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04-20-2006, 03:44 PM
I think the bottom three is somewhat rigged. Sure, Ace had the lowest number of votes, but I'm not sure about the other two. Every once in awhile they probably throw more popular contestants in the bottom 3 to encourage their fans to vote more for them.

04-21-2006, 06:10 PM
You may be on to something there, Uptown. I fail to understand how Katherine (she's amazing & consistent every week) has been in the bottom 3 a few times, and how Chirs made it there this time. It's so strange. And Kellie! ACK!

Patrick, you're just naughty for your comments. :D :D :D

"I'm a mink!" You're an imbecile, Kellie

04-21-2006, 09:40 PM
You may be on to something there, Uptown. I fail to understand how Katherine (she's amazing & consistent every week) has been in the bottom 3 a few times, and how Chirs made it there this time. It's so strange. And Kellie! ACK!

Patrick, you're just naughty for your comments. :D :D :D

"I'm a mink!" You're an imbecile, Kellie

We can always bring Kevin back in place of Kellie! :D Just kidding.

Hey, I agree completely with you about Katherine and Chris.

04-25-2006, 07:41 PM
So what'd you kids think about tonite? Pretty good, overall. I thought Taylor & Katherine did very well even though the judges weren't impressed.

Once again, Kellie sucked. fortunately, her performance wasn't memorable, so it didn't ruin "Unchained Melody" for me...although her stupid comments about the pottery scene in "Ghost" may have destroyed the movie for me. ;)

Chris was great and so was Elliot! Paris didn't impress me much, as I can't really remember her performance.

What are the bets on bottom 3 this week? Fingers crossed that the Pickle is going home.

04-25-2006, 08:46 PM
First off, Keith, yup, I ended up staying home from the Arts Festival to watch. I just couldn't miss it.

Regardless of who I liked before, Elliott really moved me tonight. Not only did he give Paula tears, he gave me chills up my spine. I was really moved by his performance.

Chris was excellent as usual. Brian Adams was a great pick for him.

I really thought the song Taylor picked fit his voice well. I thought he actually sounded like the actual singer of "Just Once," James Ingram.

I know the judges said Katherine was no Whitney Houston, but I thought she really wailed tonight. I didn't think she was as good as the guys, but she was still good.

Paris really didn't move me tonight. She some some Barbara Streisand song. Barbara is really difficult to sing after, and I think it was a poor song choice. She had some pitch problems.

I'd have to say Kellie was the worst tonight, and the worst I've ever seen her. Absolutely no emotion whatsoever. Extremely monotone.

My bottom 2: Paris and Kellie. I'm really hoping Kellie goes home.

04-25-2006, 08:46 PM
Here are the current results from

1-2 Taylor Hicks 0560.138 2.02
1-3 Chris Daughtry 0659.569 2.035
2-4(B3) Elliott Yamin 0255.508 2.135
3-4(B3) Katharine McPhee 0151.323 2.233
5-6(B3) Kellie Pickler 0344.8 2.378
5-6(B3) Paris Bennett 0440.154 2.476

04-25-2006, 09:02 PM
First off, Keith, yup, I ended up staying home from the Arts Festival to watch. I just couldn't miss it.

Regardless of who I liked before, Elliott really moved me tonight. Not only did he give Paula tears, he gave me chills up my spine. I was really moved by his performance.

Chris was excellent as usual. Brian Adams was a great pick for him.

I really thought the song Taylor picked fit his voice well. I thought he actually sounded like the actual singer of "Just Once," James Ingram.

I know the judges said Katherine was no Whitney Houston, but I thought she really wailed tonight. I didn't think she was as good as the guys, but she was still good.

Paris really didn't move me tonight. She some some Barbara Streisand song. Barbara is really difficult to sing after, and I think it was a poor song choice. She had some pitch problems.

I'd have to say Kellie was the worst tonight, and the worst I've ever seen her. Absolutely no emotion whatsoever. Extremely monotone.

My bottom 2: Paris and Kellie. I'm really hoping Kellie goes home.
You dirty dog.....:tweeted:
I bet you get the couch tonight, especially since you didn't take your wife to the arts festival. Oooh, I sure would not want to be in your shoes tonight.......:poke:

Anyway, I did get to watch some of American Idol this evening. Here are my picks.

Elliot, Chris, and Taylor, all did outstanding. I was very impressed.

Katharine did not do as well as I thought she could have.

Paris dissappointed me tonight. It definitely was not one of her best performances.

Kellie is history, IMHO. She butchered the song, and didn't seem like herself. She said she was a little nervous this evening......maybe she was not comfortable with the song she sang.

I hate to say this, but I agree with Patrick. I believe Kellie and Paris will be the bottom two.

04-25-2006, 09:07 PM
Actually we went to the Arts Festival, we just went after the show. Am I out of the dog house now?

04-25-2006, 09:08 PM
sweetdaisy, you need to go on American Idol next go around. We'll all vote for you. That way you can show them that not all blondes are like Kellie!

04-25-2006, 09:18 PM
sweetdaisy, you need to go on American Idol next go around. We'll all vote for you. That way you can show them that not all blondes are like Kellie! you are out of the doggy house with your wife, but you are now in the doggy house with sweetdaisy:LolLolLol

Well, well, look at the time......why am I still up? Patrick, you are a bad influence on me. Do you want me to give you a wake up call at 5:15 in the morning? I have a feeling you will be dreaming about American Idol.


04-25-2006, 09:24 PM
but you are now in the doggy house with sweetdaisy:LolLolLol

Wha? I'm confused! :confused: All I said was sweetdaisy was intelligent!

Anyways, sweetdaisy, :yourock:

04-26-2006, 07:46 AM
Oh honey! I have enough sense to know better than to ever try and sing in public. The only song I can even muster for karaoke (and that's after a few shots of "liquid courage") is "Jose Cuervo". LOVE THAT SONG. Was singing it when I was in middle school, even though I didn't know what it was. :D Anyway, I wouldn't even hold a candle to the "Pickle" and her singing "talent".

I pray that Kellie goes home tonite...she's a "has been", IMO.

04-26-2006, 07:56 AM
Chris was incredible tonight.. I really think he should win.. he reminds me of Vin Deisel but cuter.

What did Elliot sing? I missed that.

Why do we always get cruddy weather for the Art's Festival?

04-26-2006, 10:05 AM
Why do we always get cruddy weather for the Art's Festival?

I agree. It was freezing last night. We bolted for the car after about 30 minutes.

04-26-2006, 11:27 AM
C'mon, guys! It's the one time during the year that we can count on rain! I've actually been looking forward to the Arts Festival in hopes that we can get some relief for our parched earth!

It was cold last nite, though. I made the mistake of going outside wearing scrubs and immediately turned around to get a sweatshirt.

04-26-2006, 06:11 PM
C'mon, guys! It's the one time during the year that we can count on rain! I've actually been looking forward to the Arts Festival in hopes that we can get some relief for our parched earth!

It was cold last nite, though. I made the mistake of going outside wearing scrubs and immediately turned around to get a sweatshirt.

I just gotta know where you wearing heels with those scrubs? hehe

I'm not gonna get to watch tonight but I'm hoping this will be the last night for Kellie. She makes my ears hurt!

04-26-2006, 08:11 PM
Hooray, Kellie is gone.

For those of you that missed it:

1. Chris and Katherine were the top 2.
2. Elliott and Taylor were in the next group
3. Paris and Kellie were in the bottom 2.

04-27-2006, 07:44 AM
Kellekokid, surprisingly, I wasn't wearing heels!!! :D

HURRAH, Pickler is gone!!! YAY!!!

And another note for those of you who missed it, Simon apologized to Katherine for being overly harsh! FANTASTIC!

04-27-2006, 10:24 AM
sweetdaisy, who is your favorite at the moment?

I know Keith likes Paris, and I like Elliot.

I actually think the remaining 5 are all good.

I'm willing to bet Paris leaves next week though.

If I were to rank, not on my order of preference, but the order I think they're currently in overall, I'd have to say:

1. Chris
2. Taylor (wasn't near the top this week but has been for most of the show)
3. Katherine
4. Elliott
5. Paris

04-27-2006, 03:11 PM
My favorites:

1. Katherine - she's amazing! poised, pretty, and an fantastic voice
2. Taylor - still love Taylor, though I don't think he'll win.
3. Chris (I haven't heard good things about his behavior outside of the show...mostly that he's really obnoxious)
4. Elliott - he was really good this week.
5. Paris - too young

But Patrick, you're probably correct with picking Chris first. He'll probably win this season. If he does, I think Kat will be a close second.

BTW, I'm going to the ARTS FESTIVAL TONITE!!!! WHOO HOO!!! :D

05-02-2006, 08:34 PM
Very interesting night tonight. I think the results are about right on DialIdol. Katherine really messed up her first song, and Paris, although decent, is still not up there.

Here's the latest from It's still early though, so I'll post the latest results later tonight.

1Taylor Hicks65.2651.844-
2-3(B3)Chris Daughtry55.6182.084-
2-3(B3)Elliott Yamin55.3972.09-
4-5(B3)Katharine McPhee50.4552.235-
4-5(B3)Paris Bennett45.972.334-

05-02-2006, 08:44 PM
BTW, sweetdaisy, I think Taylor is everyone's personal favorite. He's incredibly unique. I wouldn't have a problem at all if he won!

05-02-2006, 09:16 PM
BTW, sweetdaisy, I think Taylor is everyone's personal favorite. He's incredibly unique. I wouldn't have a problem at all if he won!
After watching it tonight, I would say that the winner will either be Chris or Taylor. My wife's favorite is Taylor.

It looked like Paula was sober tonight.....

05-02-2006, 10:31 PM
It looked like Paula was sober tonight.....


Keith, I hate to say this...I do thing Paris can sing, but it really disappointed me tonight that they had to bleep her out because she said sh*t in her song.

05-02-2006, 10:32 PM
Here are the final results from dialidol:

1Taylor Hicks50.1681.761-
2-3(B3)Elliott Yamin42.2241.896-
2-3(B3)Chris Daughtry41.9161.901-
4-5(B3)Katharine McPhee37.7941.967-
4-5(B3)Paris Bennett35.1122.009-

05-03-2006, 07:21 AM
OH NO! Katharine is in the bottom two??? WHAAAA!!! Loved her second song last nite. She did a great job!

I'm getting a little tired of Chris and Elliott. Don't know what the deal is, but I'm just not real excited by them anymore. :(

Paris is going home tonite. (Though I think she's done great!)

05-03-2006, 07:37 AM
Wow, what song had that word in? it I missed it last night! What did Chris sing? What was the theme of the night and the star helping them.. I missed it all!

05-03-2006, 08:34 AM
Well, they had two songs to do. The first set's theme was a song from the year they were born. I'm not sure what the second set was (the same theme?). I'm with sweetdaisy, Katherine's my pick -- she had me at her audition. I see Elliott, Chris, and Kat as the final three.

05-03-2006, 01:05 PM
They're all good. I'm not sure who will win at this point. Taylor still seems to be the most popular among fans.

Karrie, Chris did okay last night, but the judges told him his voice was about to crash on the last song. I think he'll be safe this week.

Katherine is cool, but her first song wasn't great. I think she picked up points on the second song though.

Elliott was average this week. Nothing spectacular, but didn't make any mistakes either.

Paris decided to show her black side this week. And yeah, they had to bleep her out during her first song, because the song had a cuss word in it.

I still think Chris will win it all though. Based on public support, Taylor has a shot though.

It's interesting but a white guy has never won the competition.

05-03-2006, 03:59 PM
each time I look at this thread today, Katharine's second song pops into my head. She did a fantastic job with that and then having the guys with the box drums was icing on the cake.

05-03-2006, 06:15 PM
each time I look at this thread today, Katharine's second song pops into my head. She did a fantastic job with that and then having the guys with the box drums was icing on the cake.

I completely agree. Has to be one of the most unique performances I've seen on Idol this year. Kudos to Katherine. I hope it's enough to give her another week.

By the way, I hope no one took offense to my comments above about Paris trying to be black. My attempt was not to be racist. I was just stating the obvious.

05-03-2006, 07:43 PM
Results from tonight: Kevin Covais and Anthony Federov returned and sung a duet as the 4-eyed clan! Both replaced Chris and Taylor who were voted off tonight.

Okay, totally joking.

Bottom 2 was Elliott and Paris.

Paris left tonight.

05-03-2006, 08:17 PM
You are not right, Patrick! Silly boy!

So glad it was Paris who left tonite. Did anyone notice her speaking voice was considerably lower and less "babyish" when she talked to Ryan this evening?

And, I was happy to see that dialidol was wrong about Ms. Kat! She was NOT in the bottom two after all.

05-03-2006, 10:19 PM
I wondered if she was going to shed a tear or two. When other folks have been voted off, they've shown her and she's always shedding a tear.

05-04-2006, 10:14 AM
Okay, folks. I've decided. Do they allow write ins for AI. If so I think we should all vote for Paula.

05-09-2006, 07:02 PM
So who watched and what'd you think?

I think Simon was extremely hard on Katherine tonite. :( I still think she's great, but she just didn't do that great with Elvis songs...not her genre.

Elliott looks like an elf. The guy has a great voice, but I just cannot get into WATCHING him perform.

Chris was great as usual...especially the first song. Taylor had a great time and I loved him too.

Paula is a freak and I don't understand why she still has a job.

05-09-2006, 08:02 PM
As much as I like her, I think Katherine should go home after tonight. In the first song, she couldn't even remember her lyrics. In her 2nd song, she struggled to reach the high notes. It was horrible. As much as I think she's a good singer, I just don't think she should stay based on tonight alone.

Chris, Taylor, and Elliott all had flawless performances.

I think Elliott and Kat will be in the bottom 2. Who gets voted off is anyone's guess.

05-09-2006, 08:51 PM
As much as I like her, I think Katherine should go home after tonight. In the first song, she couldn't even remember her lyrics. In her 2nd song, she struggled to reach the high notes. It was horrible. As much as I think she's a good singer, I just don't think she should stay based on tonight alone.

Chris, Taylor, and Elliott all had flawless performances.

I think Elliott and Kat will be in the bottom 2. Who gets voted off is anyone's guess.
I think Katharine is up on the chopping block because of her poor performance tonight.

The other three did have flawless performances, so it is anybody's guess at this point.

05-09-2006, 09:13 PM
DialIdol predicts that either Chris or Katherine is going home.

1-2Taylor Hicks61.9431.697-

1-2Elliott Yamin60.2161.735-

3-4Katharine McPhee54.1361.863-

3-4Chris Daughtry53.421.877-

05-10-2006, 07:21 AM
:( It'll be Kat. We'll see, though.

I can't imagine Chris being voted out.

05-10-2006, 08:01 AM
I can't imagine Chris being voted out.

I can't either. Regardless of what DialIdol says, I still think Katherine and Elliott will be in the bottom 2. At this point, anyone could leave.

05-10-2006, 07:38 PM
Well, the votes are in, and Dial Idol was correct. Taylor and Elliott were in the top 2. Chris and Kat were in the bottom 2.

And Chris left us tonight.

I'm really shocked.

05-10-2006, 08:33 PM
Nnooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !!!

05-10-2006, 08:46 PM
Did you vote Karrie?

05-10-2006, 09:11 PM
Well, the votes are in, and Dial Idol was correct. Taylor and Elliott were in the top 2. Chris and Kat were in the bottom 2.

And Chris left us tonight.

I'm really shocked.
Man, this things gotta be rigged. This ain't right.

05-11-2006, 07:14 AM
The only negative I have to say about Chris is that all of his songs sounded the same. It got a little old for me.

I am really shocked, though. I couldn't believe it...

Taylor still holds his record of never being in the bottom 2 or 3. INTERESTING.

05-11-2006, 11:29 AM
You know, it's interesting that you mention that sweetdaisy. I told my wife last night that the reason Chris probably got voted off is because people were getting tired of the same old rock songs. Seems like when he started the competition he sung a variety of songs, and in the last few weeks he sung nothing but rock songs. I think maybe he needed to go outside the box a little.

One thing you have to realize, more people tend to like pop music than hard rock.

The advantage Taylor has is that he's sung a variety of songs, fast and slow. I think that helps him. Same for Katherine.

05-12-2006, 10:51 AM
I personally think Katherine is a babe. That's why she will win American Idol. Just like Kelli Pickler shoud have.

05-12-2006, 09:41 PM
Just like Kelli Pickler shoud have.

:eek: GROSS. She's icky.

05-16-2006, 10:41 PM
Looks like the results from Dial Idol this week are too close to call and the bottom 2 is within the margin of error. I really don't think it matters because Taylor is going to win it all anyways.

1Taylor Hicks41.6071.637-

2-3Katharine McPhee37.691.691-

2-3Elliott Yamin37.1171.699-

05-17-2006, 08:24 AM
Taylor still reminds me, as Simon said, of a very good karaoke singer. And he physically works harder than any other candidate to distinguish himself. I still don't know who Taylor's fan base will be, but obviously some people are voting for him.

I think DialIdol has it right, and that Elliott will go. He's got vocals, but I don't see any marketability. He's not quite Michael Buble or Darryl Hall.

Simon lofted the perfect ball for Kat to hit out of the park. I knew her rendition of Somewhere Over the Rainbow was special, and the judges confirmed it when they said it was the best performance of the season.

Taylor and Kat in the finals, with Taylor winning.

05-17-2006, 09:21 AM
The interesting thing is that all 3 judges said on different TV programs this past week that Elliott had the best vocals and was the best of the 3. Simon said this on Oprah, Randy on The View, and Paula to the general media.

I do think Taylor has a unique voice, but as far as vocals go, I don't think he's better than Chris was.

Overall, I still think Chris was the best of the 4. I think he got robbed.

05-17-2006, 11:09 AM
I think Kat should still get voted off. People are quick to forget her performance last week. It was the worst of anyone's.

05-17-2006, 11:10 AM
Overall, I still think Chris was the best of the 4. I think he got robbed.

Kat's my favorite, but I agree. I think AI thought he would finally be the rock guy they could place.

05-17-2006, 11:12 AM
My problem with Kat is that she needs to wear a bra. I'm tired of seeing her boobs shake.

05-17-2006, 12:15 PM
I'm an Elliott fan, but I think he'll probably be leaving tonight.

05-17-2006, 08:55 PM
Well kiddos, looks like things are set up now for a landslide Taylor win next week. It's been speculated that most of the Elliott fans will vote for Taylor. Several from the news media have already called it a win for Taylor.

And the winner of 2006 American Idol is.....Drum roll please........

Taylor Hicks!

05-18-2006, 02:12 AM
And the winner of 2006 American Idol is.....Drum roll please........

Taylor Hicks!

Oh I sooo hope not! This is one person not on the soul patrol. Never did get in to just the sound of Taylor and watching him is like watching a spastic crazy wildman...just makes me uncomfortable.

My votes, as many as I can get through, are going for Kat.

05-18-2006, 09:17 AM
I think Mandisa had the best vocals of all this season. My personal favorite is definitely Chris. As far as the finale next week goes I hope Kat wins. I think her and Taylor both have, for the most part, given it their all to make it to the top 2.

05-18-2006, 10:59 AM
At this point I really don't care who wins, but I just predicted a Taylor win because all of the news media organizations have already called it, and Taylor has always been #1 in the voting, and has never been in the bottom.

It's all up to the public though.

Strangely, a white guy has never won the competition.