Does anyone else besides me feel that we need to move the homeless shelters? Possibly moving them south of the present I-40 might be a better option. Might also pull the homeless population away from the downtown area and Bricktown. Any thoughts? Could the city buy these places out?
The Old Downtown Guy
01-23-2006, 10:22 PM
Does anyone else besides me feel that we need to move the homeless shelters? Possibly moving them south of the present I-40 might be a better option. Might also pull the homeless population away from the downtown area and Bricktown. Any thoughts? Could the city buy these places out?
I'm sure that a lot of people will agree with you Jack. As a matter of fact, The City is looking at some options in that regard. Perhaps something will come of it, perhaps not. The City has torn down numerous buildings frequented by "street people" and totally leveled neighborhoods of houses occupied by poor people in an effort to eliminate blight and clean up the streets. Those approaches have worked, but it doesn't seem to keep people from wanting to keep trying them.
Reality is, the homeless, mentally ill and economically disadvantaged that make up the "street population" you want relocated, are for the most part, not there by choice and will continue to be a visible population under any circumstances. They have always been with us and there have always been people suggesting that they should be herded off somewhere.
I will agree that it is off-putting to see people asleep in doorways or peeing against the side of a building. And litter is far too common around the shelters and other locations where the "street population" congregate. I just can't see how moving that population a few blocks south is any kind of real solution to the problems that most of these folks are afflicted with.
I live near downtown, am in the downtown area almost daily, and for whatever reason, I don't have as big a problem with them as you seem to. Occasionally, I get asked for spare change and I always decline, but I have never had anyone get rude or out of line; though I have heard that happens from time to time. Perhaps they constantly annoy you or have tried to harm you. I just haven’t had that experience.
Obviously their presence isn't an impediment to residential development as downtown is currently enjoying an unprecedented urban housing revitalization. Obviously their presence isn't an impediment to tourism as OKC is attracting greater numbers of tourists than ever before. Obviously their presence isn't discouraging new businesses from opening downtown. Obviously having a few "undesirables" on the sidewalks downtown isn't keeping people from enjoying the museum or the music hall or the theatres downtown; or going ice skating or attending Opening Night.
So perhaps you could describe exactly what the problem is as you see it and how moving the shelters south of I-40 a few blocks represents any kind of solution.
The Old Downtown Guy
01-23-2006, 10:24 PM
Those approaches haven't worked, but it doesn't seem to keep people from wanting to keep trying them.
01-23-2006, 11:02 PM
DTG, as I was having lunch at the new Italian restaurant in the Montgumery (called El Tratoria I think?), there were quite a few street people congregating just outside the window. Did it stop me from enjoying my excellent luch? No way.
Does someone who is obviously poor and not dressed quite so well as I am hurt me? Nope.
I find it almost humorous that the original poster on this thread was just moments ago deriding me in another thread for being "unchristian" and some sort of "Judas".
Pot, meet Kettle.
01-24-2006, 08:17 AM
I live downtown as well (the Montgomery). The area isn't nearly as bad as it was last summer, when you couldn't walk two blocks without being chased down and asked for money three times. It's pretty quiet now.
I don't see any need to move any shelters.
01-24-2006, 09:20 AM
I agree, moving them a few blocks south is not the answer. Keep in mind that the new downtown boulevard will be nearby as well as you would be moving them to the banks of the Oklahoma River. That's the last thing you want is our outdoor playplace to feel not so safe. The only answer is to reach these people and volunteer and pour into these people's lives