View Full Version : Stateline on the OKlahoma Tattooing

02-15-2006, 10:45 AM
I told you I would get the dates and times for the Oklahoma Ink thing, for those who are curious. Although I watched it,a nd a lot of the Government guys had no idea what they were talking about, and other stuffs... They focused on tattoos in general, (i'm talking guitar string tattooing, which is freaking stupid and reusing needles, of course that will give you diseases.) instead of what we're trying to get legalized, professional, sanitary tattooing...

FEBRUARY 14 @ 9:00PM X
FEBRUARY 26 @ 11:30AM
FEBRUARY 28 @ 9:00PM

(Ooh, and I'm on there, the ugly little girl with the two tone bangs. I didn't know they filmed that, and then DJ. Richardson is a guy that works for OKC tattoos, and probably the best artist in OKC area, IMO. The part DJ says near the end is so right) Anyway, times in case anyone is curious or bored, whatever...

02-15-2006, 11:05 AM
Thanks for posting that AXU. I happened to be flipping the channels yesterday evening and came across a promo for the program. At the time I meant to post a message announcing the program, but I got distracted.

I don't have tatoos, don't ever plan on getting one, but if someone wants to do that to their body, then they should be able to. Let's make it legal for the safety of everyone involved.

03-30-2006, 10:10 PM
do they ever replay these? I missed it and would be interested in seeing it.

03-31-2006, 09:40 AM
i don't think they will. I am going upstate for the weekend and was gonna rip it off of my VHS and onto DVDs, I can make you a copy if you want. (not for any money, of course)...

let me know if you want one, it's not big deal or anything..


03-31-2006, 12:04 PM
i don't think they will. I am going upstate for the weekend and was gonna rip it off of my VHS and onto DVDs, I can make you a copy if you want. (not for any money, of course)...

let me know if you want one, it's not big deal or anything..


I would. thanks.