View Full Version : Subway

02-20-2006, 01:53 PM
For one knowing a lot about downtown, this one stumped me. Does anyone know anything about the Subway restaurant downtown on Park Ave & Harvey? How long has it been there? I noticed they got new signage out front. There is also another restaurant right next door, seems like the whole building is under renovation. It's not in the Park Harvey building that Tanenbaum built but in the one north. I have a picture in my photo gallery for reference.

02-20-2006, 01:56 PM
here you go........

02-20-2006, 02:39 PM
I noticed that fairly recently. Having known for a while of the one in the Main Street Garage, I was surprised to see another one in the CBD. AND there's one in Bricktown and there's a Quiznos across from Corporate Tower. Lots of subs downtown.

02-20-2006, 02:58 PM
That Subway has been there for about a year, I think. I remember walking to it from my apartment this summer, at least.

I visited the other downtown Subway today which is about a block and a half away!

02-20-2006, 06:59 PM
good to see the streetfronts return to downtown OKC's CBD. Please continue!!!

02-21-2006, 02:33 PM
I concur, it has been about a year or so. I was glad they put it there, as its right across the street from work (Library). I must say though, their prices are a bit high - kinda funny how different franchises have different prices.

02-21-2006, 03:01 PM
The signage must be new then because I haven't noticed before. There is also a Subway in the gas station around Reno and Western

02-22-2006, 04:22 PM
Not such a bad idea having multiple sub places downtown. That wasy it caters to workers in all parts of the CBD.

I hope we only see more storefronts in the near future. We need to get away from the "Century Center" look, and turn the storefronts around to face the streets.

02-22-2006, 05:01 PM
There is also a Subway in the gas station around Reno and Western

As well as Reno and Lincoln.

02-22-2006, 05:08 PM
I like sub places, but I'd like to see a bigger variety of sub places downtown, for the folks that work there. Subway is great, as is my personal favorite Quiznos. But I also like City Bites, Mr. Goodsents, Schlotskys, Panera, etc. I wouldn't want to see these located in Bricktown, but it might not be bad putting a few in storefronts downtown.

02-22-2006, 05:14 PM
But I also like City Bites, Mr. Goodsents, Schlotskys, Panera, etc. I wouldn't want to see these located in Bricktown, but it might not be bad putting a few in storefronts downtown.

City Bites is already in Leadership Square. Also, sounds like they might possibly have another location in mind near existing I-40.

02-22-2006, 05:16 PM
City Bites is already in Leadership Square. Also, sounds like they might possibly have another location in mind near existing I-40.


02-23-2006, 01:22 AM
I like sub places, but I'd like to see a bigger variety of sub places downtown, for the folks that work there. Subway is great, as is my personal favorite Quiznos. But I also like City Bites, Mr. Goodsents, Schlotskys, Panera, etc. I wouldn't want to see these located in Bricktown, but it might not be bad putting a few in storefronts downtown.

There used to be a Schlotsky's located in the Conncourse.

02-23-2006, 08:09 AM
There is also a Quizno's downtown just east of First National

02-23-2006, 01:38 PM
Yup, eaten at that Quiznos and definitely enjoyed it. Has a nice upscale feel right there in the middle of the CBD. Definitely attracts the lunch crowd.

02-23-2006, 02:59 PM
I like sub places, but I'd like to see a bigger variety of sub places downtown, for the folks that work there. Subway is great, as is my personal favorite Quiznos. But I also like City Bites, Mr. Goodsents, Schlotskys, Panera, etc. I wouldn't want to see these located in Bricktown, but it might not be bad putting a few in storefronts downtown.

Definitely agreed!

02-23-2006, 03:15 PM
I've never been opposed to putting chain restaurants downtownn. I'm just been opposed to building chain restaurants downtown like if they were being built on Memorial Rd. Downtown Manhattan has chain restaurants like TGI Fridays, Red Lobster, Landry's, etc., they're just located in the storefronts of the larger commercial buildings. I wouldn't mind seeing that. More similar to what we see with Quiznos, The Interurban, etc.

02-24-2006, 06:40 PM
That's how it is in most major cities with happening downtowns. I hope OKC soon will have an abundance of downtown retail and restaurants in its streetfronts skyscrapers. BC Clark, the Hornets, Subway, Quizno, Cingular, Harolds, Kinko, Interurban, (and the several mom and pops) are a great start!

One thing of note Patrick, we dont really have many national restaurant chains as streetfronts in downtown Seattle (aside from those OKC has). Most skyscrapers here have an inside presence (like OKC) but not much streetfront at all (aside from the little retail corridor around 6th and Pike, and the little stretch of 1st Ave). We have lots of local and regional chain restaurants. In this respect, Seattle is a little odd - pretty big/nice downtown but not much national presence.

Downtown Vancouver BC is AMAZING - just like you mentioned Manhattan is, lots and lots of retail/restaurant/shoppe/boutique of every type (national/local/US/International) - and ALL streetfront. You'd think Seattle would have more but it doesnt.

I know Kim and the gang at DOKC were in Vancouver for a conference last year, hopefully they will bring some of that Vancouver/Manhattan downtown vision to Oklahoma City! Its worth it!

Urban Pioneer
02-24-2006, 07:30 PM
There is another Subway in Bricktown now! Can you believe it. They're every where! The new one is at the Conoco station at Reno/Lincoln in Bricktown. A subway every 6-2 blocks.

02-25-2006, 02:36 PM
Yeah, that one had already been mentioned.

Another great sub place is Jersey Mike's. They have a location on I-240 by the Walmart. It's an east coast place obviously and is very different. They grill the meat right in front of you. It would be great to have one in Bricktown or Downtown.

02-27-2006, 09:37 AM
Urban I think jbrown already mentioned the one in Bricktown inside the Conoco. But your right there is one about every 6 blocks almost.

There is also another thread on Jersey Mikes.

02-28-2006, 09:22 AM
Also don't forget that soon, someone will have a restaurant of some time inside the library on the first floor at the east end. Unfortunately, by code, the library cannot have any ovens, so that really limits what time of eatery goes in there.

02-28-2006, 09:28 AM
hipsterdoofus, the Library is going to have a cafe', it will probably include some type of deli as well. the RFP's are supposed to go out this spring and then it will open about 6 months after the RFP's are accepted. I started a thread about this a long time ago and then wrote the library as to the status on this just a few weeks ago. you can see their plans and response in that thread

Now, something more important to not forget. Between the Subway and the Library is the Park Harvey building which is being renovated into high-rise apartments. This should have at least one restaurant on the ground floor. Opening is planned for September of this year.

02-28-2006, 07:12 PM
This is awesome news!

I am just so happy for downtown Oklahoma City, and OKC in general.


03-01-2006, 11:41 AM
Yeah I kinda knew a about that Metro...I mean I haven't kept up on the specifics, but I work in the Library, so I am definately somewhat aware of the goings on in here. :-)

11-10-2008, 03:12 PM
I eat at the Subway downtown alot when I need something non fried and at least not overly unhealthy.

I was really disappointed in their micro managing this afternoon.

I ordered a $5 footlong and asked them to cut it in half and wrap it in two separate pieces of paper so I could take half to eat later.

She said if they put it in two different pieces of paper they have to charge for two 6" sandwiches instead of 1 foot long!!!!!! Is that crazy or what?

FYI - the Subway on SW 29th near I-44 offers ALL of their sandwiches for $5 for a footlong and will even cut and bag separately at no extra charge.

Some business owners just don't get that when all things are equal all they are really selling is customer service.

11-10-2008, 03:14 PM
That is pretty lame. They're out, what, less than a penny for that extra sheet of paper?

11-10-2008, 04:13 PM
That's ridiculous. I go to Quizno's. It's much better anyway.

11-10-2008, 05:00 PM
I do too. The staff at that Subway is, while friendly, generally pretty slow and make lots of screwups. That quiznos downtown is the best one I've ever experienced. I go probably twice a week and they're super nice, clean, and care about your experience.

11-10-2008, 07:16 PM
Haven't been in the Q in awhile. I assume Ozzy (wait is that his name) and his wife still run/own the place. Used to also see him at his location next to OUHSC. I always considered Q to be kinda expensive, but I agree, I love their sandwiches! Black Angus.... yummie!

They had a screwy policy too. We used to redeem those $1 off coupons from the paper. But even when the wife and I would order/pay separately, they'd say since we were "together" they could only accept one coupon. That actually turned me off the place a little bit.

11-10-2008, 11:52 PM
Quiznos tastes good, but if you are looking for a healthy meal you definitely want to choose Subway instead. Quiznos sandwhiches are loaded with sodium and contain much more calories and fat than you may think. Check out their website for nutrition info.

11-11-2008, 08:38 AM
Some of their sandwiches can be under 500 calories and $5, if you order the small, which is all you really need to eat anyway.

11-11-2008, 11:02 AM
I eat at the Subway downtown alot when I need something non fried and at least not overly unhealthy.

I was really disappointed in their micro managing this afternoon.

I ordered a $5 footlong and asked them to cut it in half and wrap it in two separate pieces of paper so I could take half to eat later.

She said if they put it in two different pieces of paper they have to charge for two 6" sandwiches instead of 1 foot long!!!!!! Is that crazy or what?

FYI - the Subway on SW 29th near I-44 offers ALL of their sandwiches for $5 for a footlong and will even cut and bag separately at no extra charge.

Some business owners just don't get that when all things are equal all they are really selling is customer service.

Which one downtown? As we established in the other thread there are actually 5 within downtown's boundaries. I assume you're talking about the one on Harvey?

11-11-2008, 06:30 PM
Which one downtown? As we established in the other thread there are actually 5 within downtown's boundaries. I assume you're talking about the one on Harvey?

I assumed he was referring to the one on kerry & harvey.

11-11-2008, 06:56 PM
Two correct assumptions make it a given!

11-11-2008, 07:39 PM
Hmm. I assumed it was the one on Main, with the Quizno's right around the corner on Robinson.

11-11-2008, 11:24 PM
Hmm. I assumed it was the one on Main, with the Quizno's right around the corner on Robinson.

As did I.

11-12-2008, 11:42 AM
Which one downtown? As we established in the other thread there are actually 5 within downtown's boundaries. I assume you're talking about the one on Harvey?

There are not 5 Subways in the CBD.

11-12-2008, 11:52 AM
There are not 5 Subways in the CBD.

I didn't state that either, in fact clarified it, but the original post did not state the CBD, it says downtown which downtown includes all districts of downtown, not just the CBD, thus why I mentioned I assumed he was talking about the one on Robert S. Kerr and Harvey.