View Full Version : Tattoo shop ?

02-02-2006, 05:06 PM
Has anyone noticed the Tattoo shop in Bricktown? It is next to Da Boat just to the North. I've noticed the temporary sign outside for months but they've since put a bigger sign up. I know there are shops operating across the state and get shut down time time to time but open back up claiming they are exercising their 1st amendment rights, which they are. Just curious if anyone knew more about this shop in Bricktown.

02-02-2006, 05:37 PM
I saw that when I was there in December. I knew at one time they were illegal and I thought to myself when I saw it that they must have legalized it?

I should have got another one while I was there.

02-02-2006, 09:02 PM
I live near the Christie's Toy Box on SW 89th and I-35 and also noticed a banner-type sign in front of the building that read "TATTOOS". It got me wondering what it was all about.

From I understand, the Oklahoma Legislature attempted to pass a pro-tatooing law last session, but I thought it failed.

02-02-2006, 10:50 PM
Spray on tatoos.

02-03-2006, 12:13 AM
Spray on tatoos.
Get outta here..?

02-03-2006, 10:42 AM
I'ver heard that they are real tattoos and they are more than willing to pay the fines. Perhaps the fine is included in the tattoo price, almost a tax of sorts! :)

02-03-2006, 10:42 AM
Yep, henna and spray on..i was down there the other day, it wasnt open at the time so im not really sure.

02-03-2006, 11:30 AM
Are you sure? I know there are the real deal , legit shops throughout the metro, they get fined or jailed from time to time but are in business the next day and pay their small fine

02-07-2006, 08:40 PM
Uhh... I am new to OKC. Why are tatoo's illegal in OK? That is about the dumbest law I have ever heard. I've never heard of this. Do any other states have this? Woah... welcome to the bible belt.

02-08-2006, 12:43 AM
Yes it's very backwards, we are the only state in the nation where tattoos are illegal. Of course there are still tattoo parlors all over the state and the fine is small but I still think the state legislature should go ahead and vote again or at least let the people vote on it as a state question. Same goes for the ridiculous alcohol laws...

02-08-2006, 04:46 PM
Maybe they are doing spray on for now in anticipation of it being legalized during this legislative session. I will be paging at the House in about 2 weeks..I will see if I can find some info on what the bill is expected to do. Personally I would imagine it will be passed, but either way I also know plenty of parlors in the metro area that openly advertise and what not. So if you want a tatoo you can get one easily. Just make sure they are clean.

02-08-2006, 05:35 PM
Woah... welcome to the bible belt.

It's not a moral issue (anymore). We're just a poor state and they don't want to have to create a state regulating agency. If it was really a morality thing we wouldn't have piercing.

02-09-2006, 04:21 PM
Not allowing tattoos is just someone else's attempt to save us from ourselves.

02-09-2006, 06:15 PM
They are operating through a loop hole. The law uses the word "permanent" to describe the tattoos that are illegal. Since tattoos can be removed pretty easily now, they are not considered permanent anymore and therefore not illegal.

02-10-2006, 10:19 AM
I know the shop, and the people that work there are not people that should be tattooing for money. I know someone that works for their same chain, there's three chains I know about, OKC Tattoos, South Side Tattoos and First Amendment in Oklahoma. I can't remember which one put a shop in brick town, but South Side and First Amendment Tattoos are very unprofessional and very uncaring. I just really don't care for 'artists' who do a horrible job very quickly, just to get to the next person and make more money.

Yeah, we have 'loopholes' around the law, because the people that wrote it don't know what they're talking about. The permanancy issue, the actual defination of a tattoo in the law is completely wrong..etc. The Health Deparment wants to start regulating Tattoos like they do piercings (and need to) And I know those two chains I talked about would be told to shut down, or get an autclave if they want to keep it running. (which is appauling they don't have one...First Amendment, that is.)

Oklahoma is the only state left that illegalizes tattoos. South Carolina was the second to last to give in. It's a ridiculous law, that we can very easily get around. They bust the shops every once and a while, and as said above, just get a small fine, and jailed a bit, usually a number of hours, or overnight, and although they set a court date, they don't want to deal with it and just push the date back. So It's not so bad... Almost got busted last night, actually..!

02-10-2006, 04:38 PM
The one in Bricktown is First Amendment Tattoos.

02-10-2006, 04:46 PM
if its First Amendment then it is a legit tattoo shop

02-13-2006, 10:50 AM
Oh, okay, it is them, then? First amendment dosen't even use an autoclave, because they think it's "the way to go"... what a joke..

02-14-2006, 01:00 PM
I'm glad these tattoo artists are opening up shops. The law is ridiculous and I really think that the state's ban is in violation of the first amendment. However, I personally wouldn't get tattooed here because there aren't any health department regulations. Now, I'm sure there's alot of good artists here who are very mindful of using proper techniques and sterilization, but still, I'd rather have a tattoo done in a place with health regulations.

05-08-2006, 02:11 PM

First Amendment has a couple of shops...that is the link to their website...has anyone went to this shop and got a tattoo?

05-09-2006, 10:07 AM
It's bull****, really. You can get "permananent makeup" in Oklahoma (They say that it's not tattooing, but micro pigmentation, which is crap, because it's just a rotary tattoo machine.) Our shops follow the Texas health code at the moment.

Meh, I know plenty of people that got tattoos at first amendment(We have to fix some of their work, at least once a month, at the LEAST we fixa first amenment tattoo), and now a guy from there works with us...he left because he said it was horrible. When Staff infection was HUGE in Oklahoma City, unfortunately, it was a very bad time to get a tattoo, but the first amendent shop ended up with I think, 5 cases of it after tattoo, because the proper preparation for tattooing was not made. I don't trust them or the work I do, that's why when I looked for a job ata tattoo shop, I went to the first and best in Oklahoma City, OKC Tattoos.

05-13-2006, 12:37 PM
My name is Chris Brady and my wife and I own First Amendment Tattoo Company. I hate to see anyone bad mouth us, but what can you do. We do not use autoclaves because we use completly disposable equipment. No other shop in OKC does this. Also I did not see one person from any other shop in OKC at the capital ever. They never came to try to change the law. WE DID!!!! I am sorry that people are jealous of what we have done with our business. It is not my fault that people have trouble keeping one shop open let alone 4 tattoo shops and a piercing shop, and we are still going to open a couple of more shops. So please come into one of our shops and check it out for yourselves. See how you get great customer service, the most sterile enviroment possible( above and beyond any state regulations ever) and a bad ass tattoo. I feel sorry for anyone who has to bad mouth the competition to get ahead. I will never say anything bad about anyone ever. There are alot of great artists in OKC, and when you throw attitude into the mix people are going to want to go to another State still to get tattooed. Let's just all grow up and act our age and do as proffesional of a job as possible so that we can make our industry advance as much as possible. We are on the ground floor, and what we do from here effects everyone in the future. I can say that I helped get the tattoo law changed in Oklahoma. I went to the capital I lobbied. What did everyone else do? Well that is for them to deal with. Thanks, Chris Brady Owner FATCO

05-13-2006, 12:44 PM
Wow, Slander is illegal in Oklahoma. We have never had anyone come back with as much as an allergic reaction to ink. Again I am sorry that people must lie to try to get ahead. I have thousands of referrals for anyone interested, and we are not a chain. We are a mom and pop that happen to own 4 tattoo shops and a piercing shop. And still growing. I have to say that it says something about us to beable to afford to open shop after shop. If we were giving people disease do you honestly think that we could keep one shop open let alone 5. Please. Thanks, Chris Brady, Owner FATCO

05-13-2006, 03:02 PM
Nice to have you on board, Chris!

05-13-2006, 05:01 PM
My name is Chris Brady and my wife and I own First Amendment Tattoo Company. I hate to see anyone bad mouth us, but what can you do. We do not use autoclaves because we use completly disposable equipment. No other shop in OKC does this. Also I did not see one person from any other shop in OKC at the capital ever. They never came to try to change the law. WE DID!!!! I am sorry that people are jealous of what we have done with our business. It is not my fault that people have trouble keeping one shop open let alone 4 tattoo shops and a piercing shop, and we are still going to open a couple of more shops. So please come into one of our shops and check it out for yourselves. See how you get great customer service, the most sterile enviroment possible( above and beyond any state regulations ever) and a bad ass tattoo. I feel sorry for anyone who has to bad mouth the competition to get ahead. I will never say anything bad about anyone ever. There are alot of great artists in OKC, and when you throw attitude into the mix people are going to want to go to another State still to get tattooed. Let's just all grow up and act our age and do as proffesional of a job as possible so that we can make our industry advance as much as possible. We are on the ground floor, and what we do from here effects everyone in the future. I can say that I helped get the tattoo law changed in Oklahoma. I went to the capital I lobbied. What did everyone else do? Well that is for them to deal with. Thanks, Chris Brady Owner FATCO

Nice to see you on our board, letting folks know how you practice your business. First, let me congratulate you and other supporters at the capitol (lawmakers who voted yes) to repeal this ban. And since you were involved in the effort, you now know first hand that change is possible in Oklahoma. If tattooing, the lottery, and the casino gaming compact can pass, than so can a huge overhaul in Oklahoma's antiquated liquor laws.

Again, it's good to see someone step up at the capitol.