01-22-2006, 09:34 PM
Does anyone own any pet rats? Today was looking at the OKC Rattery website and decided I might consider purchasing one.
View Full Version : Rats citizenkane 01-22-2006, 09:34 PM Does anyone own any pet rats? Today was looking at the OKC Rattery website and decided I might consider purchasing one. georgianap 01-22-2006, 11:09 PM Hee hee ha ha. The website is awesome. Midtowner 01-23-2006, 12:01 AM Rats = food for snakes. I'm not aware that they have any usefulness beyond that. Patrick 01-23-2006, 07:22 PM Was at a friends house once....saw his neighbor doing something weird. Asked my friend what the neighbor was doing. He said she was feeding rats. I couldn't believe it. mistress_x123 01-24-2006, 03:57 AM We had rats for several year as pets great for kids. Personal a whole lot better the hamsters. I really enjoyed them. robertp 01-24-2006, 09:09 PM I strongly encourage anyone to go to the okc rattery web site for a look at the darling little baby rats and their parents. OKCR-Debi 01-25-2006, 06:43 AM :gossip: Hi All! This is my first post as a new member and someone was kind enough to let me know we were getting some coverage here in OKCTalk, which I did not know existed before today. So THANK YOU to the person who contacted me :) RATS make awesome pets! Not being partial, but they are the ONLY pet that will play WITH YOU and not just ON YOU. Highly intelligent, can be taught tricks, always excited to see you and have your attention, extremely clean on themselves and enjoy kissing you to death too. LOL Right now we are the ONLY Rattery in all of OK State and one of only TWO ratteries in the WORLD that are producing Dwarf Dumbo Hairless rats. LOTS of breaking news with this new morph. They are said to have less or no existence of tumors (which is one of the only problems they normally have) and live longer, but are still being studied for this. Our own studies continue here at OKC Rattery. Rats with hair normally live 4-6 years, hairless normally live 2-3 years currently, but we're working on changing that. WE DO NOT SELL RATS FOR FOOD...and never will. They have been bred domestically for almost 100 years and are NOTHING like the movies and media depict them to be. We specialize in Dumbo (large round ears low on the head and the sweetest look), Hairless (you have to see them to understand) and now Dwarf. These breeds are so popular that we have people driving in from CO, TX, AR, Missouri, Kansas City and have requests from across the country, but at this time, we do not ship. And we don't overbreed. We have a WAIT LIST for those that desire to have one of these wonderful pets and have 3 litters due in the next couple months, but we always have a few available (except dwarf) for immediate placement as well. A search on our web site (OKC Rattery) will help you to understand what great pets these really are. As a breeder, all babies are hand held, SPOILED and LOVED. We take great pride in the accomplishments we are seeing as we are moving towards improving this breed. Currently we are open "by appointment only" so if you call, we will be happy to help you any way we can. Thank you again! Debi PS: We also own "OK CITY PETS ~ EXOTICS" and now offer: sugar gliders, hedgehogs, squirrels, chinchillas, bearded dragons, geckos, spiders, Netherland Dwarf rabbits and will be producing a new line of rabbits that are currently only found in England. We have one breeding pair and are working to offer and improve LIONLOPS. This is a cross between a lionhead and a french lop. The temperament of these rabbits are HARD to beat. Fun, soft, playful, anxious for yout time, beautiful in every way. We are constantly expanding. So LOTS going on in our part of the world. robertp 01-25-2006, 08:52 AM This is exactly what Bricktown needs! An exotic pet store would surely bring in people from the interstate much as the old reptile ranches on Route 66 did in the past.::congrats: OKCR-Debi 01-25-2006, 10:49 PM Hi Robert...and Hi All! :bright_id Does anyone have any ideas on the BEST way to go about getting financial backing in order to bring this New Business into OKC? We contemplated building on our property, but this has potential to be huge or could even be the beginning of a "chain". We have the knowledge, the resources (wholesalers who have access to animals around the world, companies that provide products at every level) and support that IS currently and would continue to build a successful new business in OKC. We are not looking at a mom and pop shop, rather a facility that offers a high end exotic pet with high end products. We have bred and shown animals for many years and have a vast knowledge of exotic animals, along with a close personal friend that is in school to finish her degree as a veterinarian specializing in exotics. We're open to any and all options. Possibly get an old facility where we could get the first year lease free, the 2nd year at half price and the 3rd year at full option. We're working with vendors in the same way to offer a high end exotic pet along with a high end product. I am a long standing business person. I worked in Corp America for almost 20 years, a Director of Operations in high level data networks that included world reknowned customer service, finance and accounting departments. I know business. I know success and I strive for it, live for it and love it. I am inovative and have ideas for business successes that work and are proven. I can't always do it alone, but I know HOW TO and that sets me apart. I would love an opportunity to talk to anyone that can assist or direct us in the right path to take. Sincerely ~ Debi |