View Full Version : comercials that bug you

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03-21-2006, 08:26 PM
I am really burned-out on this thread can't you ***kers find anything better to do? I mean let's move on to how many ***kers it take to screw in a lightbuld...something...anything PLEASE. I saw a ***ker yesterday that was actually pretty intelligent for being a ***ker. Oh and by they way the secret word is banker...what did you think it was?

03-21-2006, 09:09 PM
I am really burned-out on this thread can't you ***kers find anything better to do? I mean lets move on to how many ***kers it take to screw in a lightbuld...something...anything PLEASE. I saw a ***ker yesterday that was actually pretty intelligent for being a ***ker. Oh and by they way the secret word is banker...what did you think it was?
Did someone get your account password or have you lost your mind?

03-22-2006, 12:57 AM
Did someone get your account password or have you lost your mind?
I was wondering the same thing. Has anybody (Patrick, Kieth, etc.) contacted Todd to see if his admin and/or user account has been compromised?

03-22-2006, 01:54 AM
I'd say the same thing but I actually heard this commercial on the radio the other day. I'm not sure but I think it is for a car dealership. Rather close to the edge there isn't it??
One I hate is the Burger King commercial with the bucking chicken rodeo

03-22-2006, 06:56 AM

Very funny, this is what I get for staying logged in at work. No worries I changed my PW.

04-30-2006, 04:29 PM
I thought we would get this going again.

The Norman Jeep-Chrysler spot that features the Opera singer. Puke!:fighting2

04-30-2006, 06:33 PM
Yeah, good thinking about getting the thread going again, Mr. Anderson!

I just saw the new Raspberries & Cream Dr. Pepper with the guy who "can't let it go"...falling down the stairs, dropping a desk, etc. OMG what a terrible commerical. STOOOOPID!

04-30-2006, 07:56 PM
SweetDaisy!!!! That is too funny! I just told my husband a little while ago that it looks so strange, almost perverted for this guy's mouth to be 'stuck' to this can.. it just looks wrong!

04-30-2006, 08:14 PM
I thought we would get this going again.

The Norman Jeep-Chrysler spot that features the Opera singer. Puke!:fighting2
You are right. They have really gotten desperate to run a commercial like that. Get a Dodge...get a Dodge...Get a Dodge.....

I always change the channel when that commercial comes on.

05-01-2006, 10:45 AM
I hate it when they have the very young girls---looks like maybe seven years old---dressed and posed provocatively to get people's attention to look at appliances or whatever.

This is totally off topic, I know, but I discovered that you were from McLoud. I am too, but from another generation. Were you raised there, moved there or what? Do you still live in McLoud? I graduated High School there in, that's not a typo, LOL Someone just sent me a photo that had been stored for 46 years on a slide, they put it on disks and lo and behold, someone took it of me in a Blackberry Festival Parade on the main street in McLoud. Do you even remember those festivals or were they before your time?

05-03-2006, 08:50 PM
Is it just me, or are there some REALLY odd commercials on lately? I've seen about 3 tonite that made me just stop and scratch my head. "Did I hate it? Or was it so ridiculous that it's funny?"

For example: The Carl's Jr. commercial about the patient needing a breast's Chicken Breast Sandwich commercial! Very strange indeed.

Or is it that I'm getting old? :053:

05-04-2006, 09:44 AM
Is anyone else kinda creeped out by the Quaker Oats commercial where they pull the "statue" of him around with him holding a plate of what ever product they are selling? Maybe it's the music with it or something but it just seems creepy to me, like somebody could be hiding in there just waiting to grab some kid. I don't know why but I always think of that when I see this one.

05-04-2006, 10:06 AM
LOL. The Quaker Oat statue needs to is very creepy.

I miss the Burger King commercials with the guy wearing a "King head". Those made me laugh cuz he was so creepy looking.

05-05-2006, 06:53 AM
Any car commercial from the "mile of cars" in about corny!!!!!

05-05-2006, 07:08 AM
Anybody remember the old Jude & Jody commercials? I think they probably aired in the mid-late eighties.

05-05-2006, 11:56 AM
"Cause We Love Folks!"

05-05-2006, 12:11 PM
LOL! I liked that tagline. Thought it was cute.

Radio commercials that I'm hating right now: Bob Mills "Mr & Mrs mattress" commercial and some credit union's commercial about "promise points". Both of them make my eyes roll.

05-05-2006, 03:30 PM
i remeber the "jude and jody and sons"

05-06-2006, 08:38 AM
Somebody should neuter the person that came up with the..... GET A DODGE....GET A DODGE commercials!!!....God how annoying!.....I'd never buy a Dodge because of that. You would think Daimler Chrysler would have something to say about the quality of the commercials for their products....AWFUL!!!

01-30-2007, 04:43 PM
Vonage whe hoo whe hoo hoo whe hoo whe hoo hoo

01-30-2007, 05:01 PM
If I have to see that Bobblehead no talent lady from 1-800-We buy houses with her equally untalented actors pretending to act interested in selling another home to her, I'll puke.

01-31-2007, 06:26 AM
The Alltel spot where the guy does the worm. Between the lack of advertising talent and Barry Switzers endorcement, I will not do business with them.

It amazes me some ding dong with a college degree gets paid to show stupidity and a guy with talent is not even able to find a job in that field.

And, pray tell, what is wrong with Barry Switzers endorcement? LOL

01-31-2007, 09:12 AM
And, pray tell, what is wrong with Barry Switzers endorcement? LOL

Does a washed up, out of control, hillbilly football coach say enough?

01-31-2007, 11:41 AM
Does a washed up, out of control, hillbilly football coach say enough?

Us Sooner fans all just winced in unison....blasphemy I say blasphemy :poke:

01-31-2007, 02:00 PM
Does a washed up, out of control, hillbilly football coach say enough?

Washed up? One of only two coaches in the entire history of football to win both a national championship(s) and a Superbowl doesn't sound too washed up to me. Sounds like the top of his profession to me. And he still has more football smarts than alot of active coaches, he just doesn't have anything else to prove or conquer in his profession.

01-31-2007, 02:24 PM
The point is, I can not stand the man and will not buy any product or service he knwing endorses.

To me, he is on the same level as Bill and Hillary Clinton. My least favorite people.

02-01-2007, 07:40 AM
Yeah, his politics do lean liberal but I don't know that he's as bad as bill and hillary. That's like comparing a jaywalker to a mass murderer.:tiphat:

02-01-2007, 09:17 AM
i don't think i've encountered a decent radio or tv spot featuring switzer (or even the really bad ones featuring a switzer voice impersonation)... the one's i've ran across have always stuck him in as a substitute for writing a decent spot. the most recent one that comes to memory is a foundation repair commercial with him and pat jones... all i could think was, 'man, pat jones is looking bad!'

i'm a sooner alum and a sooner football fan... that said, i'm not a big switzer fan... he's always struck me as being part the 'good ole boy' do anything to win mentality. regardless of whether or not i agree, his political leanings really don't concern me much. however, i'm not going to decide not to use a service just because somebody paid switzer for an endorsement. -M

02-07-2007, 02:59 AM
1: Jared Fogle - (the idiot from Subway commercials)

2: Graves Satellite - ("we can't even find the restrooms") - lame joke attempt. guy looks like an idiot. makes me ill.

3: 1-800-NO-AGENT - i want to hit her in the face with a baseball bat then drop kick the dog.

4: JG Wentworth - croak already. why are you always holding something? can't really explain this one, it just pisses me off.

5: That stupid 3D animated guy from Cox commercials - not cool.

6: Little Caesars - cheap, stupid and irritating.

7: Can't remember the company - "Would you like thousands of dollars based on trusting you?" as well as pretty much every other commercial that plays during Judge Judy.

02-07-2007, 09:57 AM
Head On..Apply directly to the forehead

and my personal most annoying (although I haven't seen it in awhile)

SALE SALE SALE NOW!!!! Only at Discount Furniture.

03-12-2007, 12:35 PM
Have heard this radio commercial about 10x today. It's about what is in your combo meals, and this lady asks for a badunkadunk butt, extra flabby. It's probably so annoying because i've listened to it so many times in such a short period. But, if I head badunkadunk one more time today I will kill someone. Also, the little bear toothpaste commercial annoys me too.

03-12-2007, 12:35 PM
Oh yeah, and anything regarding John Cena.

03-17-2007, 07:50 AM
Yeah there are all these that we really hate...But how about the ones that you really like, but hate to admit to....Okay...Like the Sonic commercials...
They are so lame, but I have to say I love them...or most of them...every now and then they throw one out that I don't like..but...I like most of them...
Especially the Popcorn Chicken one...Where they talk about the Cob...You know these guys have got to be reading the scripts thinking...WHAT ????And then trying to do these commercials with a straight face...

I only read the last page of this thread, so I imagine the Geico Commercials where they use "Real" actors...has to be on here...Cause everyone hates those, but...
You have to admit...admiring the not so Real actors they are supposedly using keeping a straight face while shooting these...That is what I look for...Stupid commercials..but admiring actors for pulling them off....

03-31-2007, 03:55 PM
I have to say the 1800 NOAGENT.
I hope thats not her real voice.
OH , AND the car spokesman Chad Stevens, time to get him off the island or out of the gene pool.
Once again I am sure they can't obnoxious in real life as they're unwittly paid to be.

03-31-2007, 05:50 PM
Thanks to not having a job for the LONGEST TIME ever.... I HATE Countrywide commercials and that really retarded "Sure-Lock Loans" commercial. Oh man that really bugs me.

Not to mention that most commercials drive me nuts anyways, thank goodness we Finally signed up for digital cable today and we're gettin' Starz movie channels (no commercials... w00t!)

I don't mind the car commercials so much but I am sort of a car-person so most of 'em are beauts. Not a Yota fan tho.

04-01-2007, 07:25 PM
Thanks to not having a job for the LONGEST TIME ever.... I HATE Countrywide commercials and that really retarded "Sure-Lock Loans" commercial. Oh man that really bugs me.

Not to mention that most commercials drive me nuts anyways, thank goodness we Finally signed up for digital cable today and we're gettin' Starz movie channels (no commercials... w00t!)

I don't mind the car commercials so much but I am sort of a car-person so most of 'em are beauts. Not a Yota fan tho.

So you mean, you won't have to see:


04-02-2007, 09:25 AM
1. 1-800-NO-AGENT - Someone please duct tape her mouth shut

2. The new Integris spot that is basically a black screen with someone snoring. Can't stand it. I have to change the channel as soon as I hear the snoring.

3. All those stupid COX commericials with the animated guy. That spot where the lady has the stamp on her butt just outright pisses me off.

I don't mind commercials that are funny and make me laugh. We need more of them.

04-16-2007, 03:33 AM
not really a commercial but the ads found all over myspace with the flash videos of girls trying to act like they're webcam chatting with you make me sick to my stomach. please, if you don't have a myspace account, get one just so you can login and watch these pathetic ads then let me know how much you vomited in your mouth.

04-16-2007, 01:26 PM
As much as I hate the commercial, I can't change the channel when it's airing. I don't know the dealership's name, but the commercial has some old guy, who looks a little like Rodney Dangerfield, and he keeps waving his right arm when saying something like, "No credit, bad credit, no problem". Maybe someone can name the dealership for me.

Another one I hated isn't airing anymore, thankfully. Does anyone else remember those commercials with the college dropout who was going up for job interviews? Every time she was asked a question, like "Do you have a college degree", her response was, "No, but I have a BRILLIANT personality". Then there were the, "Would you like to make more money...sure we all do" ads.

To do a 180, one of my favorite commercials is the K9 Advantix ad where the puppy at camp is singing the "Hello Mother, Hello Father" parody to his parents. That commercial is adorable.

04-16-2007, 01:31 PM
1-800-Noagent.. Paula pretending to get her hair done and the stylist who has a monotone, incredibly nasal irritating voice says ' I hope you don't use that whiny voice' but she does anyway. ugh

04-16-2007, 04:44 PM
1-800-Noagent.. Paula pretending to get her hair done and the stylist who has a monotone, incredibly nasal irritating voice says ' I hope you don't use that whiny voice' but she does anyway. ugh

Plus it is obvious they are amatures. Those commercials are crap. I would rather hear her say "does your cat multiply faster than you do."

Then there is the entire Geico campaign. I think the AFLAC duck should swallow the Gecco then say his signature "Aflac!" the burp.

04-17-2007, 07:23 PM
1: Jared Fogle - (the idiot from Subway commercials)
4: JG Wentworth - croak already. why are you always holding something? can't really explain this one, it just pisses me off.

Yeah, something about JG Wentworth bugs me too. I think they advertise every five minutes on satellite radio. Maybe that's what bugs me about them.

Oh GAWD the Smell!
04-17-2007, 10:04 PM
You guys have already listed all the worst ones.

So I'll go with the Bose commercials the HD channels are always showing. My severe dislike of Bose products aside, they're about 4 minutes long, and start on the hour, BEFORE your show starts. Not in the 3-4 minutes before the hour, ON the hour...So the DVR records that crap.

Just adds to my reasons to dislike Bose.

Click here ( for my current favorite though.