View Full Version : WRWA Schedules Update
venture 02-26-2006, 09:54 PM Not sure if I hit any of these already, but most of these are new...and some good news, but not a lot, sorry.
US Airways - downgrade of 1 CRJ-900 to CRJ-200 (50 seat) to Phoenix. Schedule now 1 CR9 and 1 CRJ to PHX. LAS unchanged.
Delta - downgrade of 1 MD-88 mainline to CRJ-700 (70 seat) to Atlanta. Schedulenow 1 M88 and 3 CR7s to ATL. CVG is unchanged. SLC downgrade of 1 CR7 to CRJ-200, return of SkyWest. Schedule now 2 CR7s and 1 CRJ. MCO same.
American - St. Louis cut to 2 daily flights from 3 (ERJs). DFW is at 7 MD-80s and 2 ERJs now, which is a change with the CR7s removed from the route. Chicago cut to just 3 daily ERJs.
United - ORD maintains 5 CRJs. DEN up a 5 mainline (1 733 and 4 735s) and 1 CR7. SAT and MSY are new, so no changes yet. :)
Frontier - Increase from 3 to 4 CR7s to DEN.
Continental - EWR same. IAH good pick 9 daily, 2 737-500s and the rest ERJs.
Northwest - DTW all CRJs, MSP 1 CRJ and 1 ARJ still, MEM all CRJs.
Allegiant - No change, of course. :)
Southwest - 5 to DAL, 4 to HOU, 4 to MCI, 1 to LAS, 3 to PHX, 2 to no major change.
brianinok 02-26-2006, 10:32 PM We sure have gotten a lot of good news from United lately. Granted, some is from regional partners, but it is under the United name. New service to San Antonio and New Orleans, increasing mainline service to Denver, and maintaining service to Chicago when American is cutting back. United seems to like this market. We should be pushing them for service to their other 3 hubs (LAX, SFO, and IAD).
HOT ROD 02-27-2006, 01:01 AM We sure have gotten a lot of good news from United lately. Granted, some is from regional partners, but it is under the United name. New service to San Antonio and New Orleans, increasing mainline service to Denver, and maintaining service to Chicago when American is cutting back. United seems to like this market. We should be pushing them for service to their other 3 hubs (LAX, SFO, and IAD).
:gossip: Definitely!!!
OUman 02-27-2006, 09:39 AM I keep a bi-monthly log of all departures from OKC, updated so that it's through the 15th and the end of each month:
Through Mar. 15th:
American. 6 M80, M83; DFW
American Connection. 3 ER4; STL
American Eagle. 5 ER4, CR7; DFW(5), ORD(3)
Atlantic Southeast. 5 CRJ, CR7; ATL (2), MCO (1), SLC (2)
Comair. 3 CR2; CVG
Continental. 2 735; IAH
Continental Express. 9 ER4, ER4X; IAH (7), EWR (2)
Delta. 2 M88, B732; ATL
Frontier Jet Express. 3 CR7; DEN
Northwest Airlink. 7 ARJ, CRJ; MSP (2), MEM (3), DTW (2)
Southwest. 19 733, 735, 73G; PHX (3), HOU (4), DAL (5), STL (2), MCI (4), LAS (1)
United. 5 733, 735, 319; DEN
United Express. 8 CR2, ER4; ORD (5), MSY (1), SAT (2)
US Airways Express. 3 CR9; PHX (2), LAS (1)
TOTAL: 80 daily departures.
Like Venture said, Allegiant and Champion remain unchanged. DL an DL Connection have 4 to Atlanta, but with 1 M88, 1 732 and 2 CR7's. United actually has a mix of Airbus 319's, 733's and 735's. Northwest Airlink has 1 Avroliner and 2 CRJ's to MEM. Southwest still leads interms of daily departures, followed by American/Eagle/Connection. And now with new n/s's to SAT and MSY, United and UAX have the third biggest operation at OKC, edging out DL and DL Connection. Frontier Jet Express still has 3 CR7's to DEN. And seems America West hasn't changed the info on its website, still shows all CR9's for OKC.
HOT ROD 02-27-2006, 04:40 PM Venture/OUman,
Please keep us informed (monthly/quarterly) of activity going on at the Airport. I love your list!!! :yourock:
I only wish the airport trust did something like this!!! :doh:
OUman 02-27-2006, 08:51 PM Thanks Hot Rod, a correction to what I posted, American Eagle has two to DFW, not 5 like I posted, oops. :)
venture 02-27-2006, 10:16 PM OUMan,
Note that I'm looking at schedules taking effect this summer, not what is there right now. These are upcoming changes as the new schedules are what I posted is what we'll see come June/July.
OUman 02-28-2006, 08:13 AM Ahh yes, that's what I thought. I just figured I'll go ahead and post what's there right now as well, just for the heck of it.
OUman 02-28-2006, 08:54 AM Had a quick question venture, what are the chances of seeing UA bring back the 752 between DEN and OKC like it did last summer for a while? Any luck there?
venture 02-28-2006, 10:25 AM First post...yeah I just don't want people to get confused between the two.
Now your second post...
Zilch. They are concentrating them on business routes with the expanded premium cabin product. I think they have the market figured out pretty decently right now with the capacity as is. However, I would expect to eventually see the route go to all A319s as the 737-500s are being retired. Frontier increasing flights up to 4 daily will help get the O&D market increasing even more. The only thing would be if Southwest were to start the route, which I doubt will ever happen since they have no interest in expanding OKC.
Venture, do these changes represent a net loss or gain in seats coming in and out of OKC this summer? It look slike a loss, but I don't pretend to know the actual capcity and conifguration of these aircraft as well as you.
Do you think these changes reflect indrustry reallocation or some sort of seasonal adjustment?
venture 02-28-2006, 02:16 PM Let see...these are just estimates:
US Airways: down 34
Delta: down 90
American: down about 150
United: no real change
Frontier: up 70
Continental: up 100
Northwest: down 60
Allegiant: same
Southwest: same
So overall, down around 160 seats or so. This is essentially right sizing the market and maybe some minor seasonal tweaks. Airlines are trying to get their assets moved into the right areas of the country. We'll see how things progress.
Delta has been rumored to be getting the Dash 8Q400s, which may help get them a bit more out of the 50-seat business. Northwest has major labor issues right now and they want to get aircraft to replace the DC-9s...likely the E-Jet family, but that is on hold due to a dispute with ALPA. United should be pretty static, but again the 735s are leaving eventually. US Airways, i still have hope for CLT this year. American, who the hell knows with them...they are being stupid fighting WN at Love Field again.
keving 02-28-2006, 03:53 PM American, who the hell knows with them...they are being stupid fighting WN at Love Field again.
Could you rephrase this for the lay person? Thanks!
venture 02-28-2006, 04:49 PM American is readjusting aircraft to compete directly with Southwest out of Love Field in Dallas. This is resulting in them pulling aircraft off of existing routes to fly this new service, which in parts duplicates what they have at DFW Airport.
HOT ROD 02-28-2006, 06:54 PM Let see...these are just estimates:
United should be pretty static, but again the 735s are leaving eventually.
They will replace the Boeing 737-500s with Airbus A319, correct?
brianinok 02-28-2006, 07:19 PM United: no real changeVenture, I fly United to Denver fairly often, and if I'm not mistaken, they currently (and have had for a while) 4 mainline and 1 RJ. If they are going to 5 mainline and 1 RJ in the summer, would that not be an increase of 1 mainline?
venture 02-28-2006, 08:15 PM Venture, I fly United to Denver fairly often, and if I'm not mistaken, they currently (and have had for a while) 4 mainline and 1 RJ. If they are going to 5 mainline and 1 RJ in the summer, would that not be an increase of 1 mainline?
Increase in frequency yes...not seats. :)
venture 02-28-2006, 08:17 PM They will replace the Boeing 737-500s with Airbus A319, correct?
It'll be a mix of the 319 and E-170s by Republic.
OUman 02-28-2006, 08:18 PM brianinok,
right now, it UAL has 5 mainliners to DEN, not 4. So in summer, it'll still have 5, w/ United Express pitching in with a CRJ. Right now, United Express does not have anything between OKC and DEN.
brianinok 02-28-2006, 08:42 PM Ah, they must have switched the RJ in for a mainline sometime recently.
brianinok 03-22-2006, 11:14 PM venture: I was checking some flight schedules online and notice that for the date I pulled up, only one daily flight showed up for OKC-SAT on United. Did they change from the original plan of 2 daily flights down to one? I noticed the MSY flight is the same.
But, this got me to wondering about the other flights that were announced that SAT was getting, so I looked them up. This is what they are as far as I can tell:
2 to OKC - down to 1
2 to TUL - down to 1
2 to ABQ - down to 1/2 (appears to have 1 arr, 2 dep)
1 to OMA - still at 1
1 to MCI - still at 1
1 to COL - still at 1
What is going on with this? Are we in danger of losing the flight to San Antonio this quickly? Why were they so quick to drop to once daily in OKC, TUL, and ABQ (I think)? Does this hurt our chances of getting United service to IAD, SFO, or LAX?
venture 03-22-2006, 11:42 PM Its back in in May, but i'll dig around and see what I can find. Also looks like Northwest is throwing some DC-9s back in to MEM soon, but can't find it published just yet.
OUman 03-23-2006, 12:29 PM venture: I was checking some flight schedules online and notice that for the date I pulled up, only one daily flight showed up for OKC-SAT on United. Did they change from the original plan of 2 daily flights down to one? I noticed the MSY flight is the same.
But, this got me to wondering about the other flights that were announced that SAT was getting, so I looked them up. This is what they are as far as I can tell:
2 to OKC - down to 1
2 to TUL - down to 1
2 to ABQ - down to 1/2 (appears to have 1 arr, 2 dep)
1 to OMA - still at 1
1 to MCI - still at 1
1 to COL - still at 1
What is going on with this? Are we in danger of losing the flight to San Antonio this quickly? Why were they so quick to drop to once daily in OKC, TUL, and ABQ (I think)? Does this hurt our chances of getting United service to IAD, SFO, or LAX?
Actually, UAX appears to have started out with only one daily n/s between OKC and SAT. The second one will be starting in May. And in today's Oklahoman, there's a story in the business section which states that the airport will be getting more agressive (woot) about getting n/s's between OKC and three/four other airports-IAD/BWI, SEA and LAX. Should be interesting to see what happens next.
It also mentions the opening of three additional gates at OKC. Now that begs the question, are these the three gates that will open when DL/DL Conn move out from gates 1, 11 and 12 in the west concourse to their new location in the main terminal alongside Southwest, or is the east concourse going up w/ three additional gates? Because DL/DL Conn were supposed to move into their new gate areas pretty soon, so I'm wondering about that. I'm guessing it's just the gates that will be left vacant in the west concourse. At any rate, good stuff.
OUman 03-25-2006, 10:55 AM Well, just some new updates to the schedule at OKC. Nothing big really, we're down to 77 daily departures through Apr 14th. Eagle has taken out one daily to DFW but AA has replaced that w/ an M80. Trans States and Mesa have a mix of CRJ's and ERJ's to ORD, and Trans States has replaced a UAL mainliner to DEN. The rest to DEN are 737-300's and -500's. NW Airlink has dropped one departure to DTW (I'm guessing since traffic has probably gone down between Detroit and Oklahoma City). Skywest has come back w/ a daily to SLC. That's about it.
EDIT: Looks like Northwest is going to re-enter the market w/ two daily DC 9-30's between MEM and OKC in July. May change, but that's what the schedules show for now.