View Full Version : Redhawks night - OKCTalk

04-05-2006, 02:00 PM
Hey OKCTalk members....time to get your ball glove and join us out at the ball park. We're having OKCTalk night at the Redhawks, Thursday, April 13th.

Please plan on attending. No excuses. Not likeing baseball is NOT an excuse, because you don't have to come for the can just come for the fun!

We'll meet in front of the Mickey Mantle Statue on the west side around 7PM. Keith will be wearing his OKCTalk T-shirt, and I will too, if mine has come in yet....I just ordered one, but it may not be here by then. In case you forgot what we look like, check out the photo gallery. Keith and I will both be right around the statue. Keith, make sure not to get too close to ole Mickey......I think he prefers women. LOL!

To all the singles out there.....this is your chance too. Come on out as well.

This event is for everyone associated with OKCTalk in anyway. Just bring money for your ticket and a smiling face. I think we're going to either get Terrace seats or General Admission. Not sure yet, but I don't want it to be too expensive, so that way everyone can go. Make sure to meet us before you get your tickets, so we can get tickets that are all together. Since it's a weekday night, we shouldn't have any problems getting enough tickets together.

See you there. No excuses!

04-12-2006, 09:26 PM
Just a reminder.....7PM in front of the Mickey Mantle Statue. Keith and I will be wearing our OKCTalk t-shirts.

04-13-2006, 04:12 PM
This is the last call for the Redhawks game this evening. Hope to see everyone there.