View Full Version : Help BEAUTIFICATION efforts in OKC !!!
metro 01-24-2006, 09:08 AM I thought I would start a thread about cheap, easy, yet effective ways we can all help start beautification in our great city!!
I was driving down both I-40 and I-44 last night and noticed businesses have stooped so low as to put those temporary yard signs in the medians and grassy areas of the highways, not to mention on every street corner. I say we all do our part in not only picking up as many of these as we can, but we call the businesses directly and complain about their tacky advertising.
I noticed two signs specifically last night. BedMart which you can reach at 405-603-7537 and All American Fitness at 405-728-3600. I'm not sure what the municipal code is for temporary signs like this and if it requires a permit and when/where they can display, but I'm sure the interstate is not one of those locations. I went to to check out the code on this but apparently you have to pay to purchase each code you are interested in. Does anyone know the code or have access?? If not, I'll go to the municipal building sometime and purchase it.
travis 01-24-2006, 05:25 PM I got this from my mother, who is very active with OKC Beautiful. She often gets out of the car and pulls up signs at stop lights.
The sign ordinance is in Chapter 3, Article V. Below is an excerpt from the general regulations section (there are a couple of references to signs in the ROW):
§ 3-83. General regulations for all signs.
(a) General prohibitions.
(1) Unless specifically permitted in another section of this article, no sign shall be erected on or over the public right-of-way. Merchandise, such as tires, produce, automotive vehicles, and any other articles for display or sale, shall not be located in any manner in the public right-of-way.
(2) Where a parcel is occupied by a use or structure which does not conform to the use regulations of the zoning district in which said parcel is located, no sign shall be erected on said parcel until the use is changed to become conforming.
(3) The use of any boulevard, street, parkway, park road, or park under the control of the City for any political, social, civic, or charitable nonaccessory advertising purpose within full view of those traveling on a public road is prohibited; provided that the governmental use of these areas to display public information and banners or decorations, as authorized by Section 3-180 et seq., and the placement of neighborhood identification signs as authorized by Section 3-100(9) shall not be included in this rest riction.
(4) The painting, scattering, posting, or spreading in any manner along any public right-of-way or public property of any signs, bills, wastepaper, paper, cloth, or other materials used in advertising is prohibited. This prohibition shall include the posting of such materials on any utility pole or device.
(5) No person shall permit the manufacturing, installing, erecting, or displaying of any obscene, indecent, or immoral matter.
(6) A-frame, sandwich signs, and swinger signs are prohibited.
(7) The erection, construction or maintenance of any sign which will obstruct any fire escape, stairway, or standpipe or which will be attached to or supported by a fire escape or stairway, or which will interfere with human exit through any emergency opening, or which will obstruct the exterior door or required exit of any building, or which will obstruct any legally required light or ventilation is prohibited.
(8) No sign shall occupy a parking space required under the minimum standards of Chapter 59 of this Code.
ptwobjb 01-24-2006, 05:34 PM I can't stand those little signs. I've pulled up a few in the past.
metro 01-25-2006, 09:36 AM They have become WAY out of control these last few weeks, it looks like political season only no political signs. Anybody else on board with me calling these businesses on our thoughts and giving them the MUNICIPAL CODE on this? I noticed another one today that is real bad, a sign company no name but the number is 503-5868
metro 01-26-2006, 09:38 AM I wanted to add the City Inspectors phone number 405-297-2317 so everyone can call and give their two cents on the issue. They are all up and down NW Expressway, N. MacArthur, 39th Expressway and have seen them on all the off-ramps of I-44 and even on I-40 downtown in the cracks of concrete.
The Old Downtown Guy 01-26-2006, 11:13 AM I also often remove lots of these trashy signs, which are simply litter in a form that doesn't blow around as easily as a big-mac wrapper. In addition, I usually call the advertiser and explain that their signs are in violation of City Ordinances, they trash up the city, I don't appreciate it, what would it look like around here if every business advertised this way and that I will continue to remove their signs at every opportunity.
More importantly, The City needs to get behind developing a solution to this very visable problem. I am told by City Legal staff that they can't prosecute the advertisers for illegally placing the sign because their name and/or phone number on the sign isn't sufficient evidence that they placed the sign or caused the placement of the sign, which is the illegal act. It seems that it's a State statute problem. IMO it's simply a political problem. I can't imagine that if the OKC City Council directed the OKC Municipal Counselors Office to prosecute the advertisers and if necessary develop and lobby for State legislation, that something wouldn't happen.
And really, how hard could it be to clean the existing mess up? I will bet the farm that one person in a pickup truck working eight hours each night could easily cover OKC in a week and remove every crappy sign. After a time, the problem would go away and when it popped up again, just repeat the process.
:bright_id Perhaps a way to get The City Council moving would be to have a hundred signs printed up ("Yo! There's a problem with these kind of signs around town. How about doing something about it") and stick them in the lawn around City Hall.
metro 01-26-2006, 11:48 AM Thanks OldDowntown guy for your help on this effort. Geez if nothing else they could set up a hotline like the Litter Hotline
Statewide toll-free number 1-888-5-LITTER (or 1-888-554-8837), and say the city is calling them in regards to complaints received about their signs. Even this would be a big help.
metro 04-24-2006, 11:16 AM Looks like they have taken it to a new low. Affordable Health Insurance has started putting up illegal yard signs in front of cemetery's. I noticed some at the Bethany Cemetery yesterday as well as in front of the one near NW Expressway and Council. I seriously doubt business is bad enough that you need to put cheap, illegal, tacky signs in and around a cemetery. You can reach them at 863-0774 to voice your concerns.
Thanks fro bringing this up and providing the applicable statutes. It sounds like the bets way to stop it is to make it too expensive for the advertisers. If we can pick them up as fast as they put them up, it won't be worth it for them to print them.
ptwobjb 04-24-2006, 02:29 PM That's not the only indications of a new low. I've started seeing signs advertising...ready for this...signs. That's right, those little signs advertising 100 small signs. :stars:
metro 04-25-2006, 10:01 AM I've seen those ptwobjb. I'm with BDP on this one. Let's all pitch in and pick these up as soon as they pop up. Eventually it will make it to costly for them to keep doing it. I do it on a regular basis and have noticed two companies who have stopped doing it. Let's keep this city beautiful!! I also go a step further and call the advertiser and let them know it is illegal and give them the statute they are breaking and advise them I am turning them in. I know turning them in will only get them a letter in the mail and not a fine, but at least it shows were serious about this issue.