01-31-2006, 12:51 PM
This is about the 3rd or 4th email I've received about this company. Has anyone else received these emails? Is it a scam? So far all I have been able to find out is you give vouchers away. Vouchers for what? I can't even find out what they sell or plan to sell.
Todd, A company kept its word to me-Thousands are joining my V-line/READ-URGENT!
Todd,I think I finally "caught the big one!"
I joined an online marketing team called the Vortex Group and they promised they would build a sales organization below me. I was skeptical at first but here is what has happened:
1. I enrolled during the pre-launch phase (still going!)
2. The company offered a free benefactor enrollment option
3. My team is now growing by hundreds of people every week (the company is attracting them!)
4. The company gave ME benefactor vouchers that I can give to people I know.I want you to have one of these benefactor positions!
****** NO COST TO YOU OR ME! ******
This will not cost you a cent and the upside is very excitingbased on what I am observing. Here is what is happening in a "nut shell":
1. In 2002 two entrepreneurs started an online technology marketing company
2. In 2004 this company began to attract industry leaders
3. In 2005 this company decided to build a V-LINE (power line) to pre launch multiple multi-tier pay out systems.
4. In 2005 this company allotted 10,000+ benefactor slots (They gave me some to give out)
5. In 2005-2006 this company will reach 50,000 online affiliates.
This is your chance to go with me and not be left behind. I am NOT askingfor ANY financial commitment, NONE at all, just your time.I am going to offer these benefactor vouchers to the many leads this companyis giving me however I would rather have you on board with me first.
Send me an email with "Confirmed/Read-Voucher Request" and I will send you one of my vouchers so you can activate it and get credited with a CDpack and position in the V-Line.Do this now because I plan on getting this message out to many more people and those people could be placed UNDER YOU if you take this serious and follow my instructions.Time is of the essence.
James Marconney
Vortex FOUNDING Affiliate
P.S The company has signed some "heavy hitters" and is about tobring in MANY more and they will be placed BELOW us in the V-LINE!Get back with me ASAP!!!
Todd, A company kept its word to me-Thousands are joining my V-line/READ-URGENT!
Todd,I think I finally "caught the big one!"
I joined an online marketing team called the Vortex Group and they promised they would build a sales organization below me. I was skeptical at first but here is what has happened:
1. I enrolled during the pre-launch phase (still going!)
2. The company offered a free benefactor enrollment option
3. My team is now growing by hundreds of people every week (the company is attracting them!)
4. The company gave ME benefactor vouchers that I can give to people I know.I want you to have one of these benefactor positions!
****** NO COST TO YOU OR ME! ******
This will not cost you a cent and the upside is very excitingbased on what I am observing. Here is what is happening in a "nut shell":
1. In 2002 two entrepreneurs started an online technology marketing company
2. In 2004 this company began to attract industry leaders
3. In 2005 this company decided to build a V-LINE (power line) to pre launch multiple multi-tier pay out systems.
4. In 2005 this company allotted 10,000+ benefactor slots (They gave me some to give out)
5. In 2005-2006 this company will reach 50,000 online affiliates.
This is your chance to go with me and not be left behind. I am NOT askingfor ANY financial commitment, NONE at all, just your time.I am going to offer these benefactor vouchers to the many leads this companyis giving me however I would rather have you on board with me first.
Send me an email with "Confirmed/Read-Voucher Request" and I will send you one of my vouchers so you can activate it and get credited with a CDpack and position in the V-Line.Do this now because I plan on getting this message out to many more people and those people could be placed UNDER YOU if you take this serious and follow my instructions.Time is of the essence.
James Marconney
Vortex FOUNDING Affiliate
P.S The company has signed some "heavy hitters" and is about tobring in MANY more and they will be placed BELOW us in the V-LINE!Get back with me ASAP!!!