View Full Version : Smoking ban in OK restaurants one month away
March 1, 2006 is the deadline for all worplaces (including restaurants and bars) to comply with the new nonsmoking law.
Basically, all restaurants either have to go completely smoke-free or provide a separate enclosed area with excellent ventilation.
The only major excpetion are places that derive 60% or more of their gross receipts from alcohol sales AND do not admit anyone under 21.
While this isn't as strict as laws in CA, NY and several other states (they have no exceptions for bars or clubs) it should mean that virtually anyplace that serves food will be smoke-free in about a month.
I wrote Steve Lackmeyer an email suggesting this topic as a good one for a story, especially polling several of the local restaurants to see what their plans may be.
I can also tell you that out here in Cali, after a short adjustment period that revenues actually *increased* in restaurants and bars after the ban.
Anyway, this is a good step forward for the state and OKC IMO.
Here's a link to the full law:
escan 01-30-2006, 02:29 PM I LOVE it. Just wish it included bars, etc. I frequent those such as Wine Bin 73 that already ban smoking. It's much more pleasant to go home and not smell like an ashtray.
With time, I think all bars will either go with a voluntary ban or the state will tighten up on them, too.
Even Ireland has completely banned smoking in all bars and pubs.
HOT ROD 01-30-2006, 02:39 PM we banned smoking everywhere in Washington as well. Love it!!!
metro 01-30-2006, 02:59 PM Yayyyyyy at least my dry cleaning bill will go down. This has been long overdue. Now I can breathe
Restaurants near compliance date for smoking law
by Jerry Shottenkirk
The Journal Record
OKLAHOMA CITY - Restaurant owners have had 30 months in which to make their businesses compliant with the smoking laws that will go into effect on March 1.
Smoking will be prohibited unless separately ventilated smoking areas are constructed.
"Restaurants are doing all they can to comply," said Jim Hopper, president and chief executive officer of the Oklahoma Restaurant Association. "A lot of members have chosen to go smoke-free; some have installed smoking rooms. Everyone is ready."
In late 2002 restaurant owners were given the heads-up on the law change and have had several months in which to make their decisions.
"They know they have to do it," Hopper said. "As an association, we've spent the last year putting out reminders to our members."
The Oklahoma Restaurant Association has about 1,900 members in about 4,500 locations. The association coordinated its efforts with the Oklahoma State Department of Health, Hopper said.
A switch to a nonsmoking environment is the easiest way to go, said Pari Betts, owner of The Library in the lower level of the Renaissance Building downtown.
"We've been nonsmoking during lunch for about two months," Betts said. "It would've cost us about $2,000 to $5,000 to make a smoking area. And it's more than that. You need separate bathrooms."
Although a smoker for 35 years, Betts is happy to have a smoke-free environment at her restaurant and lounge.
"At lunch it wasn't very nice, even though we had two strong air cleaners going," she said. "Some smokers were mad when they heard we were going smoke-free. But I'm glad we are nonsmoking. Some smokers just were not considerate. Some would take lunch breaks up to two hours and smoke a half a pack of cigarettes while they were there."
While some smokers have been disturbed with the change, nonsmokers have responded well.
"I see a big difference in business," Betts said. "A lot of people didn't come in here because of the smoke. I still get some smokers." The Library is open for lunch daily from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., and the bar area is open thereafter.
Hopper said that while some restaurant owners are going smoke-free, others have decided to build the separate rooms. Cattlemen's Steak House in Stockyards City, Buffalo Wild Wings on Northwest Expressway and Freddie's Bar-B-Q and Steak in Sapulpa are a few that are separating smoking areas, Hopper said.
Fazoli's Restaurants in Oklahoma County is one of the many chains going smoke-free. Fazoli's was recently lauded for its efforts by Central Oklahoma Turning Point.
"I understand that a smoking room is expensive to build and to maintain," said Turning Point board member Hiawatha Bouldin. "Also, it will cause some restaurant employees to continue to be exposed to concentrated secondhand smoke for long periods of time at the work site."
The Oklahoma Tobacco Use Prevention and Cessation Advisory Committee also has urged restaurants to ban smoking.
"Being entirely smoke-free can be good both economically and from a health standpoint," said Frosty Peak, who is on the group's advisory committee. "By going totally smoke-free, business tends to increase by bringing in new customers who avoid restaurants that allow smoking."
Karried 02-10-2006, 08:58 AM Thank you God !!!!!!!!!!!!
metro 02-10-2006, 09:03 AM I second that Karried, my dry cleaning bill will drop dramatically. At last clean air in restaurants. Now if we can only get them to stop throwing the cigarette butts out their car windows. Geez, if you can't stand to keep it in your car, don't smoke at all.
dirtrider73068 02-10-2006, 12:18 PM I am glad too, though I do enjoy a cigar ever so often. But to me I can handle the cigar then somebody smoking a cig. Just the smell of an ashtray or smoking just makes me choke. I do hope they make bars smoke free, one reason I don't go to bars, if I am around a enclosed area for too long with smokers my eyes will hurt and start to burn, guess maybe that could be a sign I am allergic to cig smoke? Anyway I am glad they are makeing a step to ban smoking in public buildings.
Yeah, I'm allergic to smoke. That's why it sucks . I just don't see the necissity of smoking while you eat. Maybe food tastes better sprinkled with ash ..?
I'm kinda sounding rude abour smokers, but that's because I've asked too many to not, or just not blow it at me, and then they blew it in my face. Anyway, yeah, if IRELAND can do it, ****, we should... (by the way.. I love the Ireland...I meant nothin' by it.)
dirtrider73068 02-10-2006, 09:55 PM Well let me tell you if I asked somebody not to blow smoke in face and they did anyway, lets just say they would eat that cig and the rest of that pack.
Keith 02-10-2006, 10:09 PM Speaking of smoking......I remember when I was younger, I dated a girl that smoked. At first, I did not think much about it, however, after she had smoked a cigarette, and we kissed, it would always left a nasty taste in my mouth. Needless to say, that relationship was short lived.
March 1st is the day that all non smokers are looking forward to.
Yeah,I was really timid then, so let it go, but my friend did something about it..but yeah, i dated a guy who smoked, and that was nasty for me when we kissed. haha yeah, my friends are pissed about it..
I wish we'd go the way of England and put pictures of dead babies, black lungs, etc on cigarette packs. :)
Karried 02-11-2006, 12:48 PM Just yesterday I went to Interurban to pick up an order to go ( and thank goodness it was to go!)
The entire restaurant reeked! of cigarette smoke and this clueless bimbo was sitting in the bar (lunch time) which was all of three feet from the rest of the establishment and open with no ventilation. She was just blowing smoke all over the place .. thinking she looked sexy and cool .... I imagined her in a few years, lips all wrinkled and gross but anyway..
A family walked in with a baby in a carrier and put the baby ( ready for this??) right next to where she was smoking -
OMG!! It took everything I had not to say something.. now I wish I would have made a joke to the parents or something like
" Did you happen to pack a gas mask in that diaper bag??" but I'm not sure how well that would have gone over to the parents or the smoker so I just left - now I feel guilty - poor little guy -
I'm counting the days until March 1st !!!!!!!!!!!
I bet that as more people become accustomed to smoke-free restaurants, they'll become increasingly intolerant of smoking in bars as well.
I've always been bothered by smoke but never thought much about it until California went completely smoke-free some time ago. Now, because I'm virtually never around people smoking, when I am it seems outrageously disgusting.
The last time I was in OK I got up and left a restaurant about halfway through my meal because people a couple of tables over lit up. I became nausiated and left ASAP.
Just think, it wasn't that long ago that people smoked on PLANES! I don't think it will be too much longer before smoking in just about any public place will seem equally unexceptable.
Karried 02-13-2006, 04:26 PM Malibu - I've lived in CA my entire life and it has been years since I remember people smoking anywhere so when I moved here - it was awful. I had forgotten all about it..
You are so right, I don' t have tolerance for it after not being around it forever ...
I remember driving all the way from North Ca to Disneyland with a smoking relative, windows rolled up and heater on!!
Ha,ha... Do you think I can sue him for damages now?? :stars:
One downside to this new law: Smokers will now take over all the outdoor areas which will make eating outside even more miserable for those who hate to be around smoke.
Many restaurants out here banned smoking in their outside areas once they realized what was happening.
And even where it isn't banned completely, smokers are much more careful than in other states because they know most people don't ever want to be around it. Ironically, if smokers were more considerate in the first place, we wouldn't even need these laws.
Tomorrow (March 1) is the day!
Very much looking forward to my next visit back and being able to eat without smelling foul smoke.
metro 02-28-2006, 02:33 PM all of us non-smokers need to have a party tomorrow!!
escan 02-28-2006, 04:28 PM Yipppeeee! I sure hope bars, etc hurry up and follow suit.
Karried 02-28-2006, 06:17 PM whoo hoo!! Party time.. sorry non smokers - not trying to hurt your feelings, it's not the people, it's the second hand smoke we are glad to be rid of ....
Remington casino was really nice but I couldn't help but notice I couldn't Breathe!
Too Smoky.
Keith 02-28-2006, 06:47 PM all of us non-smokers need to have a party tomorrow!!
Isn't that the truth? I can actually go to IHOP and enjoy a good pancake breakfast with all the fixin's WITHOUT the smoke. Hallelujah!!