View Full Version : Grand River Dam Authority - naughty, naughty!

01-13-2006, 05:12 PM
Did anyone see this article from the Daily Oklahoman:

Looks like the Grand River Dam Authority leased some of Oklahoma City's most expensive office space... right on the Bricktown canal, for reasons which they seem to have difficulty articulating (all of GRDA's operations are in Eastern Oklahoma).

I think someone over there needs a good spanking! :elmer3:

01-13-2006, 05:45 PM
GRDA argued that they needed a presence in Oklahoma City for convenience in lobbying, though that still doesn't explain how come they're paying pricey Bricktown rates, and you can be sure that the cost of same is being passed on to their customers.

01-13-2006, 05:55 PM
Why does the state own this thing, anyway? I mean, doesn't the GRDA do basically the same thing as OG&E, except in a portion of Eastern Oklahoma?

How much money could the state make if they sold it off to private investors?

01-19-2006, 09:11 PM
To be honest I'm not seeing a problem here. The complainer in the paper says the space is 2200 sq feet and the GRDA claims 1500. This could be explained if the property used a Common Area Factor of 30%. that is a little high but not out of the real of possibility. As for the "other state agencies don't do this" reasoning, let me just say this. Offices for most state agencies suck! Given the choice between Bricktown and some forsaken 3rd rate property - I would pick Bricktown too. Looking at the lease details in the paper it actually looks like the GRDA did a good negotiating job. Their expenses actually go down almost every year. Name me just one government associated entity that can say that about anything.

01-19-2006, 11:21 PM
The GRDA is composed of a bunch of whack-jobs. They are trying to shut down tournements on Grand Lake by imposing restrictions that they don't have the authority to impose. Now that the fishermens' lawyers have told them no dice, they're lobbying to get the law changed.
