View Full Version : Katie Couric Leaves The Today Show

04-05-2006, 06:56 AM
I've been up since 4 AM with a teething baby, and now, I can't get back to sleep. So when I'm up this early, I listen to the Imus In The Morning show on MSNBC.
Well, they are an hour ahead, and just patched in a feed of the Today show, and Katie Couric leaving to go to CBS as head anchorwoman of the evening news, as well as a new anchorwoman for 60 minutes.
I don't mind Katie leaving, I think she is making yet another smart business move and considers all options available. I am a loyal Today show viewer, however, they are replacing Katie not with Ann Curry (my first choice for most professional) Campbell Brown, or Natalie Morales (2 ladies we've seen more and more of on weekday broadcasts), but with Merideth Viera (The View, Who Wants To Be A Millionaire). I don't watch either of those shows, I'm sure Merideth will do an excellent job, considering her resume alone. However, it seems like the network is copping out. I can't help but wonder why the other three ladies weren't offered the position, and if so, why not take it?
I'm disappointed in NBC's decision.
What does everyone else think about this?

04-05-2006, 08:21 AM
How can you listen to Imus???

Also, I'm not sure about this. This could mean that CBS is going to move to a more info-tainment type format with its evening news. I hope it doesn't become another morning show where it's all about product placement and promotion of books and very little about real hard news.

04-05-2006, 08:54 AM
We don't know how Katie's presence will change the content of the show. But with CBS having such a hard news reputation, I don't think they would deviate from it that much.

I think Merideth Viera is the one of the few people who could slide right in. Charles Gibson is one of them. He IMO seems to have that combination of likability and respect to fill a morning show.

04-05-2006, 09:55 AM
How can you listen to Imus???

Haha, having been an insomniac for a few years now, I absolutely love Imus! There are some things I have problems with about him, but his sidekick, Charles, seems to buff any issues over well.

I also think Lester Holt would have been a perfect fit. He is truly the hardest working *Journalist* NBC or MSNBC has to offer, IMHO.
I honestly don't know much about Charles Gibson, I remember watching GMA as a kid, but I always thought he looked like Prince Charles. I know, that's a horrible way to judge someone, but I can't get it out of my head!

04-05-2006, 11:42 AM
Haha, having been an insomniac for a few years now, I absolutely love Imus! There are some things I have problems with about him, but his sidekick, Charles, seems to buff any issues over well.

I also think Lester Holt would have been a perfect fit. He is truly the hardest working *Journalist* NBC or MSNBC has to offer, IMHO.
I honestly don't know much about Charles Gibson, I remember watching GMA as a kid, but I always thought he looked like Prince Charles. I know, that's a horrible way to judge someone, but I can't get it out of my head!

I used watch Imus. He has a pretty entertaining show; in-your-face and with candid interviews with reporters and newsmakers that run longer than the typical segment. Incidentally, I think Lester Holt would've been good too.

04-06-2006, 01:24 PM
It's official: it's Viera and Lauer on the Today show: