View Full Version : Can I use as a reference/source...

03-29-2006, 12:25 PM
Hi guys. This is only my second or third post but I plan on contributing more as time goes by. I'm very interested in what's going on in OKC and especially Bricktown and Riverside. Although I'm out of country right now I keep up with things and OKC happenings through this site and just like many of you, I would like to see the urban development take a different course.

Would it help if we wrote the Daily Oklahoman? I was wanting to do just that and I was wondering if I would be allowed to reference just to keep it short. Basically, I could summarize our gripes/concerns and just give the site address for those who wanted to read in depth.

I don't know how many people know about this site and subsequently, don't understand most of the topics brought up here. Even if we were to write to the editor, perhaps others would follow and become active in the fight to help downtown. If I could reference the site, others could see the large amount of discussion going on here. Like I mentioned earlier, the Daily OK has more exposure and we would be able to attract more attention for our cause by writing to the editors. I was just wondering if I can reference this site. Thanks.

03-29-2006, 12:30 PM
Welcome to the board! We have had some limitied exposure from the Oklahoman but I think you have a good idea.

I would definitely PM Todd and pass the idea by him since he is the Admin of the site.

03-29-2006, 12:38 PM
Hey AFCM, first off welcome to the site.

I highly encourage you to send a PM to Steve. Steve is Steve Lackmeyer, the city hall rep. for the Oklahoman. He's a member of this site and visits frequently. He could probably help you out and hook you up. If you need his email address, send me a PM.

I would post it here, but I don't want search engines to catch it and send him a bunch of spam.

We actually have a few city leaders on board. Mick Cornett visits from time to time. He hasn't ben on lately though.....I think he's been busy thinking about his political future. Kim Searls and Dave Lopez are on from time to time...they're with Downtown OKC Inc. Other members include Ted Curtis, owner of Teds, Carl Sullivan, former member of the MAPS oversight board, "Proactive Volunteer" who is one of the big time members of OKC Beautiful and recently ran for city council, although she lost, our very own metro who ran for Bethany City Council, etc. Anyways, your voice is heard here.

Hope you enjoy the site. We'd love to have more people aboard that are really interested in Bricktown and OKC as a whole. That seems to be the main focus of this site.