View Full Version : In this thread, Midtowner gives it up to himself...

01-27-2006, 10:14 PM
Class rankings came out today..

And... I'm #6.


01-28-2006, 01:46 AM
Congrats! I'm #149 out of 150! JK!

Doug Loudenback
01-28-2006, 04:32 AM
Class rankings came out today..

And... I'm #6.


As well you should! Contratulations!

01-28-2006, 11:02 AM
Awesome job, Midtowner! We're very proud of you!!!!

01-28-2006, 07:38 PM
Congrats! I'm #149 out of 150! JK!

That reminds me of that old crusty joke.

Q: “What do you call the person who graduates last in their
class in medical school?”

A: “Doctor.”

02-02-2006, 05:52 PM
I know this is an old thread but it crossed my mind that if I received negligent service from Patrick that I could hire Midtowner to represent me...LOL

02-02-2006, 06:29 PM
Class rankings came out today..

And... I'm #6.

Gee, you aren't vain, are you? Don't break your arm by patting yourself on the back.

02-02-2006, 10:53 PM
Actually Randy, when class rankings came out, I was pretty shocked.

To be perfectly honest, I never applied myself in my undergraduate studies -- I just skated by. This was the first time I've ever really worked my ass off for grades, and considering the very smart folks I beat out for those grades, yup, I'll pat myself on the back -- I deserve it.

And I'm not one that thinks there's anything wrong with a little healthy vanity. It helps keep one on track.

02-02-2006, 10:55 PM
I know this is an old thread but it crossed my mind that if I received negligent service from Patrick that I could hire Midtowner to represent me...LOL

Never happen Todd:

First, the way the laws are going in this state and country, in 15 years, MD's should be all but immune from tort suits.

Second, Patrick's going to make a hell of a doctor. He'll never have a malpractice suit even contemplated against him :)

Doug Loudenback
02-02-2006, 11:44 PM
Gee, you aren't vain, are you? Don't break your arm by patting yourself on the back.
Randy, that was a pretty crappy post ... unless you are on a quest to ferret out all of those people who post here who directly or indirectly give themselves a pat on the back from time to time.

What's wrong with letting a guy who just got some great news SAYING so without being critiqued? Have you never done that? And wasn't it OK when you did?

02-03-2006, 12:22 AM
Doug.. Randy's being too judgmental to consider whether or not he's a hippocrite. Let him have his moment :)

02-03-2006, 12:33 PM
Randy, that was a pretty crappy post ... unless you are on a quest to ferret out all of those people who post here who directly or indirectly give themselves a pat on the back from time to time.

What's wrong with letting a guy who just got some great news SAYING so without being critiqued? Have you never done that? And wasn't it OK when you did?
Call it what you want to call it. I don't have to pat myself on the back and look for attention. I have accomplished many things in life, but I have never had to look for attention.

If Mid wants to be in the spotlight on this forum, then that's fine with me. He already believes he is above all the other members here anyway.

02-03-2006, 12:40 PM
Everybody please give it up to me! The coolest dude on OKCTalk. Bow down and worship me.

02-03-2006, 12:43 PM
Not above.. just better than.

In the future, I'd appreciate it if you would let me describe my own feelings. I'm perfectly competent to do so.

Thanks in advance.

[size=1]Please be aware, the first line of this reply is dripping with sarcasm.[/quote]

02-03-2006, 04:15 PM
Midtowner, we love you, we really do.

Doug Loudenback
02-04-2006, 07:19 AM
Yeah. What other guy do you know who has been banned at urban oklahoma dot com AND okctalk dot com? :surrender :bow: :respect: :fighting3 I only NEARLY got banned here, a long time ago, and only have the other place on my list of places banning me! The kid is 2-0 and I'm only batting 1-0. Give that young man a beer!