01-16-2006, 01:05 AM
One of our members emailed me and asked for advice on how to deal with acne, and recent acne scars. I gave her some medical advice, but I wanted to hear advice from others. Anyone have any first hand experience with any products?
01-16-2006, 08:44 AM
I've heard ProActive is good.
For removing scars, I've found this stuff at Origins called "Modern Friction" and it's like having microdermabrasion in your own bathroom. It's easy to use, gentle, and costs about $35 for a 6-month jar's worth. You only use it twice a week...more and I imagine you might lose the top layer of your skin! But for what it's worth, since I've started using it (and drinking lots more water, also very key) my skin has started to look better than I can remember for a long time. Even future Mr. bandnerd has noticed a difference ;)
01-16-2006, 10:41 AM
I never used any of the fancy stuff they have now, I dealt with mine and just washed with soap and water. Most important thing I was told is keep your face clean and dirt free. Alot of what has been studied has said that alot of teens going through pubarty(sp) will get acne, I was one of those teens. I think too it also depends on the type of soap you use, some will dry your frace out while others have conditoners and lotions in them will make the condtion worse. I just think old fashion soap and water and time will heal it up.
Get a good drying soap. They make special bars of soap for acne.
01-16-2006, 12:19 PM
Drying out your skin doesn't help. I had acne growing up, it wasn't cystic or too terrible but there was enough of it and I can tell you that "good ol' soap and water" just doesn't cut it. You need products that have salycistic (something like that) acid that helps kill the bacteria.
Acne is NOT caused by dirt. Otherwise, little dirt-covered kids playing outside would have acne. It's the oil that gets trapped inside the pore. Yes, dirt can help clog the pore, but mostly it's the overactive oil glands that start up with puberty. Soap doesn't cure that. You just need something to control the oil, not completely get rid of it...believe it or not, your skin makes that oil for a reason!
Oh, we all know that acne is God's payment for being sexually active before marriage. Okay, I'm joking, but there are people out there that believe that.
01-16-2006, 12:38 PM
Pat Robertson believes that ! LOL
He probably believes masturbation makes you go blind as well.
Oh my gosh, does it? LOL
Better check this site out. Masturbation can lead to all sorts of problems:
01-16-2006, 02:25 PM
I was told Doxycycline 100MG once a day does a good job. I haven't tried it myself, just what I been told.
Runs about $16.00 a month too.
01-17-2006, 01:39 PM
He probably believes masturbation makes you go blind as well.
Oh my gosh, does it? LOL
i know first hand. no pun. my dog is typing this for me.
01-17-2006, 01:42 PM
2 ways that i know that work really well. please take my advise into serious consideration. for over the counter go with proactive, very good. for rx try accutane. best stuff in the world.