View Full Version : KAUT News Station WHAT A JOKE

01-31-2006, 04:09 PM
Well see this is what I get for moving to this ----HOLE of a place called Oklahoma.I called the news station and asked why it did not air here,and why it was replaced with Sylvia Brown.Well apparently all the uptight rich Republican Baptists thought it was Inappropriate.How ridiculous is this???They can show an episode at 11:00AM talking about infidelity and couples with multiple sex partners and very proud of it I might add And this was OK???!!!!WTF?So the fun girls night episode that promotes monogamy and keeping marriages healthy and happy is inappropriate???How in the world?I don't get it.Anyway I went to the site the Montel site wants $35.00 for a copy of todays show and I was told they will NEVER be airing this episode in OK.I am so upset I cant see straight.If anyone did tape it I would love to share in Dana's great moment I will pay for a tape if someone doesn't mind.Sorry so long I'm just stunned.


01-31-2006, 05:54 PM
Not airing what show I am lost? News stations are good about that whatever didn't air on tv.

01-31-2006, 06:09 PM
Montel Williams talk show.It comes on at 11AM then at 2PM they thought that it was improper to show the episode with a friend and fellow Passion Exec Director on it.But the one at 11Am was all about swingers and people with all kinds of alternative sexual lifestyles majorly including infidelity and so on.But its just real funny how I pay my cable bill and thought I could make chioces on my own guess not.The big wigs get to make the choices for me as far as what I am allowed to see.This is the UPN 43 station.Its just unreal with all the crap on soap operas and so on and so forth that is allowed but when someone gets there feathers ruffled in this SAD city they get to make the choice for us like we are children.This place is SOOOOO far behind it is pitiful.

01-31-2006, 06:14 PM
That is awful, those talk shows show all kinds of junk like sexaul junk. Thats oklahoma for ya its not any fun, an dit all full of those keep it right by the book stuff. I don't like it either but I chose to be here and learned to live it. Alot of it I just change the channel and move on.

01-31-2006, 06:18 PM
First of all I am offended that you are stereotyping Republicans and Baptists, because I am both. I couldn't care less about what KAUT airs. If you are so worried about it, get all of your Democrat and non-Baptist friends to call and complain. I bet, as a general rule, whoever calls the most gets their way. KAUT is a business, just like every other TV station. The mighty dollar comes first. If you can prove they will get move viewers, and therefore more advertising dollars, you will almost always win.

By the way, I know you are a moderator, but shouldn't this thread be in the "Oklahoma Radio and TV" board? It doesn't seem to belong on this board, at all.

01-31-2006, 08:14 PM
Um ok well Brian,
First of all to you I put it here because I wanted it to be seen by alot of readers this seems to be one of the most popular threads so thats why,not that I need to explain myself to YOU.Also I am getting real tired of having the MODERATOR card thrown at me every time I have an opinion about something.Its a trip do you think because I am a mod and have been around ALOT longer than you that I have no feelings?Or is it just that I am not allowed to express them.If you have such a problem with me as a Mod I suggest you PM Todd and tell him you want me out.I warn you this I have alot more friends on here than enemies so good luck!!By the way I will not take back what I said about rich Republicans and Baptists because that is strongly how I feel.The regular Joe in this city that just works and gets by gets nailed to the wall.If you have money in this city you have all the power!It is sad that they have any say so at as to what the Oklahoma viewers can watch on television.My God is this the 1940's?????PATHETIC I am not a child and I do not need to be sheilded from what someone else thinks I don't need to see.Aside from that it was a HUGE media boost that could have brought me alot of Biz.But your um "friends" the Republicans and Baptists and all the other totally insecure people in this city that are so scared of change seemed to have screwed me completely out of that chance with this stunt today.Its a MIRACLE we even have the lottery.LOL,I am sure everyone that has played it will probably go to straight to Hell.LOL,so so sad.LIGHTEN UP DUDE!


01-31-2006, 08:30 PM
Well see this is what I get for moving to this ----HOLE of a place called Oklahoma.

That is a very odd statement coming from a moderator of a board like this. I doubt if there are many mods at the NFL forum talking about how they hate football.

01-31-2006, 08:34 PM
what you said is so true, I am really suprised the lottery passed to because of being a bible belt, the way I feel about it is this life enjoy it have fun you only live twice. I think it is also wrong that a single induvidual has started her own business and can't even get a 2 min spot on tv to advertise and bring customers to make her living. One reason I haven't started my own business. I would like to open a hobby shop, a nice big one but can't see it makeing it casue of well, its oklahoma, and there are bigger stores that would put me to shame, another store I would like to open is hardware store specializing in nuts and bolts and screws, can't see that lasting long, so I am stuck in my deadend job barely getting by and those uptight ones keep sailing along pretty as they please. I hope you can get a tape and find a place that will air that spot or maybe getting on public channel on cable and airing a spot yourself.

01-31-2006, 08:50 PM
I agree with you as well Dirtrider,Unless you are powerful and influential in this state you might as well forget it.Sad to say I think you are right if you were to try you biz adventure,I tell you who would put you out of biz in a hreatbeat oh yeah Im gonna say it.The dam Bass Pro shop.Perfect example of a major waste of money.All the big wigs yeah back to them, had to have that big obnoxious waste of space right in Bricktown.All it did was ugly it up.I can go on and on about this city,politics,and alot of money well lets say just dirty as hell amongst all the big wigs.Don't get me started on Maps for kids yeah thats another big LIE.

01-31-2006, 08:54 PM
It is sad to say us little guys can't have small mom and pop stores like there use to be. It has to big and super to keep everybody happy. I am still in confusion why norman has to have two now counting two supercenter walmarts and a supertarget in the near future? what happen to just basic keep it simple stuff, why make life more complicated than it already is?

01-31-2006, 08:56 PM
We both already know this answer complete GREED and $$$$$.thats why.

01-31-2006, 08:58 PM
We both already know this answer complete GREED and $$$$$.thats why.


01-31-2006, 09:14 PM
No offene, but if you hate it here so much, why don't you just move elsewhere? Why make yourself miserable?

01-31-2006, 09:39 PM
Well as a matter of fact we are.With the very recent and sudden death of my Mom,My Dad is now alone in Austin,Tx.Its just a matter of time.

01-31-2006, 10:06 PM
Well as a matter of fact we are.With the very recent and sudden death of my Mom,My Dad is now alone in Austin,Tx.Its just a matter of time.

Lisa, I'm sorry to hear about your mom. That's always tough.

Like MadMonk, I think you will most definitely be happier somewhere else.

Take care, and again, my condolences on the loss of your mother.

01-31-2006, 10:06 PM
Self delete......Double post....sorry.

01-31-2006, 10:18 PM
I'm so sick of the bigotry and snobbery towards wealthy people. If I came on this board and made insulting comments about lower income people, there would be hell to pay.

01-31-2006, 10:20 PM
Another thing, I'm not a Baptist but I am a Republican.

02-01-2006, 03:09 AM
Montel Williams isn't on TV here anymore? That seems pretty silly but I can't imagine conservative political and religious views having anything to do with it.

02-01-2006, 06:48 AM
Has to be the ironic quote of the day...

02-01-2006, 08:05 AM
I'm so sick of the bigotry and snobbery towards wealthy people. If I came on this board and made insulting comments about lower income people, there would be hell to pay.

As to the derision of the rich, jealousy is an ugly emotion. Wealthy people are only wealthy because others tend to think that they're worth paying a lot of money for the valuable services they provide (save the children of the trust funds who are few and far between).

As to the topic at hand, I understand why they do it -- it has nothing to do with the opinions of viewers. More than anything else, it has to do with demands of advertisers or other financial interests. I've never heard of a TV station that cares about morals. However, profits? That's why they're in business.

02-01-2006, 10:29 AM
Okay, folks, let's stop this right here.

Darling Diva, I understand your frustration but let me assure you this... it's not the entire state of Oklahoma's fault that local TV station KAUT made the poor choice to shield us from a harmless talk show just because they thought it was for our good. The problem isn't Oklahoma, this problem is the management at KAUT.

I'm really surprised no one on this board is noticing the changes in Oklahoma culture based on many variables, namely our decision at the polls.

Being surprised that the lottery is in the "bible belt" is a fool's paradise. If nearly one million people voted yes on the lottery AND casino gaming versus 400,000 or so, then that is a clear indication of what direction Oklahoma's people are taking. If Oklahoma were really the kind of state everyone believes to be, then the lottery would have either narrowly passed or fialed to win Oklahoma's vote altogether. I thought it would be a narrow victory. It was a 2-1 victory. Not even Texas saw that kind of landslide when the lottery passed here in 1990.

Now, gay marriages didn't win at Oklahoma's polls in 2004, but the same happened in every state that voted on the issue. It even failed in Oregon.

My point is, it's obvious that the feelings of Oklahomans no longer reflect those of the legislatire, nor the media. The two are going in opposite directions. This will continue, as people are tired of poor state leadership. Think about it, on almost every issue we voted on in the least five years was complete opposite of how Oklahoma lawmakers voted.

If no one can channel their energy behind that kind of momentum for a more progressive Oklahoma, and instead channel their energy on every bad decision made in Oklahoma (such as at KAUT), then we have found our opposite current that we are rowing against... ourselves. If this is the case, then we do love to trash Oklahoma just to trash it.

02-01-2006, 10:58 AM
Yes Montel is on here in Oklahoma.I don't know whether you watch TV or not but it IS on here,ON UPN at 11:00 and again at 2:00.I do not normally watch TV because when I am at home I work my tail off I bearly have time for anything.I was only wanting to see it because of the media attention that Passion Parties would be recieving.


02-01-2006, 11:39 AM
Well said OKC pulse, well said!! Indeed, and don't start to blame it on the Republicans either because we've had a Democratic controlled house and legislature for the good majority of the last 80 years. It's not partisan politics, its bad decisions regardless of political affiliation.

02-02-2006, 01:29 PM
"Hole of a place called Oklahoma"?!?!? "SAD city?!?!" You are a moderator for OKCTalk? How does this happen? I'm pretty sure you have offended about 99% of the people who viewed this thread and most of us probably aren't Baptist Republicans. I know this is an old thread, but I just read it for the first time and it is infuriating.

Oklahoma is a wonderful place and I think it would be even better if we didn't tolerate any filth on television. An episode of Montel Williams wasn't on TV... so what!

I don't even have children, but what parent would want their children to come home from school and turn on tv shows about sex toys. I wish we would block all of those wastes of time.

"This place is SOOOOO far behind it is pitiful." How about this place is one of the last places in America that still values the fact that there is a time and place for everything. Instead of trying to be a "progressive" city like every other large city, why not embrace who we are and continue to be a place with wonderful people that still value and respect life.

God Bless Oklahoma.

02-02-2006, 01:38 PM
I thought this was over,but here we have another ignorant jerk that has to to berate me and my profession!!!My son would have seen nothing it was set up for Tivo."Block all those wastes of time" what exactly are you trying to say with that.You sound like a VERY sad and lonely individual yourself.Sounds like you need a Toy.Might relieve all your uptight off the wall beliefs that Oklahoma should still be in the covered wagon days.PATHETIC.I wanted to say this to ,I don't give a dam who you are or where you live there are ALWAYS things that people do not like about there states/cities.I was raised in California there is a lot of traffic,smog.I spent 10 years in Seattle it rains over half the year there.So you can back off me,you do not know me,and get back to that good old Bonanza on TV you are probably watching.LMAO


02-02-2006, 01:46 PM
Please accept my apologies on this thread. The attitude displayed in this thread by a member of our staff does not reflect the opinions of this board or our other staff members.

02-02-2006, 01:51 PM
I tried to be tolerate and give some lattitude in dealing with this thread. I do not play the censorship card very often. Making personal attacks against a member is not tolerated....period regardless of their position on this board.

02-02-2006, 05:57 PM
Will you still be a moderator when you move to Austin?

Frankly, I think that only people who like Oklahoma City and enjoy living here (although, admittedly, we can't be expected to like everything) should be moderators. From your initial comments, it seems that you despise a great deal about our wonderful state and city.

02-02-2006, 06:03 PM
She is not a moderator any more.

Her attitude towards Oklahoma AND towards other members was not indicative of someone that I want representing this forum. Not to mention violating several items in our TOS.

02-02-2006, 06:08 PM
I'm not certain this thread even serves any useful purpose. If there is a consensuses it should be deleted I will do so, otherwise I guess I'll let it stay.

02-02-2006, 08:48 PM
No reason to delete any thread.

Many OKC residents feel oppressed by those that would refer to themselves as the "moral majority." Maybe daytime TV isn't the best way to measure this, but there certainly is that element here in OKC.

It's a worthy topic of discussion though. In this supposedly over-Christian and supposedly moralistic city we can find strip clubs, bars, clubs, head shops, sex shops, whatever your heart desires..

DD had a gripe to air and air she did. No harm in it really. Her sentiment is shared by many.

I think that it's simply misplaced.

So I want to shoot this back to anyone that feels as she does: What (besides a certain episode of Montel that no one besides DD cares about) is OKC missing that typically exists in more 'liberal' cities?

02-02-2006, 09:13 PM
No reason to delete any thread.

Many OKC residents feel oppressed by those that would refer to themselves as the "moral majority." Maybe daytime TV isn't the best way to measure this, but there certainly is that element here in OKC.

It's a worthy topic of discussion though. In this supposedly over-Christian and supposedly moralistic city we can find strip clubs, bars, clubs, head shops, sex shops, whatever your heart desires..

DD had a gripe to air and air she did. No harm in it really. Her sentiment is shared by many.

I think that it's simply misplaced.

So I want to shoot this back to anyone that feels as she does: What (besides a certain episode of Montel that no one besides DD cares about) is OKC missing that typically exists in more 'liberal' cities?
I disagree. This thread serves no purpose. If it had been started calmly, and not in anger, it would have been a good thread. Also, with her moderator status, she is suppose to be neutral and go by the rules like everybody else on this forum. We could delete her posts, but then the other posts on this thread would not make sense.

You are incorrect. There are many that do not share her sentiment. She spouted off, and went to far.

Mr. Mid, all you are wanting to do is debate somebody. If you feel this is an "over Christian" city, and too "moral" for you, maybe you should be moving also:spin: .

My vote, Todd, is to delete this entire thread. It not only made the moderator look foolish, it offended quite a few people.

02-02-2006, 09:25 PM
Randy, In all fairness to Midtowner, I think you misunderstood him. If you read his post again, you'll see he wasn't agreeing with her at all. In fact, he even threw the question back out:
"So I want to shoot this back to anyone that feels as she does: What (besides a certain episode of Montel that no one besides DD cares about) is OKC missing that typically exists in more 'liberal' cities?" I have no doubt that Midtowner loves OKC.

02-02-2006, 10:12 PM
IMO, let's leave the thread.

The reason DarlingDiva was banned was not because of her dislike to Oklahoma City. It was for her continously calling other members of this forum jerks, etc.

We will not tolerate that from any member, especially a moderator.

You may ask why we banned her? Well, this isn't the first problem we've had with DarlingDiva. Banning was simply the next step in our discpline protocol. She has been warned in the past about using her moderator status to allow her to bend the rules.

Thanks for understanding. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.