View Full Version : J.C. Penney's, Old Chicago Pizza, and Panera coming to Midwest City?

03-04-2006, 01:08 AM
From newsok:

Retailers sign leases for second phase of Midwest City redevelopment project
By Paul Monies
The Oklahoman

MIDWEST CITY - Bolstered by population growth and nearby Tinker Air Force Base, several retailers have signed leases for the next phase of Midwest City’s downtown redevelopment project, officials said Friday.
Phase Two of the Town Center Plaza project will add stores such as Alltel Communications, Cingular Wireless and Eyemart Express, City Manager Guy Henson said. Others signing leases are Vintage Stock, Dr. Jones Eyecare, Nguyen Nail Salon and Cold Stone Creamery.

About 500 jobs in construction and retail are expected to be created in the next phases of the project, Henson said. Business has been booming along a ¾-mile strip at Interstate 40, SE 29 and Air Depot Boulevard. Phase One of the project included Lowe’s, Target and Kohl’s stores, with construction investment of about $25 million.

Henson said developer Sooner Investment is in the final stages of lease negotiations with prospective tenants such as Starbucks, Hallmark, Panera Bread and Sports Clips for Phase Two, which represents investment of $9 million.

Russell Smith, redevelopment coordinator for the city, said leases for the third phase of the project haven’t been signed, but retailers such as J.C. Penney Co. Inc. have signed letters of intent. Others interested in the area include PetSmart, Staples, Books-A-Million, Famous Footwear and Best Buy.

Sooner Investment also has been marketing parcels along SE 29, Henson said.

“As you can see, there already exists a new Chili’s and Steak and Shake,” he said. “Other prospects include Panda Express, Chick-Fil-A, Old Chicago Pizza and Logan’s Roadhouse.”

With the final two phases and the outparcel development, Henson said about $40 million in construction is expected to be under way within the next six months.

So a Penney's outside of an indoor mall? I know it's not unheard of but you don't see it very often. Did Penney's move out of Heritage Park? Perhaps they plan to abandon Crossroads?

And I haven't actually been to an Old Chicago, but it is another one of those pretty nice restaurants that we don't have here.

03-04-2006, 03:55 AM
About 15 or 20 years ago, Penney's had a small Midwest City location in that same area (off 29th street), but it closed around the same time everything else started going downhill. I actually liked the convenience of it (since I lived in MWC) and not having to hassle with the mall. Also, Penney's does not have a store at Heritage Park...their closest store to the Midwest City area is Crossroads.

Old Chicago is pretty good, however I'm sure many folks will complain since it is a chain restaurant.

I'm really excited the development is going so well in that area. MWC has become so dumpy over the years, it's nice to see it being revitalized.

03-04-2006, 07:18 AM
What suprises me is that MWC did not do something like this before now. The Air Force Base alone will support that area.

Single military memebers tend to have a large amount of disposal income. Especially if they live on base. When you live on base the only true expenses you have is maintence and upkeep on your car if you have one. When your single and in the military you can blow your paycheck on something stupid and still survive. You always have a place to sleep and your meals are always waiting for you in the Chow hall.

03-04-2006, 09:06 AM
Not only this but MWC is getting a Best Buy, Marshalls, Starbucks, Cold Stone Creamery, Sport Clips, Hallmark, Eyemart Express, Cingular, Alltel, Vintage Stock, Dr Jones Eyecare, Nguyen Nail Salon, Petsmart, Staples, Books A Million, Lane Bryant, Hibbett Sports, Famous Footwear and Party America... Quite alot of new stuff..

03-04-2006, 12:05 PM
Old Chicago is pretty good, however I'm sure many folks will complain since it is a chain restaurant.

It's MWC, I don't think they'll be complaining if it's a chain or not. ;)

Good to see this area picking up. Definately will make the area more attractive to those passing through on the highway and those from out of area visiting Tinker.

03-04-2006, 04:11 PM
I agree. It's becoming a much more attractive gateway to the metro for people coming from the east on I-40.

03-04-2006, 04:16 PM
Of course, this probably means the death knell for Heritage Park, but it's not like no one saw that coming.

03-04-2006, 04:31 PM
I'm proud of MWC for getting this done. It's a great range of retail/restaurants for a city that's been an afterthought for many years. Along with the Reed Center and the Rose State Performing Arts Center, MWC is remaking the eastside's image.

03-04-2006, 05:53 PM
Yeah, Heritage Park had Sears, Wards, and Dillards. They're left with Sears. Guess it shows you Heritage Park is in serious trouble if Penney's would go with a stand alone location over a mall. Heck, I'm not even sure who owns Heritage Park anymore. After Simon sold it, it's changed hands several times.

03-04-2006, 06:29 PM
Heritage Park is icky. I've been over there several times, but wouldn't venture out much past Dillard's. Now that's gone, I don't see myself returning. I really can't help that there's som "A-Z Discount" Store that takes the space where Ward's once was. In addition, the huge Goodwill Store across the street doesn't exactly scream "upscale shopping here". (Although I really like the Goodwill's fun shopping.)

It's just sad that all the rebuilding focus is on the 29th street area and the heart of Midwest City (Reno Blvd. for several miles) is crappy.

03-05-2006, 03:05 PM
Midwest City has just ballooned and become much more popular since the May 1999 tornado came through. Both MWC and Moore are better today than they were before the tornado. It's really nice to see MWC booming, especially since I spend a great deal of time there going to school at Rose State. I used to live in Choctaw, so I'm really familiar with the east side of the metro now. It's going to look totally different ten years from now out that way. Kudos to MWC!

03-05-2006, 07:52 PM
Why do we care about chains moving in?

Really.. does it matter?

Sounds like a Chicago-style Olive Garden.

Whoopity doo.

03-05-2006, 08:00 PM
Why do we care about chains moving in?

Really.. does it matter?

Sounds like a Chicago-style Olive Garden.

Whoopity doo.

LOL! I couldn't agree more.

03-05-2006, 08:18 PM
Yeah, that's kind of the response I figured the arrival of chain restaurants in MWC would get. Thanks Patrick & Midtowner for not letting me down. (That's what I was referring to in my earlier post, John!)

If either of you have ever lived in MWC, you'd understand that it really is a big deal there.

03-05-2006, 08:32 PM
I was actually part way kidding. I don't typically get excited over a chain restaurant here and there, but I think new developments that revive an area are always good. Also, any new chain to the area is cool. For example, I'm happy to see Elephant Restaurant and Bar coming to OKC.

03-05-2006, 10:44 PM
Yeah, that's kind of the response I figured the arrival of chain restaurants in MWC would get. Thanks Patrick & Midtowner for not letting me down. (That's what I was referring to in my earlier post, John!)

If either of you have ever lived in MWC, you'd understand that it really is a big deal there.

My experience with MWC is not highly extensive, but I do have a realtively good idea of how the city is. I worked for a brief time in Heritage Park Mall... I only regret that the time wasn't more brief.

MWC is doomed because of two factors: Its closeness to the interstate 'crossroads' (lots of drugs going through there) and its proximity to lots of low income housing. This translates into both a high supply and high demand for illegal drugs.. the good news is that the prices are probably really low due to these factors! MWC is a great town for addicts I guess :)

Tinker overtaking a lot of the low income housing would be cause for celebration for MWC.. a new chain restaurant isn't.

I'm really not surprised at this opening though. The eastern part of MWC is relatively affluent. There is also a giant sucking vacuum when it comes to decent casual dining type restaurants. I'm not surprised, but I'm also not going to put on my party hat.

03-06-2006, 08:17 AM
Fair enough, Mid. I understand your perspective. It's certainly not worth putting on the party hat, but I think it's encouraging that they are getting some new restaurants (even if they are chains). :)

03-15-2006, 02:19 PM
Working in MWC, I'm tickled to death to hear about Panera coming into the SE 29th corridor. I'd mentioned to the Panera manager near my house that MWC needed one, and he said they were going in "somewhere" in the new 29th street area this fall.

If you work out here, you tire very quickly of the fast food that dominates 29th between Sunnylane and Sooner...I'd gladly take a chain if it offers good snobbery here.
