View Full Version : Kelly's two cents

10-05-2004, 10:22 PM
What do you guys think about Kelly's two cents? Personally I'm a real champion for non-bias in the media, so I really would rather Kelly just report the news and not give his opinions, but I was just curious what your thoughts were on this. Don't get me wrong though, Kelly is my Sunday School teacher and I love him dearly. You couldn't ask for a more compassionate man! So please don't take this as a personal attack against him.

10-06-2004, 06:01 AM
I really can't say whether I am for it or against it. I don't get much of a chance to hear it since it is broadcast during the evening news, which I don't watch much because I am usually not home by then. The few that I have seen have been alright. I also agree that Kelly seems to be a compassionate person, however, either way, it really doesn't matter to me.

10-06-2004, 07:33 AM
Many well known anchors all over the nation have given editorials and commentaries for decades with no debate of whenter or not they should do so.
So. Why should Kelly Ogle be any different? He is entitled to his own opinion and gives the public time for rebuttal.

Editorials and commentaries are a time honored tradition and right of passage.

Joe Schmoe
10-06-2004, 07:55 AM
I like editorials because non biased news is a myth, so I like knowing what the anchor thinks. Then I can more effectively use my personal filters to judge the slant that they give the news.

Oh those Ogle boys, their dad used to do editorials when he was on the air. Unfortunately none of the boys have their dad's classically trained voice to ad gravitas to their reporting.

10-06-2004, 08:04 AM
I like editorials because non biased news is a myth, so I like knowing what the anchor thinks. Then I can more effectively use my personal filters to judge the slant that they give the news.

Oh those Ogle boys, their dad used to do editorials when he was on the air. Unfortunately none of the boys have their dad's classically trained voice to ad gravitas to their reporting.

The reason the Ogle's do not have their dad's "Classically trained voice" is because voice imrovement is not a required course for broadcast communications any more. It should be. I hear really BAD voices all the time. Example. Bob Barry, Jr. and Linda Cavanaugh.

Nothing wrong with the "golden throat" voice and diction of yesteryear.

By the way. Of the voices, Kelly DOES have one that would be accepatable by the former standards.

10-06-2004, 10:46 AM
I agree mranderson. I think of the three (Kent, Kevin, and Kelly) Kelly probably has the better voice. His voice seems really fit for broadcast journalism.

10-06-2004, 09:24 PM
It is true that voice and diction is not a required course in the broadcasting major. However, having taken that class myself, I can say that MANY broadcast majors took that as an elective at UCO. I hope that makes you all feel better :D

To get rid of that Okie accent just takes about 30 minutes a day worth of practice.

Voice & Diction should be required of EVERY Oklahoman student.

10-07-2004, 06:08 AM
Whoo, I was really worried about that. :D Actually, I love my okie accent....ya'll.

10-07-2004, 06:45 AM
Oh, I can call mine up when needed. Code switching is a valuable tool sometimes :D

However, when dealing with out of staters, your voice tells them things that may be untrue about you. For example, take our Okie accent. Use that up in New York or someplace like that and everyone's going to assume your an ass-backwards redneck, slow, stupid, ignorant, racist, etc.

Be proud of the way you speak -- just be aware what it conveys to people.