View Full Version : NOLA Post of the day - 1-28-2006

01-28-2006, 11:47 AM
some of those posts of the okc site it just makes me almost want to hate oklahoma city as much as i did san antonio with the saints. they act like they are SUPPOST to have the hornets, like thats how it has always been along. well let me tell you something oklahomians (specifically that annoying patrick guy), if in 1988 these levy boards had buryed the levy pilings just a couple feet deeper with more enforcements, YOU GUYS WOULD HAVE NOTHING. NADA. ZIP. except the yard dawgz. thats it. you guys should be thanking us for the oppourtunity to let you prove that your a big time city. not many cities get a chance or opportunity to prove something of this level but instead (some of you) go ahead and act like the hornets are yours to stay forever. they are not. you guys could get something in the future but only because of katrina. if katrina had never happened the whole counrtry would still look at OKC as a couple of metal buildings in the middle of the counrty. thats it. remember why your in the situation you are in now, the situation to prove yourself that you can support an nba or any other kind of team. then once you prove yourself, get your own team, dont steal someone elses.

This guy doesn't have a clue. The Renaissance in OKC has been in the news for years now.

I really doubt the Hornets would've stay much longer in NOLA anyhow. Having only 3 sell outs and an average of 9,000 folks at every game (remember, the 14,000 figure was inflated), you can't support an NBA team. Easy as that.

Look tomorrow for the NOLA/HR dumb post of the day!

01-28-2006, 11:51 AM
And finally someone from NOLA finally got it right, although I even question whether NOLA can support the Saints.

I am sorry but if I had to pick which team to stay it would be the Saints.If the City of New Orleans can only support one team. I would want the Saints.I really dont think right now NOLA can support both.

01-28-2006, 02:58 PM
This one had me rolling I was laughing so hard, he got so mad later on in the thread... crud, they deleted it ... it just got worse and worse - I thought he would have a heart attack... poor thing.

6024. all these mobile homa losers are distorting the abc26 poll on this website
by maurypovich (, 1/27/06 16:54 ET the website on whether the hornets should stay in jokelahomo city or not, its 62% for coming back to new orleans, and 30 something percent to stay in jokelahoma, i guarantee these no life having trailer trash hicks from jokelahomo are getting on this website and taking that poll to say the team should stay in jokelahomo, dont these inbreeds have any life whatsoever? its friday, shouldnt you loser mobile homa fools be out buying a weekends worth of skoal and busch light beer with your food stamps, get a life and stay off this forum

01-28-2006, 03:02 PM
6024.1.2. and by the way you mobile homa hick, ill see if i can use some connections i have
by maurypovich, 1/27/06 18:09 ET
Re: all these mobile homa losers are distorting the abc26 poll on this website by maurypovich, 1/27/06
and get this poll rigged 95% to 5% in favor of coming to new orleans. you underestimate the people i know in new orleans as well as my uncle having retired recently as a long time editor at the times picayune, i can easily get in contact with the people at abc26 and the people running the poll and get the results to show a completely different result not in favor of you lowlife scumbags in jokelahoma, so if you loser hicks continue to log on and vote, i will continue to take action and make the results happen, and i sure hope you doubt my abilities. bwahahahahahahhahaha

These poor people - this board is out of control... you just have to ignore them, not everyone's like this but some are pretty mean spirited.

01-28-2006, 03:02 PM
I wonder who the redneck trailer trash really is?

01-28-2006, 03:13 PM
Check this out:

FEMA trailer parks slowly spring to life

Four have opened, 10 are on the way
Saturday, January 28, 2006 By James Varney
Staff writer
At the current pace, every storm-tossed New Orleans resident seeking temporary housing in a trailer should have one in time for the ceremonies marking Hurricane Katrina's third anniversary in August 2008, federal statistics show.
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As of Jan. 24, the Federal Emergency Management Agency had 2,796 occupied trailers in Orleans Parish, or 14 percent of the 19,709 requested since Katrina tore through town. Almost 80 percent of those, 2,231, are installed on a homeowner's property, FEMA said.
The pace, however, is expected to pick up soon.
This week, the gates finally swung open on a handful of group trailer sites in New Orleans, the locations built for the general public that are expected to hold the brunt of those left homeless by flooding and hoping to return to their home city.
At present, that critical housing category comprises just 4 percent of the total, or 102 trailers, according to FEMA figures. But ribbon cuttings are slated before Mardi Gras for 10 other sites that will hold 413 more trailers.
While still a trickle, people are finally occupying their new digs. The trailers are clean and warm, if a bit cramped, and almost universally the new residents expressed thanks.
"We're blessed, no doubt about it," said Flores Robertson, who moved into a trailer at the St. Roch Center in the hard-hit 8th Ward on Wednesday afternoon. "We've got our home, which we'll fix up, and now we've got this home."
Robertson and her husband, Robert Paige, bolted out of their Spain Street home on the Sunday before Katrina and endured a hellish stretch at the Superdome before relocating to San Antonio. The couple returned to New Orleans on Monday and spent two sleepless nights in their damaged house, which is structurally sound despite water damage underneath and psychedelic mold patterns inside.
Then word came that their FEMA trailer was ready.
"I finally felt, for the first time, like I was able to get a good night's sleep," Robertson said.

Various delays
What officials call the St. Roch Center is in the shadow of Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church and has 90 trailers, of which 82 are ready and 24 are occupied, FEMA said. As of Friday, 86 people were living there.
Of the four sites now receiving residents and the 10 scheduled to open soon, St. Roch is the biggest. While current plans call for it to be dwarfed by sites such as City Park, St. Roch will be among the top 25 percent in terms of size that the city will see.
The sites' grand openings have been delayed by some well-publicized political feuding between Nagin and City Council members and the kind of infuriating time lags in service that residents have experienced throughout the Katrina-slammed area.
For example, the A.L. Davis Playground in Central City, due to hold 69 units, was supposed to open a week ago. But that has been pushed back to Feb. 16 because Entergy has yet to wire the trailers, and parts needed to build a sewage lift station haven't come in yet, site workers said.
At all sites, electricity is only part of the infrastructure. The trailers are all hooked into the city's sewer and water systems. For trailers that will house people with disabilities, everything inside is electric; the others have gas heating.
Those living in trailers are exempt from utility bills, although they will be expected to buy their own propane once local markets are up and running, FEMA said.

By the block
At St. Roch, as at many other locations, the trailers sit atop a field of raked, white gravel. The site is essentially its own block, occupying the former Harold Sampson Jr. St. Roch playground at St. Roch Avenue and North Roman Street.
Each trailer doorway has stairs or ramps that are flanked by wooden railings. Generally, each 200- to 400-square-foot trailer can sleep four or five, depending on the layout, with bunk beds and retractable tables providing space for younger occupants. Upon arrival, occupants get a "living kit," a large plastic chest with towels, sheets, pillows, plates and the like.
St. Roch sports additional amenities. There is a laundry trailer on site, for instance. While all of the sites will have managers, maintenance chiefs and groundskeepers, some will live on site, as two employees are doing at St. Roch. Each site has one main entrance, which is guarded by around-the-clock private security teams who check residents' and guests' names on clipboards before they enter the grounds. St. Roch now features trios brought in from Michigan, who work 12-hour shifts.
The place could be considered bland, particularly in a city famous for its robust individualism and its residential architecture. But it isn't restricted, and the landlords aren't exactly wardens.
There is no curfew, and residents are allowed two pets. Eventually, each site is expected to establish its own rules and space for things like barbecues. Open fires are prohibited in or around the units, but some sort of accommodation is likely.
"Hey, this is New Orleans. You think we're not going to have a place for barbecues?" asked Cory D'Amico, the manager at St. Roch. "We want to be able to offer them some kind of life here. This is going to be home for a little while, and we want it to feel like a home."

First dibs on trailers
Just who will find it home remains a complicated matter. At present, FEMA said its priority dovetails with the Nagin administration, namely moving first responders and city workers off cruise ships and into trailers by the time the ship contract is set to expire on March 1.
In addition, people staying in hotels are at the top of FEMA's trailer list, officials said.
After those groups, FEMA representatives say they are adhering as closely as possible to priorities set by Gov. Kathleen Blanco. At the top of that list are the elderly and disabled, and second are parents with school-age children.
FEMA said it also tries to put people in sites near their pre-storm neighborhoods. The first batch of residents at St. Roch seems to meet that goal.
Interviews with the occupants of four trailers showed all of them lived within three blocks of the playground before Katrina, and one of them is a city employee who left the Carnival Cruise Ship Sensation.
. . . . . . .

01-28-2006, 03:15 PM
I wonder if the Hornets organizations mails tickets to trailer parks?

I can see it now:

Harvey Hornet
Elm Street, 5th beat up trailer on the right, around the corner from the sewage dump
New Orleans, Louisiana

Hope the Post Office can find it.