View Full Version : Ethical delimna

03-15-2006, 02:01 PM
I think I'm going to start doing more posts on ethics. Seems to drive deep thought. Believe it or not, I got this idea from Jack's poll question. lol!

Topic: If you find out you have HIV/Aids and and have a long term relationship with a member of the opposite sex, whether married or not, how do you tell your significant other?

03-15-2006, 02:06 PM
I think the best thing would be to become as informed as possible right away, make a Dr.s appt immediately and both go together.. people hear Aids and think instant death sentence -

You have to tell your partner immediately as painful as it is.

03-15-2006, 02:08 PM
I agree with Karrie

03-15-2006, 06:46 PM
I think I'm going to start doing more posts on ethics. Seems to drive deep thought. Believe it or not, I got this idea from Jack's poll question. lol!

Topic: If you find out you have HIV/Aids and and have a long term relationship with a member of the opposite sex, whether married or not, how do you tell your significant other?

I am trying to get the scenerio correct. Are you implying that you contracted HIV/Aids from someone other than your significant other? I see that the question was worded, ....."and have a long term relationship with a member of the opposite sex......Firstly, I don't think that it matters whether the long term relationship has been with a member of the same or opposite sex, the answer, I think, should be the same. I agree with the other answers, and I think that I would begin with the person that I suspect was my contact. That person just might not have the disease. You would then have to inform that person too. If that had been the only fly in the ointment, so to speak, then you might want to think a little differently how you are going to discuss the issue with your significant other, as he/she may be your contact. If that proves correct, then why would you have to mention the third fly, at least at this time? But I do agree completely that any dragging of the feet wouldn't be constructive in any way..there are more ways other than sexual intercourse to contact the disease, so it doesn't mean that your signaficant other has met up with a fourth fly.