:59 PM
Dirtrider, you're family needs you more than ever right now, probably more than they ever will as well. I think it's good that you visited with your grandmother, and I also think you should keep checking up on everyone, just to let them know you're there.

It was confermed in the autospy that they were old revious bruises and new brusies and was ruleing it abuse.

I find it interesting that the autopsy has been released. It took 8 weeks of several Medical Examiners conferring over the death of my son before they released the records to me. Granted, it was SIDS, and very difficult to find a cause of death for.

The media blows all infant death cases out of the water, and it's so painful on the families. When it's a case of a bruised child, and possible murder, it seems to feed into the frenzy that much more. I haven't heard the tapes, and if given a chance, wouldn't listen to them. It's hard enough for me to type this now. I just hope that if someone did hurt that child, that justice is served.

04-12-2006, 09:09 PM
The aunt has had problems in the past, a drinker, and think she has finally relized she has a problem and is suppose to speak to the family about it, am thinking this has woke her and she is thinking she is missing out on things. It hasn't been offically released yet, think it was just what they told police but come to find out they messed up the autospy and had to redo it, and the ems told the father to go ahead to hospital they were right behind him adn 30 min later they finally arivved. The media has alreadt tried to talk and have interviews with the family but of course they were told no. Well just people are here for me I am here for you as well, even me thinking about maybe loseing one of mine I want to cry. We consider my daughter our miracle, wife had one of her ovaries taken out and after few miscarries we had our daughter so she is special to me and i am very close to her so if something were to happen to her, I wouldn't ever be the same.