View Full Version : Pet Peeves, 2006 edition

01-11-2006, 04:28 PM
We did this survey on pet peeves almost a year and a half ago. Since this is a new year, what are your pet peeves?

My Pet Peeves:

Motorists who drive less than the speed limit in the left hand lane.
Motorists that do not let their vehicles warm up on a cold morning, and they pull in to traffic doing 5 MPH.
Motorists that are going too slow because they are concentrating on their conversation on their cell phone and not paying attention to their driving.
Motorists that do not use signal lights.
Punks that have their radios blasting in their car, and have their windows rolled down.
Drive-Thru speakers at fast food restaurants
Companies and organizations that do not keep their websites up to date. The information on their sites are out of date.
People that don’t reply to your e-mails when you ask for a reply or when you ask a question.
People who think they know everything, and try to flaunt their “intelligence.”
People that do stupid things so that they can be the center of attention.
Loud people.
People who are always late.
Bad spelling
Bad punctuation.
People who interrupt while you are talking.
People who don’t give you their full attention when you are speaking to them.
Promises made and not kept.
Not turning the light out when you leave a room.

01-11-2006, 04:48 PM
Slackers, moochers, cry babies, people who don't work but are able to, people who don't take care of their children, people who always feel sorry for themselves and want sympathy, insensitive hospital staff and doctors, liars, cheaters, cussing every other word, loud mouths, fake people, etc., etc., etc......

01-11-2006, 06:47 PM
People with pet peeves.


01-12-2006, 06:38 AM
I love Scribe's and Randy's responses, but I too admit I have pet peeves; since most of mine have all been mentioned, I will leave it at that.

01-12-2006, 07:07 AM
Ooh, I have plenty of these.

......People that don't like people with pet peeves..
......People that think they are better than other people.
......People that label themselves "Christian," yet their posts say otherwise.
......People that think you are wrong just because you disagree with them.
......People that live and breathe politics, and still have no idea what is going on.
......Self centered people that think they are always right.
......People that think they can run the country better than the President (armchair wanna be's)
......People that thrive on attention
......People who ramble on about nothing
......People who think they are humorous, but only embarrassing themselves.

You know what? These pet peeves describe a few people on this forum. :tweeted:
I think one of them would be the author of that comment himself! If they are supposed to be references to me, I'll be happy to answer the "charges."

As far as "People that think they can run the country better than the President," that would describe just about anyone on this thread — being able to run the country better than the president, I mean.

01-12-2006, 11:12 AM
Mine are mainly grammar things.....not to incite anyone, but...

-People who say "people that" instead of "people who"
-Signs that are misspelled or include poor grammar....there is a strip club on N. May (Bosco's, I think). Everytime I drive by it bugs me that Gentlemen is spelled Gentelmen....did no one proof that?!?!?!?
-Reading or hearing "over 1000, blah, blah" It's "more than"! AAH!!!!

Can you tell I write and proof for a living? It's SO irritating...I think I have an illness!

01-12-2006, 12:00 PM
Escan, they make pills for that.


01-12-2006, 12:22 PM
The "who" one gets me the most, but I just go on.

01-12-2006, 12:48 PM
I need those pills badly. I try to move on, but it's like fingernails on a chalkboard!

01-12-2006, 12:52 PM
I have no patience with people who have no patience.

01-12-2006, 01:55 PM
People with pet peeves.


Scribe - I'm positive you have pet peeves. Why don't you list some?

01-12-2006, 02:03 PM
I would love to, but someone wants to make this personal. I was giving Keith a hard time and someone decided to twist it. Frankly, that someone has taken the fun out of this thread. Besides, I don't want to be accused of "thriving on attention" so I'll lay low for a while and concentrate on my blog. Thanks for asking, though.


El Gato Pollo Loco!!!
01-12-2006, 05:27 PM
Speed limits in general.

01-12-2006, 05:57 PM
People who put a Christian fish on their posts and then act in a very 'unChristian' like manner.

Sheesh, I think we need to lighten up.. talk about a buzzkill, this would have been a fun thread as I think Keith intended it to be...

I like Scribe's posts - he will never be a pet peeve in my book.

01-12-2006, 06:40 PM
Someone please explain to me what Scribe means; I don't see where someone might have made it personal; if it were me, even tho I did not mean to, I apologize, yet I still do not understand the problem.


01-12-2006, 07:07 PM
1. People who refuse to let people do their job the way the ccompany tells them to.
2. People who interupt people before they finish speaking.
3. rude people
4. slow, inconsiderate drivers. Ones who do not plan ahead.
5. people who will not tell the why when refusing a date or other area.
6. people who think they know it all and refuse to accept the fact some people just might know something.
7. people who whistle or hum.
8. most liberals.
9. people who will not think before they speak or act.
10. people who think they know someone, but do not.
11. crowds.
12. inconsiderate people in general.

That is enough... For now.

01-12-2006, 08:05 PM
Someone please explain to me what Scribe means; I don't see where someone might have made it personal; if it were me, even tho I did not mean to, I apologize, yet I still do not understand the problem.

I did some "explaining" to Randy, and it was agreed that we would delete his post. If you read in to the post, it does seem to be aimed at Scribe, since his post was just above it. That was uncalled for, so it was taken care of. It's not nice to take jabs at people.:respect:

This was intended to be a fun thread, so let's have some fun. Scribe, let's here some of your pet peeves.

01-12-2006, 08:27 PM
Good job moderating Keith! We knew it was supposed to be in good fun...

Some of my pet peeves?

Kid's not buckled up or sitting on parent's laps in cars
Parents smoking in the car with windows rolled up and kids having to hold their breath
Lit cigarettes thrown out car windows
Cell phones in a restaurant or movie theatre

01-13-2006, 12:48 AM
7. people who whistle or hum.

lol I can't seem to not do either of those. If I'm not singing something I'm whistling or humming.

A pet peeve of mine is when at a resturant the waitperson says "How are you guys doing tonight?" when it's just women sitting at the table.

01-13-2006, 06:10 AM
Thanks for the explanation; I just could not get the gist of it. I guess I missed the post that was removed.

Pet Peeve: People who use the word "just" when saying they missed something.

01-13-2006, 09:37 AM
Hospital Nurses, Doctors, Staff.. that are inconsiderate, insensitive to the patients.

Doctor's whom look at their patients more like a medical term in a book instead of a person.

Doctor's whom treat patients only to cover up their symptoms instead of trying to cure or refer to a specialist to cure the root of the problem. Masking symptoms is like spraying perfume over a skunk. A temporary fix.

Hospital's whom are negligent with patients and don't give them the care and attention they need which results in complications sometimes sever for the patients.

Hospital staff that don't care to wear the protectant gloves when drawing blood or giving I.V's.

I'm not a negative person, I swear... but I do have things that really get on my nerves. Maybe we should start a thread on things we like so you can see I really can be positive as well! : )

<<<Please excuse my grammar if that is one of your pet peeves>>>

01-13-2006, 12:04 PM
Just the use of "whom" when it should be "who." OOps! I said "just" again.

Could be me who is wrong tho.

Well! Start the thread of things we like; I won't be able to participate in it since I do not know of anything I like.

03-09-2006, 10:46 AM
People who feel the need to over explain things when it could have been explained in a sentence or two.

03-09-2006, 12:22 PM
People who feel the need to over explain things when it could have been explained in a sentence or two.

And usually they do not know what they are talking about anyway; they are just trying to impress someone, but they look dumbern a rock.

03-09-2006, 12:40 PM
Yeah I agree they do look pretty stupid. I just want to say "shut-up" already. But that would be rude and not my nature!

03-09-2006, 07:55 PM
Yeah I agree they do look pretty stupid. I just want to say "shut-up" already. But that would be rude and not my nature!
Wow! My name is written all over this post:kicking: .

I admit that I do have a problem of rambling on and on some times. It sometimes takes me a paragraph to explain something. It's not that I am trying to impress anyone, it is because I sometimes forget what I said, and I repeat myself.

My wife says that I make a short story long. I guess that's why, when someone asks me to explain something, she usually jumps in and explains for me.

Now, did you understand my explanation, or do I need to repeat myself:tweeted: ?

03-10-2006, 06:16 AM
Keith, at least I have not noticed you overusing the word "obviously" as though you have something nobody else has.

03-10-2006, 10:07 AM
Yes Keith but I'm sure you can tell when the person you are talking to understands what you are trying to say. Some people keep rambling on even when the person they are talking to already got their point an hour ago.