View Full Version : Vortex Marketing Group

01-31-2006, 12:51 PM
This is about the 3rd or 4th email I've received about this company. Has anyone else received these emails? Is it a scam? So far all I have been able to find out is you give vouchers away. Vouchers for what? I can't even find out what they sell or plan to sell.


Todd, A company kept its word to me-Thousands are joining my V-line/READ-URGENT!

Todd,I think I finally "caught the big one!"

I joined an online marketing team called the Vortex Group and they promised they would build a sales organization below me. I was skeptical at first but here is what has happened:

1. I enrolled during the pre-launch phase (still going!)

2. The company offered a free benefactor enrollment option

3. My team is now growing by hundreds of people every week (the company is attracting them!)

4. The company gave ME benefactor vouchers that I can give to people I know.I want you to have one of these benefactor positions!

****** NO COST TO YOU OR ME! ******

This will not cost you a cent and the upside is very excitingbased on what I am observing. Here is what is happening in a "nut shell":

1. In 2002 two entrepreneurs started an online technology marketing company

2. In 2004 this company began to attract industry leaders

3. In 2005 this company decided to build a V-LINE (power line) to pre launch multiple multi-tier pay out systems.

4. In 2005 this company allotted 10,000+ benefactor slots (They gave me some to give out)

5. In 2005-2006 this company will reach 50,000 online affiliates.


This is your chance to go with me and not be left behind. I am NOT askingfor ANY financial commitment, NONE at all, just your time.I am going to offer these benefactor vouchers to the many leads this companyis giving me however I would rather have you on board with me first.


Send me an email with "Confirmed/Read-Voucher Request" and I will send you one of my vouchers so you can activate it and get credited with a CDpack and position in the V-Line.Do this now because I plan on getting this message out to many more people and those people could be placed UNDER YOU if you take this serious and follow my instructions.Time is of the essence.


James Marconney

Vortex FOUNDING Affiliate

P.S The company has signed some "heavy hitters" and is about tobring in MANY more and they will be placed BELOW us in the V-LINE!Get back with me ASAP!!!

01-31-2006, 02:14 PM
Sounds fishy to me.

Found the following here:
Basically, you're adding yourself to a list in the hopes that you'll add others to the list and engage in marketing "opportunities". Just another pyramid scam I suspect.


A Must Read. You Do Want Success On This Team Right?

Before I welcome you to the team, I want to make a bold statement. Please understand that I would rather be "blunt" and honest than to fluff things for you.

There is enough "fluff" on the web out there to go around. What I am sharing with you is a proven strategy to begin building a top notch data list of real people and I will prove that what we are doing as a team is already working. You are new and I owe you honesty from the beginning, so here is my blunt statement and here is the proof that the list is growing, even while you read this. First the blunt statement:

No Legacy LIST equals No Bucks.
Big Legacy LIST equals BIG Bucks = Retirement

I cannot simplify it any more than that. People "dabble" online every day and people fail everyday online because they have no clue how to build a legacy list.

What is a "legacy list."

First off, you must have a database of people to market multiple products and services to online if you want to make commissions on sales right? After all, most of us could not make a living selling or pitching products to our family and friends. If I was reliant on sales to my family and friends alone, I would have never found success. It is NOT family and friends who I built my 'legacy list" around, but people (strangers) that did not know me and I did not know them and most of them are in other states, other countries around the world (that is the internet for you!)

There are thousands of "GURUS" online showing you how to build "lists." and many will charge you thousands of dollars to spend a few hours with them in "Mentor Sessions." I have learned much from some of these "gurus" but there is something that has convinced me that building a successful online business goes well beyond being able to simply build a "list."

Lists have made me money but my legacy list has provided me long-term wealth and it will do the same for you if you are willing to learn and follow instructions. It is not hard but it does take some effort.

A legacy list is a list that you build from the beginning with personal communications. When I say personal communications, I do not mean massive auto responder emails to large groups of people. I am talking about spending time sending personal emails (1 to 1) and building relationships with people online. The great news is you do not have to be an expert ad copy writer to do this (with my system). The result of building a solid relationship with as many people on your "list" is what converts a normal database that YES, could make you some money into a "legacy list" of people who begin to develop a trust and liking for you. The reason they do this is because you are always there to answer their questions and you are not hiding anything. You are honest and give people the respect they deserve. This is called "common courtesy" or treating people like you would like to be treated. When you build a "list" this way, you will begin to realize that behind those thousands of strange email addresses are LIVES and people who truly want to find a better way.

My goal is to teach you how to start with just ONE email address, ONE person and build that ONE person "legacy list" into an empire. Imagine a day when you have hundreds of thousands of people in a database and you KNOW that at least 20% or more of them will listen to what you have to say and will join you in MULTIPLE opportunities which will increase their earning power and in turn increase yours. This is what it is all about and I am here to teach you this if you are willing to learn.


Here is the proof that OUR "legacy list" is growing right now. You will soon know how to do this and you will be glued to your computer screen (it is that exciting!)

I am here to teach you and by doing so, you will become part of my "legacy list." This becomes a win/win for both of us as you will see in the following days.

You must make a decision to commit some time to this. You already have 2 of the most important things (most expensive!). You already have a computer and internet access (obviously or you would not be reading this!). You are 75% of your way there! Do you realize that their are people in this world who WISH they had a computer much less internet access? You have it, so now lets show you how to cash in with it. Lets put your computer to work for you while your at work.

Besides, If You Do Not Do This, What Are You Going To Do?

Work more hours on your job?

Work a second job?

Win The Lottery?

Make a commitment to learning this system and I will do everything I can to show you how to become a success in internet affiliate & mlm marketing. You will never HAVE to spend money here unless you want to. If my system is what I say it is, you will see that spending SOME money on your business is a good idea but I will never twist your arm to do such. Before we begin to work together, I wanted to get all of this out in the open. I appreciate you reading what you have read. This shows me that you have potential.

OK, NOW I will welcome you to the team! You are ready.

I also found this:

What are Benefactor Vouchers? Benefactor vouchers are a ticket into LLC at the Silver level (normally $199-but FREE with a benefactor voucher). This is a limited time promotion we are running and each member is given 4 benefactor voucher codes when they join (yes, you get 4 vouchers to give away!) Each of these 4 vouchers have a different code and once activated you are given credit for that activation and you will earn commissions on ANY sales that person may make in the future with or any other programs that we diversify too! The SILVER pack that these vouchers are good for, consists of either a download and access to or a physical CD rom pack that grants the Silver affiliate access to this VIP access site. This pack is valuable because their are hundreds of utilities and resources that the silver members have and it is updated regularly. This is something we truly sold in the past for $199 and many people bought this system. Now you get it at no cost thanks to this benefactor voucher incentive program. Also, because of the timing of when you enrolled, you qualified to receive 4 silver benefactor vouchers to give away to whoever you choose!