View Full Version : Bricktown Police substation

03-07-2006, 02:23 PM
Don't know if any of you have noticed lately but construction on the new police substation is coming along quite nicely. Much faster than I anticipated. All the new buildings are erected and the brick started to go up on them last week. I will try and post pictures soon unless someone beats me to it.

03-07-2006, 02:51 PM
Brick???, they actually included brick? Someone call over Randy Hogan and show him what brick is.

03-07-2006, 05:08 PM
Yep, we get more aesthetic consideration from a municipal project than from a commercial one.

Urban Pioneer
03-08-2006, 08:42 AM
At least the city gets it.

03-08-2006, 09:25 AM
Anyone here ever had an experience with Bricktown's finest? I haven't had any contact whatsoever for several years and I've never been in trouble with the law. I used to play in a local band which had a regular gig at a Bricktown bar called the Monkey Moose. My recollection is that at least the officers who I came into contact with were extremely unprofessional. So much so that they drank while on duty while using cheap pickup lines on the local fauna. I actually heard one of those bicycle cops utter the phrase (while talking to a 20-something blonde) "I shoot first and ask questions later."

I'd think that the city would make a conscious effort to put those kinds of officers on regular car patrols and instead, allow more professional and polite officers to patrol such an important part of Oklahoma City.

Of course, my experience in this occured around the winter months of '99, so many things may have changed since then.

03-22-2006, 12:55 PM
I think I can address the experience you had.
Several years ago the Bricktown area was having a security problem. As you may know Oklahoma City Police Officers are not allowed to work in bars or nightclubs. They are additionally restricted by policy from conducting a check of a bar with less than two or more than three officers unless approved by a supervisor.
Bricktown establishments were hiring police officers from other jurisdictions as security. These officers elected to dress in uniforms as close to OCPD as possible. At the time this problem was heightened by the fact that every specialty unit in the department (e.g gangs enforcement, IMPACT, bicycle, K-9, etc...) had their own uniform.
Chief of Police M.T. Berry took very decisive action and shut down the outside jurisdictions, as well as private security wearing an OCPD style uniform. The department has also adopted a class C uniform that all units wear, with the exception of patrol who remain in the traditional uniform.
I can't speak to what you observed, but I believe the Police Department has taken a number of steps to ensure Bricktown remains safe and pleasant.

03-23-2006, 07:35 PM
Don't know if any of you have noticed lately but construction on the new police substation is coming along quite nicely. Much faster than I anticipated. All the new buildings are erected and the brick started to go up on them last week. I will try and post pictures soon unless someone beats me to it.
I went by the new substation this afternoon and got a few pics. I didn't see any workers around, so I have no idea when they are actually working on the building. It looks like the inside is just gutted. They had a fence up so I couldn't get a look inside. In case anyone wonders where the new substation is at, it's located just west of E. Main St & Central Ave

I didn't realize that Lippert Construction was the contractor doing the job. Anyway, here are the pics....

04-25-2006, 05:06 PM
New pics in my gallery:

10-04-2006, 02:22 PM
I just drove by. Looks nearly complete. I took pics but left my camera in the car. I will try and upload them in the next day or so. Any word on when it opens? I"m guessing within 2-3 weeks.

Doug Loudenback
11-12-2006, 08:11 AM
Here's a couple of pic I took at dusk yesterday ... Police Station (looking good!) and a building south of it on Main (ditto!) ...

11-12-2006, 09:08 AM
Maybe it's just me, but I don't get it. Why such a large police station so close to the main downtown station? Was a smaller store front really not good enough? Don't get me wrong, I think it looks really nice (aka expensive) but exactly what is its purpose?

11-12-2006, 11:09 AM
With Santa Fe division covering nearly half of Oklahoma City, the Bricktown division may take part of that. It could be the reason it is a division headquarters and not another "storefront."

In fact, we need at least six divisions in Oklahoma City. With Bricktown, that makes five.

11-13-2006, 05:01 PM
Well, the main police station, mostly covers administrative functions. This Bricktown Police Station would cover the entire downtown area, and then some.

11-19-2006, 08:41 PM
Well let me be the first to say the cells inside are also very nice...Very spacious

J/K :drunk:

01-22-2007, 06:43 PM
Open for business.......

01-22-2007, 11:20 PM
I haven't had an "encounter" with the police in Bricktown, but I have seen them while I've been down there. I actually think they do a really good job. Bricktown is an interesting place because you have a lot of people who are drinking -- the majority of them aren't harming themselves or anyone else, but every so often you get someone who is trouble. From what I've seen they do an excellent job of walking a fine line and just letting the harmless folks be, but then very aggressively going after the folks who are causing problems.

They've also always seemed professional and friendly to me.

01-22-2007, 11:23 PM
Anyone here ever had an experience with Bricktown's finest? I haven't had any contact whatsoever for several years and I've never been in trouble with the law. I used to play in a local band which had a regular gig at a Bricktown bar called the Monkey Moose. My recollection is that at least the officers who I came into contact with were extremely unprofessional. So much so that they drank while on duty while using cheap pickup lines on the local fauna. I actually heard one of those bicycle cops utter the phrase (while talking to a 20-something blonde) "I shoot first and ask questions later."

I'd think that the city would make a conscious effort to put those kinds of officers on regular car patrols and instead, allow more professional and polite officers to patrol such an important part of Oklahoma City.

Of course, my experience in this occured around the winter months of '99, so many things may have changed since then.

Midtowner they are already on regular duty.. They patrol my area.. Keep them in Bricktown I seen enough

01-23-2007, 06:33 AM
Well let me be the first to say the cells inside are also very nice...Very spacious

J/K :drunk:

Oh? And how do you know this? :dizzy: :LolLolLol