View Full Version : I have been an ass
After some time to think at work today about the way I have been acting towards some people here I need to appologize to anyone I have upset or offended. And although I as a person am very happy thesedays times here are tense right now in the job market, everyone at work is waiting for january 23rd. when Bill Ford announces some big plans on cutting jobs due to outsourcing and I need to understand that people from other areas of the country may not understand the tension that is in the air in this town, can make a person snippy at times. It's a dog eat dog world around here right now, times are bad. This is NO excuse for the way I have acted towards some people here and I do not want any replies to this thread. You dont really need an outsider stiring the pot. No one put me up to this, just my conscience. I love this great country we live in and I get real protective when our jobs and our security are threatend from other lands and I speak out on what I beleive in. Maybe I over react at times. Anyway, I just want to applogize to anyone I have offended or upset.
Patrick 01-16-2006, 10:57 PM No problem mariner! Thanks for being a man and stepping up to the plate to offer your apologies. That says a lot about your character!
metro 01-17-2006, 09:26 AM well said Patrick!
PUGalicious 01-17-2006, 11:23 AM I know you said "no replies," but I am compelled. I agree with what Patrick said. Your post does indeed say a lot about your character. Even though we may not agree on everything, I sincerely respect you and even more so after your post. Thank you for being humble and transparent enough to share. Please share with us more about how things are up there where you are. Even if it doesn't affect us directly, it affects us all indirectly.
Thank you again, mariner62. God bless.
Doug Loudenback 01-17-2006, 12:33 PM I need to make a non-reply, too!
Take it easy on yourself, my man! Apology not accepted! :stars: Ha ha ... just kidding, even though I've obviously missed whatever it is that you have on your conscience and I've always enjoyed your posts, and do! I hope your situation improves, very quickly!
Take care.
Midtowner 01-17-2006, 03:10 PM Mariner, might I say that I disagree?
I may be uninformed as to where you have been an ass according to you, but I just haven't seen it. In my dealings with you, you have been articulate and passionate about your beliefs. Though I don't always agree with you: (this graphic explains it all)
El Gato Pollo Loco!!! 01-17-2006, 03:23 PM Dude, I know what you're going through, having grown up there. I really haven't been on here a whole lot, but from what I can tell, if you have been, as you say, "an ass", then I really haven't noticed. I think we all have at one time or another been "assy" at times here, so I wouldn't worry a whole lot about it. It's just all about :respect:
Well thanks everyone. I just dont like all the fighting and I said some things to Daisy recently that were uncalled for, and things in the past to Scribe that were uncalled for.Sometimes I just need to keep my mouth shut and do my homework before opening it. Yes there will always be disagreements on certain issues but that is no reason for me to get ugly with anyone, that is what makes this such a great country we can all have disagreements and I guess if everyone always agreed on the same things nothing would ever change for the better. Anyway, thanks again. By the way I read in the Detroit Free Press where things are looking good for the rest of the country, just bad for Michigan so maybe things are not as bad as I think they are all in all.
El Gato Pollo Loco!!! 01-17-2006, 03:44 PM ... By the way I read in the Detroit Free Press where things are looking good for the rest of the country, just bad for Michigan so maybe things are not as bad as I think they are all in all.
Well that explains everything! Read the News!...oh, wait...might as well be the same paper...:P
Well that explains everything! Read the News!...oh, wait...might as well be the same paper...:P
Look what else I just read:Hmm...I hear Wyoming is kind of nice.
Patrick 01-17-2006, 05:15 PM mariner, welcome to the crowd. We all put our foot in our mouths at times. I've been jsut as guilty as you ni the past. No need to beat yourself up over this. This is all good clean debate, and a diversification of opinions makes this fun!!!
To all of my Republican friends out there, :yourock: ! Yeah, I can't stand your president, but you guys are sure fun to debate with.
Darn, see, I'm already putting my foot in my mouth, getting off topic and all.
Anyway, :backtotop !
dirtrider73068 01-17-2006, 05:17 PM After some time to think at work today about the way I have been acting towards some people here I need to appologize to anyone I have upset or offended. And although I as a person am very happy thesedays times here are tense right now in the job market, everyone at work is waiting for january 23rd. when Bill Ford announces some big plans on cutting jobs due to outsourcing and I need to understand that people from other areas of the country may not understand the tension that is in the air in this town, can make a person snippy at times. It's a dog eat dog world around here right now, times are bad. This is NO excuse for the way I have acted towards some people here and I do not want any replies to this thread. You dont really need an outsider stiring the pot. No one put me up to this, just my conscience. I love this great country we live in and I get real protective when our jobs and our security are threatend from other lands and I speak out on what I beleive in. Maybe I over react at times. Anyway, I just want to applogize to anyone I have offended or upset.
Everybody has there days at times we just need to vent and let it out, but sometimes we pick the wrong times. I know what you are going through in job department. Mine has put alot of stress on me and I ended up bringing that home and caused many fights and our separation. They are still talking layoffs to save money and I may be one of those to go, I am not happy and stressed as I have two kids to care for so I am under lots of stress with other crap piled on top, and I get at times the need to blow but hold it in until I am alone then let it out or talk with somebody that will listen and let me vent. You are a good man to step up and say your sorry, many guys and gals won't take the time to admit they are wrong. If at any time you need to vent or want someone to talk to and take a load off give me a pm or reach me on msn messager at dirtrider73068@hotmail, I will be more than willing to listen and talk with you. Also here is a another adult forum I found (haven't visted in a long time) called, you can go there and speak your mind and nobody cares, they will chime is with you. They have lots of world topics to rant-rave about. You didn't offend me at all with what ever was said, I was lost as to what was said and wont go for the details. If you need somebody to talk with and vent give me a holler I am here.
Doug Loudenback 01-17-2006, 05:29 PM mariner, welcome to the crowd. We all put our foot in our mouths at times. I've been jsut as guilty as you ni the past.
Anyway, :backtotop !
AHA! IN THIS, LET IT BE KNOWN that WE have read between the lines and NOW KNOW that Patrick (using a slang form of the French, "née" in his not-too-veiled message), is NOT JUST all that he/she has cracked him/herself out to be! Cool, Patrick! :yourock: :omg:
Oh, yeah .... :backtotop ,
i.e., Patrick loves you, I love you, Midtowner & Scribe and all the rest love you! Chill, and take care.
El Gato Pollo Loco!!! 01-17-2006, 05:29 PM Look what else I just read:Hmm...I hear Wyoming is kind of nice.
To this all I have to say is
To this all I have to say is
LOL...ok, maybe there is something about Wyoming I dont know about
AHA! IN THIS, LET IT BE KNOWN that WE have read between the lines and NOW KNOW that Patrick (using a slang form of the French, "née" in his not-too-veiled message), is NOT JUST all that he/she has cracked him/herself out to be! Cool, Patrick! :yourock: :omg:
Oh, yeah .... :backtotop ,
i.e., Patrick loves you, I love you, Midtowner & Scribe and all the rest love you! Chill, and take care.
Doug...did ya ever get us lined up with the Honey Bees? I am counting on you my man cuz OMG what cuties they are.
Doug Loudenback 01-18-2006, 07:24 AM Yes and No. As I recall, you and I (and any others who would have the grit to do so) were going to conduct an investigative study to determine whether of not the Bees, or any single one of them, were malnurished, as one or more NOLA people feared.
But did I get any help ... in this daunting task? No.
I, alone, was left to get hasseled by the OCPD for this serious undertaking on one occasion, and I started to become a shrinking violet, always looking around and over my shoulder nervously.
It was several games later that my 12 year old grandson showed the way and renewed my verve and lessoned my concern and guided his shaken grandfather through the treacherous seas of bee-dom. He is directly responsible for this ...
.... and this ...
... and this ...
Could I have used some help during the dark days of the inquisition? Oh, yeahhhh.
But, now, the work must go on. Perhaps, someday, you will join me, as was expected, in this dreary task ... but a task which MUST be done. My wife will be joining me tonight as we host the Grizzlies ... and this circumstance may prove to be the greatest challenge and impediment to investigative reporting which I have yet to face.
Doug, you are the man and I am jealous. I guess this means when they come to detroit in April I'll have to get my picture taken with her now. Never been to a Pistons game but that would be worth the price of admission and perhaps a few hours in jail..:)