View Full Version : Tattoo your baby

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06-29-2006, 11:51 AM
God no.

I vote to take Jack to a tattoo parlor ... Let's tattoo the back of your arm above the elbow or any other sensitive area .. ouch! Then let's see if you still think tattoing a baby is okay.

I think I know the answer as to why Jack posted this.. he loves to talk about controversial topics. Gives us all something to talk about..

Is this the Jack, as in "Jack in the Box"?

06-29-2006, 11:54 AM
It would definitely be the most traumatizing experience that a baby or child would ever go through. Its just ridiculous to ever think that it would be okay. I'm sorry but if someone wants to tattoo their baby or their child, in my opinion, that person must be wacked in the brain.I am assuming that you are against infant circumcision as well?\

06-29-2006, 11:56 AM
Majority of boys that are circumcized are done so in the hospital before they ever go home. That is 48 hours old. The baby is way to young to ever be traumatized by that.How can you say that when it has been proben that "in uterine", babies can experience pain?

06-30-2006, 08:12 AM
If I recall, the babies are given a topical anesthesia when circumsized ...

I think what okgoddess is saying is that they won't be traumatized by the memory of it.. and if they are numb, they won't feel it at all.

06-30-2006, 12:58 PM
I only posted the pictures to put a spin of reality on what we're discussing here. Seeing something often impact an opinion one holds. For example, I've known many people change from being pro-choice after they actually watched an abortion.
You're not going there again, are you Jack?

06-30-2006, 04:05 PM
You're not going there again, are you Jack?

Jack is gone (left the board FOREVER), Grandmama. I think his post was from a couple months ago.

07-01-2006, 07:40 AM
Jack is gone (left the board FOREVER), Grandmama. I think his post was from a couple months ago.OOps, I did it again! You would think that I would finally learn to check the dates on the posts before replying.

07-01-2006, 10:00 AM
OOps, I did it again! You would think that I would finally learn to check the dates on the posts before replying.

LOL, GrandMaMa! Only mentioned it in case you were expecting him to reply. :D He'll never be able to repspond. (devilish grin)

07-01-2006, 05:28 PM
LOL, GrandMaMa! Only mentioned it in case you were expecting him to reply. :D He'll never be able to repspond. (devilish grin)I dunno, I keep thinking that he will reincarnate.

03-05-2007, 11:43 AM
No way!!

03-05-2007, 01:39 PM
I never said I agreed with it. It's simply a good topic for ethical debate. Should decisions like this be left to the parent, or should laws be created? You never know. Something like this may come up in the future.

I know someone personally that gave their child a tattoo when he was 4. The school found out about it and reported it to the police and dhs. Said it was ok because his dad gave it to him and the boy said he wanted it. WTH? It wouldnt be as bad if it wasn't a horrible tattoo the kid will probably be totally embarassed by when he grows up unless he is complete hillbilly like his daddy and mommy.

I agree with letting your child make the decision to have something permanent on his/her body. My kid can make that decision when he/she is 18 and legally old enough to get one. I would pierce my baby's ears, that isn't permanent.

03-15-2007, 03:08 PM
I am trying to figure out why a baby would need a tattoo in the first place

03-15-2007, 06:55 PM
I guess to mark a baby in the event they are kidnapped or something. I couldn't imagine why they would do it for any other reason.

03-19-2007, 03:29 PM
Why a tattoo??? Why not one of those chips like we use in our pets now? Isn't that used for tracking purposes or something to that nature??? ;)

Just kidding!

Natural birth-marks. Those babies are lucky.

03-20-2007, 10:32 AM
Not only is a tattoo permanent, but the child may not like it when they get older. Unless your rich you cant take it off. Your ears being peirced you can take out and your ears will close back up.

03-20-2007, 01:13 PM
I guess to mark a baby in the event they are kidnapped or something. I couldn't imagine why they would do it for any other reason.

I've heard rumors of a local Hell's Angels Pre-K chapter...

03-20-2007, 05:37 PM
The bible states, no permanent marks on the body. It's hard enough to take them to get their shots, I can't imagine anything worse. I honestly don't agree with piercing the ears either. My daughter is two and a half, when she is old enough to make that decision for herself, around 14 -15 years old, then she can, if she wants. There is no way I would do that to her. Crazy

03-20-2007, 05:41 PM
Kidnapping? If the child is not old enough to tell you their names, that's what fingerprinting is for, and last time I checked, pretty pain free. And they do it as soon as you push that little sucker out. Everyone has prints of their kids. Tatoos is just stupid. I'm guessing whoever started this blog is a "stirring the pot" kinda guy LOL